After    a cup of tea, Yu Qingqian took the lead to put the last red ball into the hole and ended the game.

  Except Feng Chen, several people showed a look of surprise.

   They hit a club by themselves, and the big devil was the last shot, but they were all rounded.

  Chu Ruo's eyes widened, "Big Demon King, you are so perverted, you actually hit the ball behind you into the hole by yourself, how did you do it?"

   "My mental power and judgment are stronger than you." Yu Qingqing chuckled lightly.

   This kind of gameplay requires very precise mental judgment and consumption, as well as strong skills, and she has it all.

  Chu Ruo covered her heart and joked, "Great Demon King, I was hurt by you."

   "Are you still playing?" Yu Qingqian raised her eyebrows as she watched several people.

  Chu Ruo had a look of admiration on her face, "Play, why don't you play?"

   A few people started the second round again, Chu Zhao said, "Great Demon King, why don't you take the cue first."

   Yu Qingqian replied with a half-smile, "Are you sure you want me to be the first person to shoot? Then maybe you guys won't have the chance to shoot."

   "Haha, if the Great Demon King can do it all in one shot, we really want to see it." Chu Xuan laughed out loud.

   This kind of gameplay has only one person who has done it all in one shot, but he wants to see if the mental power and accuracy rate of the Great Demon King can be so powerful.

   "Okay, then I'm welcome!"

  Yu Qingqian picked up the club and kept changing his appearance to hit the ball into the hole. This time, before there was time for a cup of tea, all the **** on the table had already fallen into the hole.

   "The Great Demon King is too fierce, it's her first time playing, she's even more powerful than Hongluan!" Chu Ruo couldn't help but marvel.

  Chu Zhao also nodded in agreement: "I don't know who will be more powerful when the Great Demon King and Hongluan play together."

   "I think the Great Demon King will be stronger." Chu Ruo's admiration for the Great Demon King deepened.

  Other people who came to play in the Hall of Bliss were also amazed and guessed the identity of each other in their hearts.

   Yu Qingqian was not enjoying himself, and the loneliness of a master cannot be understood by others.

   Just as he was about to put down the club, there was a loud noise from the side.

   "The Red Luan is here!"

   "Hongluan is actually here today, there is a good show to watch!"

   "Hongluan is the number one player at the Palace of Bliss. I don't know who will win if the two face each other."

  Yu Qingqian looked around, and saw a woman wearing a red dress, with a stunning appearance and a flamboyant temperament, walking over.

   Chu Xu saw the appearance of Hongluan, and the smile in his eyes deepened. He wondered if Feng Chen could stand the entanglement of this fiery beauty.

   "I didn't expect the big beauty in Hong to come today, are you ready to play?" Chu Xuan smiled and looked at Hong Luan, with a bit of blatant plunder and surprise in his eyes.

  Hongluan has a confident and flying color between her brows, and her beautiful and unparalleled face has a somewhat alienated smile: "Naturally I want to play."

   Immediately, she swept the people present, and when her eyes fell on Feng Chen, her beautiful eyes showed shock, and she was stunned as if she was electrocuted.

   It was the first time that Chu Xu had seen Hongluan lose his temper, and the playful smile on his lips was even deeper. Feng Chen had already caught the eyes of the number one beauty in the wild.

   He had already found out the news. Not long after the battle between the two domains, Hongluan was constantly collecting battle images, all of which belonged to Feng Chen.

   Not only that, Hongluan also bought back all the news of Feng Chen, and it has reached a state of a little madness.

  Since the end of the two-domain battlefield, Feng Chen has become the dream lover and sought after object of countless women in the four realms, and even the number one beauty in the wild realm cannot be refined.

   Chu Xu could guess that in the heart of a proud woman like Hongluan, she was afraid that only a man of peerless elegance like Feng Chen could be worthy of her.

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