The old man in green did not tell Yu Qingqian what he said to the man in the brocade robe. Sometimes it is not a good thing to tell them too early.

   What he needs to see is all the performances of Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen in the battle, so that they can better reflect their potential and strength.

   "Well, if it doesn't work, let's be a gardener first and feed ourselves." Yu Qingqian joked.

  The fact that Meiren's father was sent to the upper three realms to become a devil is too few people know, Yu Qingqian only told the sick beauty, not even Sheng Moran and Feng Li.

   Knowing too much about this kind of thing is not good for them.

   The old man in green sneered: "You girl has self-knowledge."

   "Senior, I brought some refined potions here today, do you want to take a look?" Yu Qingqian no longer mentions the Three Realms.

  The old man in green instantly regained his energy, "Take it out, old man and see."

  Yu Qingqian put all the newly refined poisons on the table, "The usage and efficacy of the poisons are all introduced on it, seniors can scan it with mental power."

   The old man in green couldn't wait to grab a few bottles of poison and swipe it, his originally calm eyes lit up a little.

   After reading all the poisons, the smile on the face of the green-robed old man deepened, "Little girl, the old man really likes the effects of the potions you extracted, and I want them all."

   "The old man will not let you suffer. You can take ten of the spiritual flowers and grasses planted in the garden outside." He added.

  Yu Qingqian knew that there were many extinct spiritual flowers and grasses outside, and the value of ten plants was definitely several times more than the poison she extracted.

   "Thank you for your generosity, senior. Then can I get some seeds or seedlings?" Yu Qingqian continued: "Of course, if I extract a more advanced poison later, I will give it to senior in exchange."

The old man in green didn't care, taking some seeds and seedlings would have no effect on the flowerbed, "Okay, when your potion level reaches the grandmaster level, you can send me more, and I won't treat you badly. "

   Now these potions don't really help him much, it's just the weird effects that make him interested. If Yu Qingqian can get more advanced poisons in the future, it will be of some use to him.

   "No problem." Yu Qingqian was also very satisfied.

   After the second layer of the small tower is opened, the condensed essence can give birth to the year of the spirit grass and spirit flower. With her own wood-type spawning ability, I believe that a batch of high-year spirit grass will soon be cultivated.

   The old man in green liked Yu Qingqian's temperament the most, but admired Feng Chen very much.

   He looked at Feng Chen with a meaningful smile and said, "Boy, your planting talent level is very potential. You have broken the planting prohibition set by this old man in a short time. It's not easy!"

The spirit plant of the imperial bloodline in the swamp was banned by him with a plant pattern close to the grandmaster level, but it took less than a stick of incense to be broken by Feng Chen, which made him Very surprised.

   "Senior praised, I have seen a similar ban on planting patterns before, so I solved it so quickly." Feng Chen smiled humbly.

   He has obtained a book of planting pattern inheritance in the forbidden area of ​​the Yun clan, and he has been studying it more recently, and the level of planting pattern has also improved rapidly. As long as he spends more time, I believe that he will soon reach the level of a great master.

   "The prohibition level of shallow planting is not much worse than mine." He added truthfully.

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