The Allure of the City: His Royal Highness is Too Provocative

Chapter 1056: Characters who move to the upper three realms

   The words of the green-robed old man did not sound like a lie, nor was it necessary.

  Yu Qing thought for a while and asked Gu Yan in the small tower, "Master, is what this old man said true?"

  The old man in green robe did not generate mental power, so he could not detect the existence of Gu Yan.

   "It should be." Gu Yan thought about it and said.

  "..." Yu Qing said with a black line, "What should it be?"

   "I was born into a big family, and I seldom had contact with the lower classes since I was a child, so I really don't know much about these things."

  Gu Yan paused and said, "This old man has an energy that is limited by the laws of heaven and earth. He didn't lie."

   "Master, your cultivation has actually surpassed that of the Spirit Emperor?" Yu Qingqian thought about it and asked.

  Gu Yan raised his chin arrogantly, "That's of course, people who cultivated as Emperor Ling could only be my bodyguard."

   "I didn't expect you to be an expert, Master." Yu Qingqian said amusedly.

  Gu Yan smiled shyly: "That's right, your master and I were also famous in the Three Realms. If you don't believe me, you can ask that old man. He may have heard of my reputation."

   "..." Yu Qingqian found that the master was good in other places, but he liked it too much.

   "Master, if I ask him if he knows your reputation, then he will doubt how I know you exist, so it's okay to expose your flaws." Yu Qingqian shook her head.

  Gu Yan also thinks it makes sense: "That's right, then you ask him if the aura of the upper three realms has been affected by the aura of the abyss, and whether other people's cultivation has fallen."

   Although they joked that the upper three realms might be the same as the lower four realms, the cultivation of all affected people fell one after another, but it is actually not very likely.

   "Well, this can be asked." Yu Qingqian was also curious about whether the upper three realms were affected.

   "Ask, the origin of this old man should not be very simple, it is estimated that he is a person from a certain force in the upper three realms." Gu Yan said.

  Yu Qingqian looked at the old man in green, and asked with a smile, "I have a question that I'm curious about. I wonder if the seniors can answer the question."

  The old man in green liked Yu Qingqian's demonic temperament during the training camp, "What is the problem, if it doesn't involve too many secrets, I can solve your doubts."

   "The Lower Fourth Realm was affected by the war more than 30 years ago, and the cultivation realm of cultivators dropped by three, so is it the same for the Upper Three Realms?" Yu Qingqian asked bluntly.

   The old man in green raised his eyebrows and replied, "The upper three realms are too far from the lower four realms, and you need to go through a space-time passage to get there. How much do you think it will be affected?"

   "That is to say, the cultivation realm of those who have been photographed for the third time has not fallen?" Yu Qingqian asked tentatively.

   "Bullshit, if even the third photo shoot was affected by this, then what?" the old man in green said angrily.

   I also felt a little bitter in my heart. I didn't expect that a mission was passed to the lower three realms, and their cultivation base was suppressed to the point where the Spirit Emperor did not say anything, and their cultivation realm also fell because of the great changes in the world.

   Not only can't go back now, but I don't know if after the cultivation base is promoted to the Spirit Emperor, if I go back to the upper three realms through the passage of time and space, I can return to the original realm.

   "So that's the case, then we'll be promoted to the Spirit Emperor in the future, and if we go to the upper three realms, we will also belong to the bottom cultivators." Yu Qing sighed lightly.

  The old man in green robe restrained the bitterness in his heart, "Of course, but with the potential and talent of you and Feng Chen, it won't be too difficult to get along in the upper three realms, so don't worry about that."

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