The news of the referee made the atmosphere of the four realms tense. Lingxijing wanted to continue to get the remaining training points, and the other three realms also saved enough energy to grab the last point.

  After two days of rest, everyone in the four realms set foot on the flying beast again and headed for the last training ground.

  Above a snowy peak, a man in a brocade robe stepped out of the void to the top of the mountain, and an old man in green was sitting on a rock with a jug drinking and enjoying the snow.

   "Why are you here?" The old man in green threw a disgusting look at the brocade man.

  The corners of the brocade man's lips raised, "Let's see if you old man is dead."

   "Seeing that I'm not dead, you can go!" The old man in green snorted coldly.

  The brocade-robed man walked over and sat opposite the green-robed old man, "Don't be so stingy! You don't even take a few sips of such a good spirit wine in your collection."

   The old man in green glared at the man in the brocade robe, "I knew there was nothing good for you to come to me, and you were thinking about the old man's wine."

   Although he glared at him, he still took out a pot of wine and threw it at him.

"In addition to drinking today, I also want to ask you if you have a better eye for the little guys who participated in this contest." The man in the brocade robe smiled and took the wine jug without using the wine glass. Drink directly from the spout.

   The messenger in the lower four realms is not just him, the old man's background is also very large.

   It’s just that the other party rarely goes out for a stroll. Most of them live on the border between the human domain and the beast domain. The owners of the four realms only think that the old man is an ordinary spiritual powerhouse, but they don’t know his identity.

"I took a fancy to Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen, and Sheng Moran and Feng Li barely caught my eye. Do you like it?" The old man in green looked at the man in the brocade with a half-smiling smile, and the other party's temptation gave him a chance. Clearly.

The brocade-clothed man chuckled and took a sip of wine: "I also like Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen, Sheng Moran and Feng Li have to see their performance on the battlefield, and I like the other three realms too. three people."

"Why are you telling me this? I won't let you Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen." The green clothed old man glanced at the man in the brocade, "Especially that little girl Yu Qingqian, she is very fond of this old man. ."

"You came to the mainland for so many years, and I saw that you were having so much fun, and I thought you forgot your mission." The man in the robe smiled disapprovingly: "It's a pity that we belong to different camps, Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen. It just so happens that I value it too.”

   It's just that relatively speaking, he values ​​Feng Chen more.

   "If it wasn't for the great war over thirty years ago that caused our realm to fall, why would I continue to stay in the next four realms."

   The old man in green said lightly: "Since the status quo cannot be changed for the time being, then I naturally have to live according to my nature."

   "We are already at the peak of the Holy Spirit, and it won't take many years to go back." The brocade-robed man sighed and sighed.

   "That's right. After staying for many years, this old man has finally met a few good seedlings, and it's not worth the accident." The old man in green said meaningfully.

   The man in the brocade robe chuckled: "I think so too."

   "Are you going to rob me?" The old man in green raised his eyebrows and looked at him.

  The man in the brocade also raised his eyebrows: "How can it be said to be robbing people? We also need good seedlings in the right way. You are so talented in the magic way, so you don't lack one or two of them."

   "Hmph, I just don't like the false modesty of your righteous way. The genius of your righteous way is much better than the devil's way. This time, the old man valued Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen will not let you."

  The old man in green paused and said, "You'd better not play tricks in private, but the old man hasn't moved his muscles for many years."

   "I'll give you the same words. If we can't reach an agreement on this issue, we should still drink at the bar."

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