In the city lord's mansion, the four realm masters and the senior officials of the four realms were all astonished after hearing the referee's words.

   "Has there been this reward rule before?" The Realm Lord of the Wilderness looked at the other three and asked.

   How did he never know that the results of the training camp could still be rewarded with points.

  Tianyu Realm Lord and Hailan Realm Lord replied in unison: "I haven't heard of it."

  Lingxi Realm Master still had a gentle smile on his face, and the smile in his eyes was deep, he liked to hear such sudden news.

   Even if they didn’t get that point in the last remaining training camp, it still means they are ahead of the other three, which is a good start.

  Lingxi Realm Master and several high-level officials in the realm were more and more satisfied with Feng Chen and Yu Qingqian, and felt that their bold decision to choose two people as leaders was too correct.

   "Lingxi, you guys are so lucky! Since it's so easy to get two points." Tianyu Realm Lord smiled meaningfully, but the smile didn't reach his eyes.

   Whether it is the overall strength of the territory, or the performance of the previous battles, the Tianyu realm is the strongest, but I didn't expect to lose so much at the beginning this time.

  Hailan Realm Lord said with a smile, "I didn't expect that person to suddenly give such a reward. You really got it."

   The savage realm master also sighed: "It seems that we only have to fight for the last training camp."

   It is also good to get a point. After you are on the battlefield, it takes a lot of time to earn a point. How can it be as simple as a training camp.

   "Yeah! We were lucky this time." The master of the rhinoceros smiled.

The realm masters of the four realms all know that the chief referee is the messenger of the third mirror. The battle of the contest not only represents the four realms competing for the places and resources of the Tianmai Land, but also relates to whether the disciples of the four realms will be judged by the above. arrive.

   It was just explained above that no one is allowed to reveal the news before the battle, otherwise they will be punished, so the realm owners of the four realms can only expect their own people to perform well, and dare not spread the news privately.

  Because of the status of the chief referee, they are not qualified to question or veto each other, even if it is such a temporary decision, so the other three realm masters can only swallow this humiliation themselves, and dare not object.

   The referee came quickly and walked quickly, even if the disciples of the three realms had any resentment, they could only admit it.

  The disciples of Lingxi Realm felt that Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen had foresight, and they deserved to be their leaders.

   "You two guessed the point reward?" Feng Li put his eyes on Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen and swept back and forth.

   Yu Qing gave him a plain look, "Do you think we are gods? How can you guess such a thing."

   They were surprised too! It seems that the identity of the referee is not simple!

   Feng Chen looked at Feng Li speechlessly, "We are not spiritual planters of the divination department."

   Feng Li raised his eyebrows: "Then why are you so active in the first two training camps? You also specially assist others to complete the training camp trials."

   "It's very simple!" Yu Qingqian shrugged: "Opportunities are always given to those who are prepared, and we belong to that."

   "What's more, your brother and I like to strive to be the best in our work. This kind of training clearly shows that we are able to run in the team's ability to fight, and we naturally have to cooperate."

   Yu Qingqian threw him an idiot look, "We won't get along with ourselves."

   "..." Feng Li twitched the corners of his mouth, he didn't like to have trouble with himself!

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