After giving the soul lamp, watching the two of them sacrifice a ray of soul and lighting the entire soul lamp, Yu Ziyu explained some things.

However, this is just to make them cautious, and then pay attention to inquire about the black stone tablet.

Today, Yu Ziyu only has the first level of great magical power that can transform the three pure states with one breath.

Although, this has brought Yu Ziyu to the sixth level.

However, desire is endless.

After seeing that the first level of One Qi Transforming Three Purities was so helpful to him, Yu Ziyu was naturally jealous of the other levels.

Moreover, with great supernatural powers like this, the more the better.……

"Yes, Lord Star God, we will definitely remember your instructions."

Responded in unison, Yueluoxingjie and Ah Qi slowly stood up and chose to retreat.

And not long after that, the two figures quietly disappeared into the heaven.

Fifth level A strong person can already physically cross the void.

With the methods of Ah Qi and Yue Luo Xing Jie, it is too easy to leave without being discovered.


At this time, Yu Ziyu, who noticed the two of them leaving, also raised the corners of his mouth in a subtle arc.

I hope they both live up to expectations.

If he really found the news about the black stone tablet, Yu Ziyu estimated that he would have to go there personally.

And at that time, even if the stone tablet was in the stronghold of these powerful clans, Yu Ziyu would probably knock on the door and snatch it directly.

With a smile in her heart, Yu Ziyu also had a look of expectation on her face.

Now, he doesn't mind revealing his true strength.

Before, he was still afraid.

Now, what about exposure?

With his earth-shattering fighting power, he is enough to defy everything.

Even if he is besieged by dozens of extraordinary sixth-order eternal giants, he is fearless.

Only the background of each clan, such as the imperial soldiers, can make him be careful.

However, just be careful.

At least, relying on his current combat power, supplemented by the great god who can reach the nine realms of the sky, and the seventh-level magic sword to kill, Yu Ziyu is enough to fight against those imperial soldiers.

Although the imperial soldiers are terrifying, they cannot fully recover after all. And their current masters are not the peerless overlords they used to be.

They are still only at the sixth level, so how can they really mobilize the power of the imperial soldiers.

In this way, we can also understand why Yu Ziyu is so confident.

It's just a pity...

Now, it's not time to reveal your strength, and until there is no real treasure worthy of taking action, you can still hide it if necessary.

An explosion at a critical moment is enough to kill someone.

Even, it can make them unable to stand up forever.

After all, Yu Ziyu is still planning to fight.

If he is really lucky, Yu Ziyu can even rely on his strength to seize the imperial army.

Of course, there is only one such opportunity.

If their strength is exposed early, every powerful clan will probably guard against Yu Ziyu like a wolf.

When the time comes, let alone seizing the imperial soldiers, whether they can see them or not is one thing.

"If I can seize the opportunity, I can even dominate the entire era."

Amid the murmur, Yu Ziyu, who was sitting on the throne, had a flash of blazing heat in the depths of his eyes.

It was the fire of ambition, enough to start a prairie fire.

However, what was even more terrifying was that Yu Ziyu not only wanted to start a prairie fire, but also wanted to set the entire world on fire. The starry sky lit up.

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu chose to close his eyes again.

Adapting to the body of the void elf, condensing the seal of space, and occasionally manipulating the body to practice...

Now, he has too many things to do, too much many……


During this period, the Demon Palace's grand ceremony was held as scheduled.

The momentum is astonishing.

Throughout the heaven, countless powerful people gathered.

The fifth-level true gods stand tall in the starry sky.

What's even more frightening is that at Jiuwei's command, the stars in the entire solar system began to twinkle.

Especially the eight planets outside the stars are the brightest.

And this is the foundation of Demon Court.

The entire asteroid belt is functioning like a formation.

"Boom, boom, boom……"

One after another, colorful torrents of spiritual energy are drawn by these countless stars, rushing towards the solar system.

Suddenly, the entire solar system was filled with colorful lights that flickered on and off.

Faintly, one can hear the voices of countless creatures

"We are waiting to congratulate Lord Star God on reaching the sixth level and becoming an eternal giant.……"

"We are waiting to congratulate Lord Star God on reaching the sixth level and becoming an eternal giant.……"

The shouts in unison, one wave after another, shook half of the star field.

And this is the Demon Court Ceremony.

Its momentum and style far exceed the imagination of all ethnic groups

"In this demon court, I seem to see the shadow of the former heaven.……"

With a sigh, outside the solar system, a figure standing quietly was also silent.

If you look closely at this figure, you can clearly see that his body is shrouded in black clouds and mist, making it difficult to see clearly.

Only the majestic and simple aura seemed to indicate the extraordinary and terrifying nature of this figure.


With a slight cold snort, another figure not far away from this figure said in a cold voice:

"Dang Mo, we are going to investigate who attacked the secret realm, instead of reminiscing about the past glory here."

Speaking of this, this figure added:

"Sooner or later, we will have to settle things with this demon court... To dare to use the name of the demon court is too disrespectful to our heavenly court."

"Let’s talk about this later. Now we know that there are still inheritance in our heaven, but there are only a few people."

Shaking his head helplessly, Demon Dang Tianzun also waved his sleeves and chose to turn around and leave.

After all, they met by chance, and they still had important things to deal with, but they didn't have time to waste here.

Of course, the most important thing is They heard that this star god seemed to be a space cultivator.

And they were also extremely wary of such an existence.

Otherwise, with their temper, when they saw such a force that dared to call itself the 'Demon Palace', they would not give it a slap in the face. Shoot him to death.

Isn't this an obvious attempt to steal their heavenly luck...

However, at this time, not only these heavenly powerful men secretly came to Yikuan, but also the powerful men from other forces came one by one.

Among them, the Titans The top forces close to the Demon Court, such as the God Clan and the Angel Clan, even sent their second or third leaders.

For example, the Titan God Clan sent their old acquaintances, the Mountain Titans, to give gifts.

The Angel Clan, on the other hand, had four major Lan, the only female among the Seraph Kings, came here in person._Fei

Lu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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