You must know that the two owners of the first floor in the world who are in charge of the Galaxy Star Territory are only at the fifth level.

And now...Yu Ziyu took two people who were no less important than them and sent them over.

Come to think of it, if the people behind the world's number one building know this, their expressions should be very exciting.

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu also had a look of amusement on his face.

However, for a moment, as if he thought of something, Yu Ziyu also reminded:

"I will send people to erase all traces of you in Demon Court. As for how you join the No. 1 House in the World, that is your business...."

"Subordinate, I understand...."

In response, Ah Qi also lowered the black peaked cap on her head, and the corners of her mouth under the brim of the hat raised a subtle arc.

Diving into the game, it seemed like he hadn't played it in a long time.

However, more than ten years ago, when he first entered the third level of Transcendence, he seemed to have sneaked into the most famous mercenary group in the Free Continent, and then...Accidentally, he overplayed his game and became the leader.

And now...Although it is indeed mysterious to go down the first floor, his strength is not what it used to be.

And, more importantly,...

As if thinking of something, Ah Qi also glanced at a leaf on his chest.

This is a gift from Master Shenmu.

It's a small magical power - the turtle's breath

【The Divine Turtle Hidden Breath - a seemingly ordinary, but extremely strange little magical power that can condense one's own breath and spiritual power, making it look like an ordinary person. And if one has cultivated it to a small level, not to mention the same level, even if Even if he is a person of a higher realm, he cannot tell. In addition, this small magical power can put oneself into a state of suspended animation when severely injured, thereby slowly recovering from the injury...】

This is also a small magical power from heaven.

However, this small magical power is the least powerful among the seven small magical powers in the Heavenly Secret Realm.

To a certain extent, this is just an auxiliary magical power.

However, such a small magical power is extremely suitable for assassins.

Therefore, the seven shadow assassins were all given to Yu Ziyu as soon as he came back.

Yu Ziyu even said bluntly:

"In the future, the first threshold for becoming a shadow assassin is to practice this small magical power to a small level...."...

But now, with this little magical turtle hiding breath, and supplemented by his various abilities, Ah Qi believes that it is not difficult for him to climb up step by step from a handyman on the first floor of the world.

However, this may take some time.

Maybe, ten years.

Maybe a hundred years...

However, one thing is for sure...That is, as long as he is cautious, the chance of being discovered is infinitely close to zero.

In this way, Ah Qi's mentality is naturally good.

There is even a sense of returning to the playful life...

Of course, Ziyu was also aware of Ah Qi's change in expression.

That is a kind of confidence.

It’s an indescribable confidence

"Tsk tsk..."

With a grin, Yu Ziyu reminded half-jokingly:

"After all, it is a big force. You'd better be careful to avoid capsizing in the gutter...."

After saying that, Yu Ziyu also sighed::

"I don't want to have to collect your bodies when the time comes."


With a curl of his lips, Yueluoxingjie, who was not far away, also rarely responded:

"I don't dare to trouble Lord Star God to collect the corpse....And even if it is discovered...It shouldn’t be that simple if the number one guy in the world really wants to keep me."

In the clear voice like an oriole, Yueluoxingjie is also full of freedom.

It is absolute confidence in herself.

This is because she is no longer the fledgling she was back then.

Now, she is a real extraordinary person. A fifth-level powerhouse.

Although like Ah Qi, they are only at the early stage of fifth level, and cannot compare with late fifth-level ones like Zi Si and King Chong.

But as the top assassins, their methods are beyond what others can imagine.

As for this, not only Yue Luo Xing Jie, but even Ah Qi firmly believed in it....

At this time, looking at the determination on the faces of the two people under the main hall, Yu Ziyu also admired:

"Having confidence is a good thing."

As he said that, Yu Ziyu also waved his hand.

For a moment, the space rippled.

Then, in the stunned eyes of Yueluoxingjie and Ah Qi, two black lanterns appeared in the air.

The lanterns It's not big, but there is no candle burning.

Moreover, there is an indescribable ambiguity.

Just looking at it, I feel like my soul is being swallowed.

"This is the soul lamp...Can carry a ray of soul of both of you.."

"Even if something unexpected happens to you two in the future, the Demon Court will still have a glimmer of hope and can use the Soul Lamp to resurrect you two."

Speaking one after another, Yu Ziyu also revealed the most heaven-defying ability of the Soul Lamp.

Of course, it is heaven-defying. Gui Nitian.

The cost and price are also very high.

Not to mention the cost, it requires a truly great magical power user.

The cost alone, which requires a great magical power user to consume a lot of vitality, is not ordinary terrible.

Therefore, if the two of them, He cannot make great contributions to the Demon Court, and it is unrealistic to want to be resurrected.

In the final analysis, resurrection through the soul lamp is just a hope.

And its real purpose is naturally to monitor the movements of these two people. If the two of them If they have any evil intentions, Yu Ziyu can also use the soul lamp to lock their position and pursue them endlessly.

And for this, not only Luoyue Xingjie, but even Ah Qi is well aware of this.

However, this , no one will tell.

After all, the existence of the soul lamp is indeed a treasure for those who have not developed a 'heart of betrayal'. You must know that the current Demon Court has spent more than ten years making the soul lamp. There are only twenty-one.

Each one is extremely precious.

And now, Yu Ziyu gave two soul lamps to the two of them.

One can imagine how much they value this. ps:----------------Ask for customization------------

Third update...

Fourth update, a little later...Crimson is sorting out the plot. Crimson's thoughts have been a bit confused these past two days and she has not clarified the plot.

So the progression of the plot is a bit slow.

Very embarrassing, haha. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download it

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