And the moment Yu Ziyu finished speaking,


There was a loud noise, like the sky collapsing.

For a moment, in the eyes of this mysterious octopus monster, which were astonished and even mixed with fear, Yu Ziyu's figure suddenly rose into the wind.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Accompanied by loud noises one after another, tree roots like dragons surged out one after another, and immediately took root in the void in all directions.

At the same time, a tree body as thick as a bucket continued to rise.

As the tree grows taller, it also becomes thicker.

Fortunately, the entire Demon Palace was built using ritual tools.

It's quite solid.

Therefore, Yu Ziyu had no worries when he lifted up the entire Demon Palace with a tree trunk and then pushed it up to a higher sky.

And this sentence needs another explanation.

It's the huge Demon Palace, now hanging on a very ordinary tree trunk like a red lantern.

"Gulu, Gulu..."

Seemingly swallowing his saliva, the mysterious octopus looked pale as he looked at the giant tree rising from the ground, which looked like it was supporting the whole world.

"this...What is it?"

"What exactly is this?"

Amidst the incredible screams, the octopus monster couldn't believe it.

Are you kidding? How could such a monster exist?

Don't mention it....This tree is unusually large.

No matter how huge it is, it's just like that for octopus monsters.

What really makes the octopus monster incredible is the extremely complicated life code.

You know, ordinary life, in the eyes of the octopus monster, is just composed of one or two numbers.

Some terrifying fourth-level life forms, and even fifth-level life forms, only have more numbers, and can be analyzed only by spending time.

Can...this monster...The codes that make up life are like a torrent.

Yes, torrent.

A real data deluge.

Facing the terrible data torrent, the octopus monster did not analyze it...Just by looking at it, I almost got heartbroken.

" really are a monster..."

Screaming repeatedly, the octopus monster retreated crazily.

It's just a pity.

Now, Yu Ziyu, who has recovered his true body, is too huge.

Huge branches spread throughout the entire small world of life.

In other words, no matter where this guy goes, he is only covered by Yu Ziyu's branches.

"Now...Have you seen my true nature?"

The playful laughter suddenly sounded in the octopus monster's heart, but it made his face even paler. There was a hint of fear emerging faintly.

He was born to be able to see through the essence of all things, and what he loved most was to peek into all things. The secret at the deepest root.

However, when faced with such an extremely terrifying life form as Yu Ziyu, he was truly afraid...really scared.

Because, even if he was given a lifetime to understand a life form like Yu Ziyu's, he would not be able to analyze it..

And the reason for this is because this octopus monster discovered that the essence of Yu Ziyu's life is constantly changing, seeming to be approaching more perfection.

And change? Perfection?

What does it mean?


Really endless..

In other words, even if he spends his whole life, he will never be able to truly analyze it.

And how can this make him not afraid? Not timid.

He has never known what fear is. This is the first time he is afraid, and it is also the first time he has chosen escaped


Looking at the octopus monster that kept running away in a hurry, Yu Ziyu shook his head in boredom.

Originally, he thought that this octopus monster could surprise him.

But now, it seems, that's it.

But at this time, Yu Ziyu didn't know yes...This octopus monster had been unlucky for eight lifetimes when he encountered him.

Just because the innate ability of this octopus monster can indeed analyze everything in the world, even ordinary seventh-level masters...Give him the ability to analyze everything in the world.

But...He is the only one who cannot analyze a living body.

That is a life form that has reached the sixth or even seventh revolution.

And all this is just because a life form that has reached the sixth or even seventh revolution is almost equivalent to a world of its own.

Its life essence is the same as the world.

And this kind of life essence, in the eyes of the octopus monster, is endless, changeable, and impossible to fathom.

Just because, although the octopus monster can analyze the world, it can only analyze a corner of the world.

But like this, analyzing a 'complete world' at once, that is, a six-revolution life form like Yu Ziyu, the terrible torrent of data alone is enough to make him collapse.

It is worth mentioning that for a sixth-revolution life form like Yu Ziyu, not to mention the current universe, even if the future is included, it should not be found within ten fingers.

And now, this octopus monster bumped into Yu Ziyu. this...

This is too much bad luck, right?...

And at this time...Quietly looking at the octopus monster running around in the small world of life, Yu Ziyu also condensed his eyes.

【Race: Void creature (As the sixty-seventh king in the void, he carries 'knowledge' and 'truth'.)

Level: Extraordinary fifth level.

Natal talent: Knowledge - the ability to organize and summarize any knowledge, and the ability to analyze its essence based on existing knowledge.

Special ability:

Light of analysis - emits a purple light that can analyze all things.

Extinction Death Light - After the analysis is truly completed, the light of analysis can turn into an all-extinction death light, obliterating everything. Even if the essence of the legendary hardest iron is analyzed, it will be destroyed by this light. The ice and snow are melting.

Find Weaknesses - Ability to find weaknesses in any creature and exploit them.

Void Wandering - When the octopus-like tentacles swing, you can escape in the void...

Supernatural power:

Observation - As an observer of the world, he observes not only the void, but also the universe...While observing, he was able to use his existing knowledge to disrupt the basic structure of the world....In other words, changing the essence of things is like turning stone into gold (this kind of power consumption is extremely terrifying, and it is easy to be counterattacked)

Staring again, a meaningful smile appeared on Yu Ziyu's face.

He seemed to underestimate this guy.

No, more accurately...

This guy's weirdness and potential were far beyond his imagination.

Not to mention anything else, the death light that wipes out everything is enough to threaten the seventh-level master.

Of course, the premise is that the seventh-level master is willing to analyze this void creature.

However, even so, we can still see how terrifying this guy is.

A mere fifth-level life form actually has the ability to injure a seventh-level creature.

One can imagine how incredible this is.

And this, not to mention, his extremely weird magical power - observation.

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