Time flies, and half a month has passed in the blink of an eye.

And just in half a month...Yu Ziyu’s familiar figures also returned one by one.

"master...haven't seen you for a long time..."

With a trembling voice, Zerg Queen Sarah slowly bent down and took the initiative to salute.

"haven't seen you for a long time...Shar.."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu also carefully looked at the girl in front of him.

Wearing a black tights, she outlined her perfect curves.

There are insect wings on the back that look like wings.

Although the long hair is black, it emits a hazy white light under the baptism of spiritual power.

As for the face...Sarah is still the same as before, as if time has never touched her face.

However, if you look closely, you can surprisingly find that this girl's strength has reached the late fifth level, and she is only one step away from the unity state.

"The spirit has been completely materialized...When it reaches the sixth level, I estimate that it will turn into a spiritual life...."

With a murmur in his heart, Yu Ziyu also saw through the reality of his disciple. spiritual life...

Especially the spiritual life that separates from the physical body and evolves is not generally terrifying.

No matter from any angle, this kind of life form is enough to stand at the top.

If you are not careful at the same level, you will fall into the hands of this kind of life form.

In this way, we can also imagine how talented his disciple is.


With a sound of admiration, Yu Ziyu, who was sitting on the throne in the main hall of the Demon Palace, also waved his hand and ordered:

"You can go down and rest for now...."

And at this moment, as if he thought of something, Yu Ziyu also reminded:

"The Demon Court Ceremony will be held tomorrow, remember to wear fancy clothes..."

"I know, Master."

With laughter like a silver bell, Sarah also slowly exited the main hall of the Demon Palace....

Now is not the time to reminisce about the past, there are still many people waiting for Yu Ziyu.

In the past ten days, Yu Ziyu has been sitting high on the throne, seeing one acquaintance after another alone.

And the disciple Sarah is just one of them.

However, at this moment, as if he noticed something, Yu Ziyu's eyes suddenly focused.

Slowly raising his eyes, he looked at the entrance of the main hall of the Demon Palace. What caught Yu Ziyu's eyes was a very familiar figure.

With a slender figure, her bare feet are stepping on purple fireworks.

One step leads to a life of lotus.

But there was a strange sound echoing.

Looking for the sound, I was surprised to find that this figure had two very delicate earrings, one dragon and one snake, swaying gently.


With a soft call, Yu Ziyu looked at the figure that suddenly appeared, and her face moved slightly.

Ling'er, the world calls her 'Emperor Ji'.

If Yu Ziyu is the king on the bright side of the Demon Court, then every time the night falls, a queen will quietly come.

And that is Di Ji—Linger...

Of course, everyone in the world calls her Di Ji’,‘Ling'er's name is not something ordinary people can know.


Gritting her teeth tightly, Ling'er's voice was trembling.

It seemed like he couldn't believe it, but he was also so excited that he couldn't help himself.

More than ten years.

Her feelings for her master have not diminished at all.

On the contrary, it is increasing day by day. now...Quietly looking at the one sitting high on the throne...A figure in white clothes like snow...Even with Ling'er's control over himself, he couldn't control his emotions. but...

The more this happens, the more it proves Yu Ziyu's status in her mind.

After all, Yu Ziyu is the only one who can make the dark world and everyone in the world feel frightened by the news of the Emperor Ji. She has such emotional changes....


Word by word...It was also the first time that Yu Ziyu stood up from the throne and walked towards the figure not far away.

Among all his acquaintances, Ling'er was definitely the one he couldn't ignore.

Its status cannot even be compared to that of Kyuubi....

And this is Linger...He watched the little girl grow up little by little

"Owner...I really miss you..." a narration...Ling'er also rushed towards Yu Ziyu excitedly...

However, at this time, whether it was fate or not, Yu Ziyu discovered that there were two shadows entangled with each other around Ling'er.

A big black snake seemed to come from Jiuyou.

The other one was a black dragon, showing its fierce look.

And now...


"Yin, Yin..."

Between the hissing of snakes and the roar of dragons, Yu Ziyu sensed a surge of anger.

Suddenly, they were trying to prevent Yu Ziyu from getting close to Ling'er.

"What a fate..."

She sighed in her heart, and Yu Ziyu couldn't help but reveal a smile on her face.

Just because... he seems to have a shadow like this



Suddenly two dragon roars rose into the sky, and there was an indescribable terror.

Its sound roared, rolling up the clouds and creating ripples.

At this time, if you look outside the Demon Palace, you will be surprised to find that a ten thousand feet long blue dragon phantom and a ten thousand feet long purple dragon phantom are entangled with each other, entangling the entire Demon Palace.

This is the"carrier of power" that Yu Ziyu gathered after practicing the great supernatural power to transform the three pure beings in one breath, which can carry the power of Yu Ziyu's green dragon body and purple dragon body.

Although it is not a life, its terrifying power is no less than that of the real blue dragon, the purple dragon descends.

Therefore, this kind of dragon roar is obviously not something that the two souls hovering around Ling'er can resist.

"Ling'er, you're still a little behind...."

Amidst the teasing laughter, Yu Ziyu had already noticed Ling'er who was very close at hand, and the two phantoms of dragon and snake around him, as completely frozen as eggplants beaten by frost.

"Can I compete with the master? You don’t even look at it, what is your strength?"

My heart was slightly shaken, but Ling'er smiled happily.

For her, the stronger Yu Ziyu's strength is, the happier she is.

Now, before Yu Ziyu takes action, just two dragon roars are all over her body. freeze....

How could such strength not excite her?

It seems...

Master, the purpose of going out this time has been achieved....

While sighing in his heart, Ling'er suddenly remembered something. moment...

After pondering for a while, Ling'er also took the initiative and said:

"correct...Master, there is a very mysterious guy who has wanted to see you for a long time...."

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