"What's wrong?"

As if he noticed the strange look on Lan Xi's face, Yu Ziyu raised the corner of his mouth and asked playfully.

With his eyesight, he could naturally see Lan Xi's shock when he saw the Blood Demon clansman.

But, what was he shocked about? ?

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu also made a guess

"sacred tree..."

In response, Lan Xi took a complicated look at the Blood Demon Tree Man and did not dare to hide it:

"I was just a little surprised that the aura of this Blood Demon clansman was purer than mine."

Speaking, Lan Xi also continued to explain:

"As a princess of the Blood Demon Clan, I am one of the best when it comes to bloodline, but this figure, whom I have never seen before, is.."

He didn't finish his words, but the look on Lan Xi's face said it all.

Hard to believe.

It was even more unbelievable.

In response, the smile on Yu Ziyu's face became even stronger.

Sure enough, this princess of the Blood Demon Clan did not discover the 'real abnormality' of the Blood Demon Treeman.

As for why the blood of the blood demon tree people is purer than that of the blood demon princess, Yu Ziyu understands a little bit.

You know, that is the miracle tree, the ancient demon tree.

As for its Blood Demon Fruit, it was truly concluded by tracing its origins and pursuing the 'mystery' deep in the Blood Demon Clan's bloodline.

To put it simply, the bloodline of the Blood Demon tree people is likely to come from the ancestor of the Blood Demon clan.

Compared to the blood demon princess who has inherited an unknown amount of blood, she naturally has to be pure.

Moreover, this is because the Blood Demon Treeman is not strong.

If he were a little stronger and truly developed the power of the Blood Demon Fruit, he might become the ancestor of the next Blood Demon Clan.

And this is the real horror of the Miracle Tree.

Tracing the source.

What we are pursuing is the source of life, and what we are looking back to is the origin of our bloodline....

After repeated inquiries, Yu Ziyu was relieved of her worries after proving that the identity of the Blood Demon Treeman was difficult to be discovered by Lan Xi, the princess of the Blood Demon Clan.

"Now, you can hunt all races..."

As he smiled in his heart, a cold light flashed in the depths of Yu Ziyu's eyes.

And at the next moment, as if thinking of something, Yu Ziyu also ordered to a blood crow standing on a branch not far away:

"Go and call the Bull Demon over"

"Yes, sacred tree..."

With a response, the fist-sized blood crow dispersed with a bang, leaving only a streak of blood-red feathers slowly falling on the branches....

And not long after that, Blood Star, one of the seven holy demon cities.

A figure with a bull's head and a human body looks like a demon, sitting high on the throne.

On both sides of him, figures that looked like gods and demons stood quietly.

As for the center of the hall...

There were several bloody figures, kneeling on the ground.

"I'm waiting to meet the Lord of Demons..."

The Blood Demon tribesmen also bowed their heads respectfully as they shouted for the Lord in unison.

The Lord of Demons, the leader of this invasion of the Blood Demon Star.

It was he who led this bloody war.

However, compared to this one, the eternal giant behind him is even more frightening. so...

There was no hesitation, let alone no hesitation. One after another, the forces of the Blood Demon Clan gave up their resistance.

Among these forces, Niu Mo has supported several above-average forces.

This kind of force has the greatest potential and a certain amount of power, and can actually replace the former Seven Blood Demon Cities.

As for the former seven blood demon cities, except for the demon hunting main city which was captured by Lord Zilong, the other six main cities were all destroyed, and the strong men in each main city were exiled to the 'Void Small World' one after another.

Although, among the seven major cities, one or two major cities surrendered.

But considering that they were once the leaders of the Blood Demon Clan, the Bull Demon also suppressed the thought of subduing them.

Only the forces that have been cultivated by one's own hands can be believed.

Just like now, these blood demon clan forces that he personally supported are all grateful to him....

However, at this moment, as if he noticed something, the Bull Demon also turned his eyes to look at the Immortal Crow not far away.

"What's the matter, Sky Crow?"

"Second brother..."

With a chuckle, the Immortal Sky Crow also said bluntly:

"Just now the master asked you to go back"

"Is that so?..."

After murmuring, the Bull Demon also looked at the white tiger not far away and explained:

"Third brother, let me go first and leave this place to you for now."

As he said that, the Bull Demon took a step forward and turned into a purple-black light, shooting towards the sky in an instant.

The master has orders, and he dare not disobey.

Moreover,...As if he thought of something, Niu Mo also had a smile on his face.

"It just so happens that these treasures can be dedicated to the master..."...

Three days later, deep in the small world of life

"The subordinate Bull Demon pays homage to his master."

With a respectful voice, Niu Mo, who had come back after a long journey, also rushed to see Yu Ziyu for the first time.

"Well, good work."

With that said, Yu Ziyu also asked directly:

"How is the Blood Demon Star now?"

"Reporting back to the master, for now, the entire Blood Demon Star is under our control."

In response, Niu Mo paused and added:

"Now, I have supported a new force in the Blood Demon Clan, named the Seven Kills Hall... with seven strong men from the Blood Demon Clan in charge."

"And these seven powerful blood demon clan members are already the inner circle members of our demon realm....trustworthy..."

Listening quietly, Yu Ziyu also nodded slightly, with a satisfied smile on his face.

As expected of a bull demon, he really has his three-point style in doing things.

Not to mention anything else, just subduing the Blood Demon Clan and supporting new forces was just like his usual routine.

As for how the Bull Demon confirmed that those strong men of the Blood Demon Clan were worthy of trust, that was not Yu Ziyu's concern.

After all, the current Niu Mo, Bai Hu and others have grown up.

Each has its own trump cards and methods.

Although Yu Ziyu is the master, he has no right to interfere with this.

However, if nothing else, it should be some restrictions or oaths. ps:------------Ask for customization------------

Hunting all races, the Blood Demon Race is just the beginning...Next... also begins the prologue of Ten Thousand Races. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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