"Boom, boom, boom...

There were loud noises one after another, and the roar became increasingly loud and continuous.

And at this time, if you look not far away.

Suddenly, one could see that a monster covered in blood-colored scales was pressing on a tree man, as if it was going berserk, and kept punching out.

Every punch that falls compresses the air and turns it into a terrifying punch that hits hard.


There was a loud noise, and on the trembling ground, a tree man couldn't help but scream.

Even with the terrifying body of the tree people, it is difficult to withstand the terrifying power of the fist.

And this is the power given by the Blood Demon Fruit

"Really good power..."

With secret praise in his heart, Yu Ziyu also took a deep look at this blood-demon-turned-tree man.

It has to be said that actual combat is the only criterion for testing.

And now, through actual combat, Yu Ziyu also discovered the horror of this blood demon tree man

"After being transformed into a blood demon, his strength increased by more than 50%, his speed increased several times, and even his body's flexibility experienced a qualitative change... and..."

While muttering, Yu Ziyu also noticed wisps of blood flowing towards the body of the blood-demon tree man.

This is the blood energy unique to the Blood Demon Clan, which can absorb the enemy's power during battle and make up for itself.

It's a terrible method.

But now, this blood demonized tree man can be used initially.

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu also clapped his hands and stopped him:

"Okay, it's over"

"Yes, Tree Ancestor."

Between two consecutive responses, the two tree men slowly separated.

And at this moment,

"Swish, swish..."

With two blasts of air, two drops of life essence shot out by Yu Ziyu fell on them


As the green halo filled the air, the injuries of the two tree men were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The sixth level life essence is no joke.

This was deliberately diluted by Yu Ziyu.

If it were not diluted, with the strength of the two tree men, they might not be able to bear it.

"Please step back first."

After giving instructions to another tree man, Yu Ziyu's eyes turned and fell on the blood demon tree man.

"How does it feel?"

With a touch of curiosity, Yu Ziyu also looked forward to the answer given to him by this Blood Demon clansman.


While hesitating, the blood demon tree man also clenched his fists, as if he was feeling it.

For a moment, with a touch of determination, this blood demon tree man also said

"Shuzu, I feel good, extremely good, now I feel stronger in my body..."

"Is that so?..."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu narrowed his eyes slightly.

He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he felt that the IQ of this blood demon tree man had improved to a certain extent.

However, it is a pity that IQ is a thing as powerful as Yu Ziyu's, and it cannot be seen for a while.

This requires some time of observation.

After a day or two, you should be able to draw a conclusion.

If it can really improve IQ, then the status of the Miracle Tree in Yu Ziyu's heart will probably be improved again....

Of course, now, it’s time to test what needs to be tested, and it’s time to take it out for a walk.

With a smile in her heart, Yu Ziyu also waved her right hand.


Along with a roar, visible to the naked eye, a vortex has opened.

This is the entrance to the small world of void.

And in the small world of the void, there was a fifth-level true god waiting for him to meet. moment,


Taking one step forward, Yu Ziyu also walked towards the small world of the void with the tree man who had turned into a blood demon.

And just at the same time.

In the deepest part of the small void world, on top of a towering city wall.

As if she noticed something, a woman suddenly raised her head..

"Have you been waiting for me for a long time?"

Listening to the voice coming from far away, the woman's expression changed slightly, and immediately she paid her respects directly:

"The sinful girl Lan Xi has met Lord Shenmu."

With a touch of deep awe, this princess of the Blood Demon Clan, a strong person in the fifth level of True God Realm, has bowed her head respectfully.

And all of this, needless to say, is naturally because of this Blood Demon Clan. The princess surrendered.

The Blood Demon Clan has always respected the strong.

Now, Yu Ziyu was so powerful that she despaired. After half a month of imprisonment, Lan Xi finally made a correct decision.

Of course, there are also thanks for this. Alone.

Turning his eyes, Yu Ziyu also looked at a blond girl on the city wall.

Mermaid Queen Elsa, one of Yu Ziyu's maids.

However, don't underestimate her because she is fragile.

This is, a A real fifth-level true god.

And, the most terrifying thing is that as the princess of the mermaid clan, Elsa's methods are not ordinary.

At least, in just half a month, she convinced Lan Xi, the princess of the blood demon clan. Surrender is not something that ordinary people can do...

With her eyes as blue as water, there was an indescribable meaning. Elsa, the King of Mermaids, also took a step forward, stood up and paid homage.:

"Elsa, met the master"

"You did a great job."

With a compliment, Yu Ziyu also smiled.

Then, as if he thought of something, Yu Ziyu also waved, called out the Blood Demon tree man behind him, and asked Lan Xi, the princess of the Blood Demon clan.:

"Do you think there's anything unusual about this big man?"

"Big guy?"

There was a sound of suspicion, but Lan Xi did not ask.

Instead, she carefully looked at the figure walking out behind Yu Ziyu. It was more than ten meters tall.

It looked very burly.

It was covered with blood-colored scales, and there were also members of the Blood Demon Clan. The unique blood energy lingers around him.

At first glance, he looks like a very pure Blood Demon clansman.

At least, ordinary Blood Demon clan members do not have such a pure aura.

Even... his pupils shrank slightly, Lan Xi also seemed to realize something, and there was a look of surprise on her face.

The aura of the Blood Demon Clan on this big guy was even stronger than hers.

But how could this be possible?

You know, she was a Blood Demon Clan. Princess, one of the few pure-blooded royal families in the entire Blood Demon clan.

And now, this strange Blood Demon clan member has a blood demon aura that is purer than hers?

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