Just, a moment.

As if he noticed something, Lan Hu's expression changed slightly.

Looking after her gaze, she was surprised to find that in the center of the solar system, deep in the vast colorful whirlpool, there was a giant tree standing leisurely.

This is a very tall and tall tree.

Surrounded by nine whirlpools that looked like stars.

The branches are like divine chains, swaying in the void, looking extremely extraordinary.

It was precisely when looking at the shadow of this giant tree that Lan's expression became more solemn.

"As expected, it is indeed a top-level sixth-level life form. Just a branch left behind has such power as an array eye."

After saying this, Lan did not stay any longer, turned around and left.

The entire asteroid belt was covered by the formation.

If he broke in at will and disrupted the formation, he would inevitably offend the entire Demon Court.

And this was also Lan's initiative. The reason for leaving.

Of course, people with a discerning eye also know that the branch left as the eye of the vortex is also an invisible warning to people from beyond the starry sky....

If you are not sure whether there are sixth-level life forms in Demon Court, you can tell just by looking at the branch.

After all, that high, god-like remaining power cannot be faked....

And at this moment, deep in the starry sky

"Gee, after I left, the solar system was quite lively...."

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu, who was rooted in the small world of life, couldn't help but feel dumb.

Of course, what is now in the small world of life is only a small part of his consciousness.

More of his consciousness was on the Tongtian Purple Dragon, and he was controlling the Tongtian Purple Dragon to rush towards the depths of the star field.


As if across time and even space, I only saw a flash of purple light, and a purple dragon that was ten thousand feet long....A corner of the starry sky disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Traveling through the void - the root of Yu Ziyu's tree has become a sixth-level life form, an ability now mastered by the sky-reaching purple dragon.

Being able to ignore space and shuttle between reality and the starry sky is like teleportation, but it is much scarier than teleportation.

Simply because each void travel spans the diameter of a solar system, or even further, and this is only in a few breaths.

What is worth mentioning is that today's Tongtian Purple Dragon is different from the past.

The body is ten thousand feet long...It's called a dragon, but it's actually transformed into a dragon.

It's just that unlike the majesty of the blue dragon, the dragon's head is even more fierce and evil....

There is the mark of the King of the Void between the eyebrows, two long purple dragon whiskers, with purple energy rippling between them.

And now, the Tongtian Purple Dragon transformed by Yu Ziyu, no, there are nine vortexes between the necks of the Tongtian Purple Dragon, which are constantly rotating like a necklace....

At first glance, it looks like an evil dragon, looking extremely wild.

And this is the sky-reaching purple dragon that is about to dominate the entire Kadar planet and bear the name of the Void Emperor.


A dragon roared, evil intentions were revealed...

Accompanied by this, ripples of color continued to spread, spreading all over the starry sky in the blink of an eye....

And at the same time, deep in the small world of life

"White Tiger, I’ll give you one year. If you can’t reach the fifth level, you’ll be grounded for ten years...."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu also looked at the pale white tiger not far away with a playful expression.

"Master, are you serious?"

After swallowing, Bai Hu's face changed again and again. He seemed to be really frightened.

"What do you think?"

After a playful smile, Yu Ziyu's face also became solemn, and he continued:

"You guy, you have the bloodline of ancient ferocious beasts, and your own talent is not weak....But until now, you have not set foot on the fifth level of Transcendence, are you still reasonable?"

As he said that, Yu Ziyu turned his eyes again and looked at the figure with the head of a man and the body of an ox not far away. It looked like a demon, and behind it there was a black vortex of an ox demon.

"Look at the Bull Demon. Ever since he decided to follow me to the Kadar Star Territory, he has never stopped practicing...."


Slightly startled, Bai Hu also glanced at his second brother Niu Mo, who was sitting cross-legged not far away.

After a while, Bai Hu seemed to realize something, and he gritted his teeth and shouted:

"Master, I will work hard to cultivate. If I cannot reach the fifth level in one year, I will be grounded for one year....Banned for a hundred years."

After saying this, the white tiger spread its wings behind him and headed straight for the junction of the small world of flame and the small world of extreme ice.


Due to the alternation of hot and cold between the small world of flame and the small world of extreme ice, a huge storm was brewing.

It also created the famous 'Jue Feng Valley' in the Nine Realms!

It is rumored that the terrible storm brewing in the deepest part of Juefeng Valley can even tear apart the fifth-level defense....

As for the fourth level, there is no life for ten deaths.......

At this time, looking at Bai Hu leaving, Yu Ziyu shook his head helplessly.

Bai Hu's talent is really not weak.

Unfortunately, he is too lazy.

Unless this guy forces him, he doesn't even know how terrifying his talent is.

After three days of fishing and two days of drying nets, he became the number one person below the fifth level....

One can imagine the talent of this guy.

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu took another look at the bull demon who had been sitting under his body for more than half a month.

"If you have such talent, why worry about level five?..."

While sighing deeply, Yu Ziyu also felt a little pity for Niu Mo.

Among the ten sacred beasts, he is the most diligent...

Now, his cultivation level is the lowest...

Of course, it’s also Yu Ziyu’s fault for changing their fates for Kui Zhou and Bing Bing....The Bull Demon, who was originally ranked in the middle among the ten sacred beasts, fell behind because of this....


With a sigh, Yu Ziyu was helpless.

But it's okay.

Taking advantage of this period of time, he could give some guidance to the Bull Demon.

After all, at the Demon Court, he now has no worries.

As for the matter of rushing, he left it to Tongtian Zilong.

Of course, it is worth mentioning that it takes very little effort to control the Heavenly Purple Dragon.

Look for Kadar's star field and keep moving forward.

If he were fighting, Yu Ziyu would not be so multitasking.

And this is also the reason why Yu Ziyu is eager to find the great supernatural power that can transform the three pure beings with one breath.

Several bodies, each with its own merits.

But now, he can only choose one and use it, wouldn't it be a pity.

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