Yu Ziyu is gone.

He took half of Demon Court with him and left quietly.

What is left to Yaoting and even the entire solar system is a colorful rain of light.

Like a shooting star, brilliant and gorgeous.

Looking up, the colorful light rain...Profusely...Falling from the sky and sinking into the earth.

Occasionally, touch life

"This is..."

While exclaiming, feeling the rich vitality coming from the light rain, all the creatures looked overjoyed.

This is life.

In addition to the elemental tide, Yu Ziyu also injected vitality into -.

As a result, this rain of light sweeping across the entire solar system is full of vitality.

It can not only improve the vitality of living beings, but also repair hidden injuries.

And this is an incredible blessing for countless lives.

As for increasing the concentration of spiritual energy in the air, it goes without saying.

Although the improvement is not much, it only increases the spiritual energy by 30%.

But you know, this covers the entire solar system.

Increase the aura of the entire solar system by 30%...

Just thinking about it makes me a little shocked.

Because of this move, powerful men from Blue Star and Heaven will surely spring up one after another.

However, this is not the most terrifying thing.

At this time, if you stare at the solar system, you will definitely be able to see that the entire solar system seems to have turned into a very vast colorful vortex, constantly rotating.

It spins very slowly.

But after Yu Ziyu left, it was still spinning, seemingly endlessly.

And this is Yu Ziyu's real big deal.

After years of perceiving the starry sky, Yu Ziyu finally understood the basics of the formation.

Thus, the 'Starlight Spirit Gathering Array' was laid out throughout the solar system.

This formation is very hidden.

However, it keeps running.

The elements of the entire galaxy will continue to flow towards the solar system because of this formation.

And in this way, the solar system, where Yaoting is located, will become the center of the entire galaxy.

After all, the concentration of spiritual energy determines the proportion of strong people born.

It's just that in this way, other corners of the galaxy will inevitably usher in desolation due to the exhaustion of spiritual energy....

"Master, you have paid too much for us, too much..."

With a sigh, the golden monkey also stood quietly in the starry sky, staring at the vast colorful whirlpool.

"It must not be easy for the master to use such unnatural means."

Muttered softly, Jiuwei, who was standing side by side with the golden monkey, also had a look of worry on his face.

"It's really not easy."

Nodding gently, the golden monkey also sighed:

"I estimate that if someone is as strong as the master, his vitality will be severely damaged....."

After finishing his words, he seemed to have thought of something, and spoke again:

"Now, all we can do is not to let the master down


Nodding slightly, Jiuwei's eyes also looked at the stars one after another in the solar system.

"Under the master's unfaithful tactics, it is only a matter of time before the solar system becomes the center of the Milky Way, so...I plan to make good use of the entire solar system in the coming days"

"you mean?"

There was a sound of suspicion, and the golden monkey was also curious.

"The entire solar system has eight planets and 173 satellites"

"Except for the Blue Star, which became the first heaven of the Demon Court, the moon, which became the third heaven of the Demon Court, and Venus, which had its core dug out by its owner and became a Death Star, the rest of the stars all have value."

Having said this, Kyuubi paused and then added:

"I plan to use the power of the Demon Court to transform the six planets except Blue Star and Venus, and strive to make them the new sixth heaven of the Demon Court...."

"As for the rest, except for the 172 satellites of the moon, they are either used as war fortresses or space transfer platforms."

"Be sure to make full use of the entire solar system when the master leaves, so as to live up to the master's hard work...."

Listening quietly, the golden monkey also glanced at the figure shrouded in flames close at hand in astonishment.

I have to say that Kyuubi's words shocked him.

"It’s really bold..."

With a sigh in his heart, Golden Monkey finally understood why his master secretly summoned him before leaving and told him to do his best to assist Nine-Tails.


Now it seems that Kyuubi is indeed worthy of his assistance.

This...is a person born to be big.

He is a born king.

However, the presence of the master has always obscured her edge.

Now that the master has left, the Nine Tails, who are about to carry the entire demon court, have finally revealed their majestic power....

"I, the golden monkey, will definitely obey the orders of my eldest sister...."

With a touch of respect in his voice, the golden monkey slowly bent down....

And at this moment,


Suddenly, a sound broke through the starry sky.

In the blink of an eye, it was already outside the solar system.

But at this time, when I looked up, I realized that this was actually a very beautiful figure...........

The snow-white six wings spread slightly.

Countless white feathers were flying.

The golden holy light above his head shed endless brilliance.

Her long golden hair exuded a dazzling luster.

The corners of his mouth were slightly pursed, as if he were smiling, but it was breathtaking.

However, the most beautiful thing is the pair of eyes.

In the depth, it seems to attract the soul.

The angel family, the only female angel among the four Seraphs, carries the 'extremely fast Lan' on her back.

But now, unable to bear the curiosity in her heart, she came to find out.

Just, now.

This figure fell silent.

Quietly looking at the entire solar system.

The eight major planets circulate, centered on a star, and are no different from other asteroid belts.

However, if you look closely, you will see a faint outline of a multicolored vortex, covering the entire solar system.

What's more important is that with this asteroid belt as the center, countless auras in the surrounding starry sky are slowly rotating, and then quietly pouring into this asteroid belt.

Suddenly, this place became the center of a star field, attracting endless spiritual energy.

"It's more terrifying than what they said..."

Amid such sighs, Lan also stared at... as if sizing up

"It's really a big deal, I'm afraid even the ruler would have trouble doing it...."

A sincere compliment, a look of shock appeared on Lan's face. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collecting and recommending

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