Tree People...

A brand new race, Yu Ziyu didn't know the details.

However, Yu Ziyu also narrowed his eyes slightly when looking at these figures, with tree roots as their legs, branches as their hands, and the tree body showing a weathered face.

In terms of the aesthetics of all races alone, the Shuren race is definitely not beautiful.

Even a little ugly.

Like a monster.

Moreover, their voices were all thick and hoarse.

Like the sound of metal rubbing against each other

"I don’t know how powerful these guys are..."

While murmuring, Yu Ziyu also tapped the branch lightly and said to one of the tree men:

"Go and attack that clearing with all your strength."

"Yes, Lord Shuzu."

In response, the tree man in the distance slowly stood up.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

It was like an earthquake, and the ground shook.

From this point of view alone, the tonnage of these tree people should not be ordinary terror.

However, for a moment, as if he noticed something, the corners of Yu Ziyu's mouth curled up.

He had forgotten that the body of this tree man was a shadow iron tree.

Shadow Iron Tree, a magical tree born after the spiritual energy was revived.

It's as dark as ink, but as heavy as a stone.

If it didn't have vitality, would you think it was metal?

And thinking about it this way, we can understand why this tree man walks as if the earth is shaking.


Breathing heavily, in the distance, this tree man had clenched his fists.


There was a loud noise, earth-shattering.

Under Yu Ziyu's somewhat surprised gaze, hundreds of square meters were covered with depressions, revealing lines like spider webs.

"It's obviously just a second-level breath, but its power is extremely terrifying...."

Saying this, Yu Ziyu's eyes suddenly narrowed. moment,


The branches cut through the space and instantly hit the body of this tree man.


Only a crisp sound was heard, like hitting metal, and a white mark appeared on this tree man's body.

"Moreover, when it comes to defense, in the second level, they are all among the best in the platoon...."...

After testing again and again, Yu Ziyu's evaluation of these tree people also improved a bit.

Just as he guessed.

The power of these tree people depends on their true nature.

The more extraordinary the body is, the more powerful the tree person it transforms into will be.

Like this shadow iron tree, the tree man has strength and defense.

Of course, he is also extremely clumsy.

And other...

The most noteworthy thing is the tree figure transformed from a cherry blossom tree. The cherry blossoms are like falling leaves flying, which is really picturesque.

And this tree man is good at mental power.

Able to control various cherry blossoms, like thousands of sharp blades, tearing people apart......

"very nice..."

I sincerely admire, Yu Ziyu is also satisfied with the Shuren clan.

These tree people can undoubtedly be cultivated as his confidants.

The reason was naturally because the tree people far exceeded his expectations.

One is that the tree people have full potential.

They are like thousands of human beings, each with different talents and strengths and weaknesses.

Selecting the best and cultivating them may not necessarily create one level four natural disaster after another, or even level five true gods.

The second reason is that...As the ancestor of trees, he has absolute control over these tree people.

One thought of life and one thought of death are not just words.

In this way, they are naturally qualified to become Yu Ziyu's confidants.

Even, to a certain extent, it can turn into a very mysterious and terrifying force under Yu Ziyu.

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu also showed a rare look of expectation on his face.

Just imagine...

Behind the Demon Court, a brand new and strange race continues to grow, and it is absolutely loyal to Yu Ziyu.

And with such a race, how could Yu Ziyu worry about the so-called betrayal in the future?...

Even if the demon court can't solve the problem on the surface, Yu Ziyu can send thousands of trees to solve it.

At that time, one after another huge and ferocious ancient trees walked out of the torn space....

Like a monster...

"Tsk tsk...That's not a bad idea."

With a confirmation in his heart, Yu Ziyu also felt that he had found the right way to open the 'Treant Clan'.

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu also surged with spiritual power.


With a roar, Yu Ziyu rolled up dozens of branches and rolled up all the tree people.

Then, he was thrown into the 'small world of fog'.

The Little World of Fog is one of Yu Ziyu’s nine small worlds.

There is also the sky and the earth.

There are even thousands of stars.

Everything is there.

However, in this small world of fog, everything is hazy.

Endless white mist drowned it.

And these white fogs are transformed by fog beasts one after another.

From time to time it emits a low and long roar.

For a moment, the entire small world of fog was like a ghost world, looking extremely gloomy.

And this also leads to the fact that there is no real life in the small world of fog.

Only the twin kings of light and darkness and millions of fog beasts linger here.

And now, Yu Ziyu has found a new member for the 'Little World of Mist' - the tree people clan...

Yu Ziyu planned to place the entire tree people clan in the small world of fog and cultivate them quietly.

In the future, if there is an invasion of other small worlds, it will be difficult for the Demon Court to come forward.

Yu Ziyu opened the small world of fog.

The white mist surged out like a torrent, and countless mist beasts roared out like ghosts.

And in the endless white mist

"Boom, boom, boom..."

One after another, the ferocious and ghostly tree men walked out quietly.

The fog beast is empty and immortal.

And cultivating people is the truth.

Most of them are extremely powerful, and their talents are all kinds of strange.

The superposition of the two is definitely not as simple as one plus one....

Believe that this will be a terrible army that will make all races fear...

However, in this case, the Little World of Fog may have another name....

"Tree World sounds pretty good too...."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu also gave the Little World of Mist another title. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collecting and recommending

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