"Dragon scales emerge...This means that my life level has been further improved...."

While murmuring, Yu Ziyu also felt a brand new power surging in his body....

Unspeakably terrible...

Just like a real dragon dormant, once it breaks out, it will definitely be shocking.

Of course, the current Yu Ziyu cannot reach that level.

However, according to his guess, if all of his seventy-nine tree roots would transform into dragons, they would become real dragons.

Then he himself has almost reached the sixth level and seventh level.

It's enough to be able to fight against the seventh-level domination realm with just the physical body.

But, just think about it for now.

The seventh level is as difficult as ascending to heaven.

It is hundreds of times more difficult than setting foot on the seventh level.

And now, if Yu Ziyu's true form has fully understood several laws in"One Nine Three", he can directly enter the realm of domination....

Thinking of this, a hint of hesitation appeared in the depths of Yu Ziyu's eyes.

"Should he try to attack the sixth level and seventh level, or should he be the first to break through the master?"

Muttering, there is also some uncertainty.

Attacking the sixth level and seventh level means that his background has been further improved.

In the future, the hope of attacking the eternal realm will increase.

And he will be the first to break through the master...It means that his combat power has increased by a hundred times.

You can only choose one of the two.

So much so that Yu Ziyu hesitated.

After thinking about it, Yu Ziyu also suppressed this idea.

Right now, instead of thinking about this time, what is more important is to experience the changes in the current sixth level and fifth transformation....

The branches are stronger...

The current hardness alone is comparable to ordinary divine iron...What's even more terrifying is that his branches can extend infinitely and even be reborn. They are the most terrifying weapons.

As for his tree body, it goes without saying.

While getting thicker and thicker, the charm is restrained, and it has an inexplicable power.

However, the biggest change was in his tree roots. The efficiency of the seventy-nine branches in absorbing spiritual power was more than 50% higher than that of the fourth revolution.

Now, looking up, all the stars are gathering under the starry sky.

Yu Ziyu is set off like a god, looking extremely extraordinary

"The hardness of my body has increased by an average of 20 to 30%..."

Saying this, Yu Ziyu's eyes also condensed.

Just because, at this moment, he discovered that there was an inexplicable force flowing in his body.

And that should be his 'physical magical power' that reaches the sixth level and fifth level. physical supernatural powers...It's not a magical power, but it's better than supernatural power.

Only because of repeatedly digging into the body at this time can the terrifying ability to conceive.

When it comes to power, it is not even inferior to some terrifying magical powers.

And now, the physical body that Yu Ziyu gave birth to is a bit scary just by looking at the description.

【Ancient tree awakening: As the most powerful sacred tree, it is like the ancestor tree and can awaken all ancient trees....Any tree that has survived for thousands of years can be awakened and then fight for you. The older the tree, the more terrifying its fighting power is....】

After taking a deep look at this ability, Yu Ziyu was also a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, he could now be called the Tree Ancestor.

But, come to think of it, so is it.

By repeatedly exploring herself, Yu Ziyu's life level is constantly improving.

It is also normal to transform into the ancestor of the tree.

"However, this ability is indeed somewhat interesting..."

Amid the faint laughter, Yu Ziyu was also amused.

The longer the trees live, the stronger they become.

No matter how strong it is, how strong can it be?

Is it possible to fight against the fourth level, which is like a natural disaster, or even the fifth level, which is like a god?

Of course, here, Yu Ziyu first thought of the 'sacred tree'...

If one awakens the sacred trees that have been passed down from ancient times and possess sacred power, the combat power will be immeasurable.

However, the sacred trees all have spirits, so why do they need to be awakened?

In the deep contemplation, Yu Ziyu was also a little surprised.

For a living being like him, the ability to repeatedly tap into itself and then give birth to it cannot be useless. unless...There was something he hadn't discovered yet.

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu also looked at the many ancient trees around.

These ancient trees survived for less than two or three years, but with the nourishment of Yu Ziyu, they were no less alive than the ancient trees that had lived for hundreds of years....

And now...


Every word and every word, Yu Ziyu follows the law as if he was speaking.........

An inexplicable force suddenly spread in the small world of life.

And just the next moment

"Click, click...

One after another, the ground continued to tear apart.

Looking around,

Yu Ziyu's eyes were filled with surprise as one ancient tree after another stood up from the ground.

Yes, rising from the ground.

Pulled out countless tree roots buried in the ground...

These tree roots kept entangled and turned into legs, supporting their bodies.

And the branches were constantly entangled and turned into arms.

And this look is just like when Yu Ziyu was in the first or second level, he fantasized about the strange tree that pulled out its roots and ran under the sunset.... only..

"Hoo, ho, ho...

Between the roars one after another, one breath after another rose up that Yu Ziyu was concerned about.

At this time, Yu Ziyu also discovered that a vicissitudes and ancient face appeared on the trunk of each ancient tree.

"See you...tree ancestor..."

"See you...tree ancestor..."5.0

Amidst the chorus of shouts, more than thirty ancient trees around Yu Ziyu bent down.

And just at this moment...Only then did Tzuyu truly realize the true horror of the ability to 'awaken ancient trees'

"The most terrifying thing about this ability is probably its potential....And all this is because the awakened ancient tree will always be in the awakened state and can even practice..."

"And this, to put it another way, means that I created a race, a race of tree people with unlimited potential...."

Yu Ziyu's eyes were filled with color as he murmured one after another. ps:--------------Ask for customization------------

For the appearance of the tree people, you can refer to Warcraft’s Ancient Tree of War, Ancient Tree of Knowledge, etc...._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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