
There was a sudden roar, and even the spiritual power projections above the Nine Realms were constantly trembling, with ripples rippling one after another.

At this time, if you look deep into the picture, you will definitely be able to see that the blurry picture is gradually becoming clearer.

Along with it, a startling picture was revealed, a humanoid figure that looked like a god and demon, with one hand clenching a fist and the other a claw.

In front of him, a golden giant crocodile opened its ferocious mouth, revealing countless sharp fangs that were like the knight's spear in the hands of a human knight.


Like the friction of metal, the fangs fell on the arm of the humanoid figure, scraping out countless flames.

But on the other side, there was a humanoid figure who had punched the golden crocodile, and his face was frozen.

Just because this punch was not as powerful as it was against previous enemies.

Instead, he paused.

Yes,"657" paused.

A golden crocodile tail stopped in front of his fist at some point.

Even more so, he resisted to the death

"Boom, boom..."

The terrifying wind and waves continued to spread, affecting thousands of meters away. The surrounding stars were swaying uncontrollably, as if they were about to deviate from their original trajectory.

And at that moment, he grinned, and a cold voice suddenly echoed in the starry sky.

"Well come..."

In the sudden laughter, Emperor Crocodile was already surging with spiritual power.


Burning spiritual power continues to flow into the body.

The increasingly terrifying power is accumulating and suppressing. moment,


The long golden giant tail seemed to be injected with a force, and it slowly pushed away the fist.

What's even more terrifying is...The crocodile's fangs also glowed with golden light, and there were signs of tearing apart the defense of the figure that looked like a god and demon.


With a cold snort, the phantom of the mountain suddenly disappeared behind the Titan Pillar of the Mountain.

And just for a moment,


With a loud bang, the body of Emperor Crocodile flew out uncontrollably.

For a moment, it hit a star in the distance like a shooting star.


With a loud noise, this barren star fell apart in an instant.

Just, right now.

Without even hesitating, the mountain titan, who was best at fighting, accelerated towards the shattered stars.

Although he was a little surprised that this ferocious beast could receive his punch without any harm.

But in front of the thousands of mountains he carries, all resistance is in vain....

"Just now, his strength increased several times."

Suddenly a voice sounded in the depths of the small world of life.

Looking for the voice, everyone suddenly saw a dignified look in the eyes of Xiaowu Golden Ant.

"That should be the power of the mountain way, a kind of power blessing. The power of this Titan is truly unparalleled in the world. Even the Emperor Crocodile cannot withstand it...."

His eyes narrowed slightly, and the golden monkey looked stern.

However, for a moment, as if he thought of something, the golden monkey couldn't help but said with a playful smile:

"But, that’s okay. Enjoy the Emperor Crocodile to your heart's content. Later he will know what the Bloody Demon God is...."


Wei Wei was startled, and all the other figures looked suspicious?

Hell-blooded Demon God?

What the heck is this.

At this time, listening to the golden monkey's voice, the Nine-Tails not far away seemed to have thought of something, and his face suddenly looked strange.

Bloody Demon...This is a description.

It refers to the terrifying posture of Emperor Crocodile like a demon after being bathed in blood.

And in that posture, the power of Emperor Crocodile will be increased exponentially.

At least, when they usually fight against Emperor Crocodile, Nine Tails and Golden Monkey don't want to encounter Emperor Crocodile's attitude.

Just because that gesture is too scary and terrifying.

And this is also the most terrifying place about Emperor Crocodile.

The more injured you are, the stronger you become.

It is a truly bloody fight to the end, a peerless ferocious beast.......

"Boom, boom, boom...

There was a continuous roar, and a star in the distance seemed to be bombarded by a violent storm.

Visible to the naked eye, the entire star is riddled with holes.

And among those riddled with holes, an Emperor Crocodile who was accidentally blasted into the stars by a mountain titan could not stop wailing.


His shrill and furious voice made the figures watching the battle in the Nine Worlds slightly shocked.

Faintly, anger and fear flashed across the faces of countless creatures.

Angry, naturally because the venerable person they respected the most was being bombarded and killed continuously....

The fear is naturally due to the terrifying combat power of this figure who looks like a god and demon, even the stars can be blasted through.

However, at this time, what no one knew was that the Emperor Crocodile, which was being bombarded by the violent storm, had a red light flashing deep in its eyes.....

The broken golden scales began to bleed with blood.

There was blood seeping into the corners of his eyes.

The vision gradually blurred.

However, an indescribable ferocity also slowly rose up

"This is?"

With a sudden murmur, the Mountain Titan was also on guard instinctively, and even stopped attacking the stars.

However, at the next moment,


Losing the majesty of the dragon's roar, it was like the return of a prehistoric beast.

A flash of blood disappeared among the holes, like broken stars.

And just for a moment,


The pupils of the mountain suddenly shrank, and the mountain titan saw a flash of blood running through the starry sky and rising into the sky.


Brutal screams and boundless blood rose.

Immediately afterwards, a flash of scarlet rushed into the eyes

"Go to hell."

With a cold and emotionless voice, the blood-colored fangs were already blooming, biting the mountain titan's arm fiercely.


Severe pain hit me instantly.

At this time, the Mountain Titan could clearly see the figure that almost bit off its arm.

Still a giant crocodile.

But he was covered in blood.

However, this blood color does not look tragic.

Just because the boundless blood was like flowing, covering his body.

However, the most terrifying thing is the pair of beast eyes. 3.2

Cold and ruthless.

As if dead

"Is this violent?"

Amidst the suspicious voice, the Mountain Titan was also surprised.

It is normal for a ferocious beast to be in a desperate situation, and it is normal for it to be violent.

However, like this, the ferocious beast has just begun to fight, and its breath has not even weakened before entering a violent state. He is also the first ferocious beast to enter a violent state. I saw it once.

And, more importantly, this ferocious beast must have reached the fifth level. How could a fifth-level ferocious beast not be able to control itself? Be violent?

Is it unintentional or intentional?

His brows were slightly furrowed and he looked. Looking at the bloody giant beast that was still biting his left arm, as if it was about to be bitten off, the Mountain Titan's right hand slowly reached behind his back. The dark light all over his body marked the black pillar of thousands of mountains.

Titan Ten Two divine pillars...The treasure of the Tan clan.

It has earth-shattering power.

And now, the Mountain Titan is getting serious...

Feilu reminds you: three things to do when reading - collect and recommend

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