
It's like a dragon's roar, but it has peerless power.

But at this moment, Emperor Crocodile's whole body was as if he was vibrating with blood, his whole body was burning with spiritual flames, and it turned into a stream of light, rushing straight towards the edge of the star field.

However, not long after this, as if he noticed something, Emperor Crocodile suddenly paused and suddenly shouted:

"Who gave you the courage to set foot in the Demon Court Star Territory? -"

The violent shouting was like thunder, resounding through the starry sky, and full of unspeakable fierceness.

Even the figure that looked like a god and demon coming from afar was slightly startled.


In the midst of the murmur, the figure carrying the black pillar also focused his gaze and whispered again:

"I didn't expect that such a remote star field would breed such terrifying beasts."

Speaking like this, this figure who looked like a god and demon selectively ignored the word"demon court" mentioned by the beast.

There are always some guys who have a little chance, and after becoming stronger, they become complacent. He chose some very domineering power names.

Last time, he saw a fourth-level ant in a star and named his power 'Tiandao Sect'. It's ridiculous to say it.

However, for these short-sighted people, The greatest ridicule of all generations

"I am here to seek revenge this time. If you don’t want to get involved, you’d better retreat from me."

A low and hoarse voice came from the far depths of the starry sky.

Accompanied by it was the pressure that was like the heaven pouring down.

It was terrifying and heavy.

Even the light in the starry sky was distorted.

That was The power of the mountain is so terrifying that it suppresses all the stars.


Feeling the sudden pressure, Emperor Crocodile also showed a solemn look on his face.

However, at this time, if you pay attention to his cold beast eyes, you will definitely be able to see the raging golden flames igniting.

I just wanted to have a fierce battle.

Later, the owner even said that he would watch the battle in person and even live broadcast it.

Is there still room for maneuver?

Naturally, we can only fight to the end.

Fight to the top. in this way...Emperor Crocodile has a fighting spirit, and there is no need to hide anything


The violent roar was like a dragon's roar, and it was extremely powerful.

At the same time, the long golden tail behind Emperor Crocodile suddenly slapped the meteorite not far away.


The starry sky was silent, but there was a terrible roar.

Visible to the naked eye, a 100-meter-large meteorite struck straight towards the end of the starry sky at the speed of light....

And at this moment, Demon Court, Nine Realms

"Boom, boom, boom...

Along with the fluctuations of spiritual power one after another, it can be seen that in the sky above the Nine Realms, scenes after scenes have been drawn out.

This is spiritual power projection, which can use power to clearly project distant images to the near side.

Some are like Blue Star's live broadcast, but compared to live broadcast, I don't know how much.

In the picture of spiritual power projection, even the hair can be seen clearly.

Of course, only Yu Ziyu can do it at this time.

Open your eyes and everything will fall into your sight.

Even though they were halfway across the starry sky, Yu Ziyu could still see it.

Then, through the projection of spiritual power, all the scenes he saw were reproduced...This creates a means like 'live broadcast'.

At this time, looking at the pictures in the sky above the Nine Realms, the entire Nine Realms were boiling.

"what is that? It seems to be the fourth venerable?"

"Damn it, it’s true. The Fourth Venerable seems to be attacking people...."

"Wait, are you kidding me? A meteorite over a hundred meters in size would weigh at least tens of thousands of kilograms. Is it like a pebble in the hands of the Fourth Master? When it was shot out, even the space was torn apart? ? ?"...

With one cry of surprise, countless creatures in the nine realms were horrified.

Visible to the naked eye, in that picture, a very huge, mountain-like golden divine crocodile was waving its tail violently.

Then, like the sky collapsing, a hundred-meter boulder tore through the starry sky in an instant and disappeared at the end of the starry sky.

Just, the next moment,


There was obviously no sound coming out, but many figures felt as if there was an earth-shattering roar coming from their ears.

Along with it, at the far end of the starry sky, a mushroom cloud rose a hundred or even a thousand times more terrifying than a nuclear explosion.

····Seeking freshness········

Faintly, many figures saw a human figure, like a figure of a god and demon, seeming to roar up to the sky.......

"The strength of the fourth brother is getting more and more terrifying."

"Needless to say? Among our brothers, he is the one who is most obsessed with cultivating."

Ruoyou Ruowu's conversation, in the deepest part of the Nine Realms, the figures of Nine Tails, White Tiger, Bull Demon and so on are all standing opposite each other, looking at the scene not far away with burning eyes.

However, at this moment, it seems that they thought of What is it? Bai Hu on the side suddenly asked:

"Does the fourth brother have a good chance of winning?"

"Hard to say..."

Shaking his head, Kyuubi was also a little unsure.

And the reason why is this answer...0

Because, she noticed that in the picture, at the end of the starry sky, the humanoid figure that looked like a god and demon had walked out unscathed.

He even tightened his fists and hit hard.

It was obviously just a punch, but in the eyes of a true god like Kyuubi, it was like a thousand mountains hitting him.

Even a star wouldn't be able to withstand such a punch...

"This guy has already embarked on the road to the mountains..."

With a touch of solemnity, the Demon Master Golden Monkey on the side also said with some emotion.

The Way of the Mountains can be attacked and defended, and among various laws, it can be considered as 'middle or superior'.

And this unknown strong man from the distant star field has thousands of mountains on his back, and the punches he throws are like mountains hitting him.

I have to say, it's really not that scary.

It's no wonder that among the powerful Titans, there are all those who can bear the name of"God Pillar"......

And at this time, deep in the starry sky

"You are looking for death...

A calm voice, but a powerful one without anger.

Immediately, under the expectant gazes of the Emperor Crocodile, a heavy 'fist' was struck.


Silence was louder than sound, and the storm it set off blew away the surrounding meteorites.

But at this moment, the corner of his mouth cracked, and the Emperor Crocodile did not retreat but advanced, and rushed forward fiercely.

The body is the most powerful weapon.

He, Emperor Crocodile, fights in close combat and is fearless. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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