But at this moment, deep in the small world of life.

Yu Ziyu, Jiuwei and others all looked at the sky in confusion.

Just because, at this moment, there were golden ripples in the sky. Visible to the naked eye, the golden shadow became increasingly blurry.

And just for a moment,


Suddenly a bell rang, as if it spanned time and even space, coming from afar.

Visible to the naked eye, a starry sky is pulled out from the depths of the small world of life.

And this starry sky is running at the speed of light.

Until, at the next moment, a flash of brightness suddenly appeared in the depths of the starry sky.

At this time, everyone discovered that it turned out to be that bright ray of light traveling through the starry sky so fast that it created the illusion that the starry sky was running at the speed of light.

However, this is not important.

The important thing is that this bright light has gradually become clearer, and it has drawn out the shape of a 'clock'


Another bell rang, as if to persuade him to stay.

The nine realms were shaken.

Everything seems to be turning into chaos amidst the ringing of the bell.

However, its arrival is half a step too late after all.

"Hahaha, I can't decide whether to win or lose. I am used to talking and laughing but killing in the flames of war. Struggle, heaven and earth will count; war, defeat, I will not survive...I am defeated, but what about you? Hahaha..."

As if sarcastically, the golden shadow quietly looked at the starry sky.

It is rare to be happy when smiles are everywhere...

Just, for a moment


With a fierce roar, the golden shadow turned into a golden light that filled the sky, completely dissipating between heaven and earth.

Only the bell shadow that came slowly caught several rays of golden light, but it really stopped.

It's like being silent, but there is sound in silence. then,

"Boom, boom..."

The bells chimed one after another, resounding in every corner of the starry sky.

Nine consecutive bells awakened countless sleeping and even ancient beings.

In some cases, even the spiritual wisdom of the previous life did not have the power to awaken, and the clarity was restored briefly. blue star...


Raising his fist, the being in the depths of China seemed to have realized something. He also stood up and bowed three times in the direction from which the bell sounded.

As an emperor, he neither worships heaven nor earth.

However, he had to worship this ancient emperor whom Yu Nei respected as the emperor of all races.

‘The emperor's throne was established because of him, and the"imperial road" was opened up by him.....

Boom, boom...

The bells tolled more and more urgently, resounding throughout the world.

Until the last bell...


The starry sky trembled, and in an instant it fell into deathly silence.

At this moment, the entire starry sky and every corner was silent, as if in silent mourning.

No one dares to speak...

Just because, an indescribable terrifying force suppressed the starry sky for a moment.

And in just a moment, countless creatures across the starry sky truly realized the terror of a complete imperial weapon.

No, to be more precise, it was the terror of the innate imperial soldiers.

It's like walking in the starry sky for eternity, looking down at the world.

Omnipotent, but unable to do something...

However, at this time, what no one knew was that such a treasure was quietly stranded in a small world.

Before it arrives, the sky of the entire small world is in pieces.

As if it was unbearable.

Even the starry sky couldn't bear the wisps of terrifying Qi.

What's more, a small world that is much more fragile than the starry sky

"new...of...The Lord of the Demon Court?"

Suddenly a vast voice sounded in Yu Ziyu's heart, but it shocked him.

Faintly, he felt a gaze, staring at him quietly.

No, it was not staring at him. Him.

But staring at him, he has become the sacred god of the nine realms.——"Qinglong"

"You are in luck."

Seeing through all the false and true at a glance, this voice is still calm.

Throughout the past and present, countless geniuses are like passing clouds.

In his eyes, Yu Ziyu is just a relatively outstanding one.

However, for a moment, he seemed to have thought of something....Only then did he speak out:

"When you are respected in the universe and your Tao is eternal, I can protect your Tao once...."

One sentence fell.

The nine realms were all shocked. When they reacted again, everyone discovered that the clock had long since disappeared.

Only the fragmented sky slowly heals....

"What happened?"

In a daze, Yu Ziyu didn't react.

I didn't expect that Jin Hou's words would lead to such an earth-shattering innate emperor's weapon.


Ten thousand horses of grass and mud were galloping in her heart, and Yu Ziyu didn't know what to say.

However, he seemed to have received a huge benefit.

This innate emperor's soldier was actually willing to protect him when he attained eternity. this...But an incredible promise.

You must know that the enlightenment is eternal and the catastrophe is terrifying.

But what is truly terrifying is the human calamity.

Without anyone's permission, there is another big figure in the world who looks down upon the world.

Sir, you haven’t seen the source of Orochi’s inheritance, the Yamata-no-Orochi. It means that when it realized eternity, it did not survive the human tribulation. From then on, its body split and never merged again in eternity....

Therefore, from this aspect, if there are people to protect the way, human disasters can also be avoided.

This, to a certain extent, is already a huge opportunity.

However, thinking about it, Yu Ziyu also sighed.

Eternity is easier said than done.

This is the beginning of the era, and there will be at least tens of billions, or even hundreds of billions of years to come....

Such a long time, eternity can only have a few statues at most...

This shows how difficult it is to realize eternity...

However, at this moment, a voice crying with joy suddenly echoed in the sky

"Congratulations, master, for winning the recognition of the imperial soldiers. From now on, our Demon Court is truly orthodox....It is also protected by imperial soldiers..."

Amidst the excited voices, the golden monkeys all turned towards Yu Ziyu's body and bowed fiercely.

And for a moment, seeing such a golden monkey, the nine-tailed white tiger and others also looked at each other and worshiped in unison:

"Let us pay our respects to the demon court..."

The chorus of shouts shook the whole sky.

Even the powerful people such as Golden Behemoth who were far away were infected, and they knelt down on one knee and worshiped:

"Greetings, Lord of the Demon Court..."

"Greetings, Lord of the Demon Court..."

One sound after another, like ocean waves, echoing in the depths of the small world.

In a daze, everyone saw a terrifying force rising slowly, truly shocking the world.

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