"What is this sound?"

Amidst the extremely horrified exclamations, a star field, a towering black figure, his face suddenly changed.

He is the first divine pillar of the Titan clan, and is an unfathomable terrifying existence. He is also in charge of it. The holy object of the Titan clan.

However, now, just hearing this sound, his mind felt an indescribable tremor.

Even the crown-like holy object above his head was constantly trembling.

It seemed. In fear, but also like crying

"How can it be? How could there be such an existence that could shake the Titan's crown just by sound?..."

Amidst the voice that was still in disbelief, this towering figure also summoned up his spiritual power and looked in the direction from which the voice came.

However, for a moment


There was a sudden loud noise, like thunder in his mind, and his whole body was shaken.

For a moment, he staggered back a few steps, coughing up golden blood.

"Just peeping will seriously hurt me..."

Amid the bitter voice, the first divine pillar of the Titan clan was also silent....

However, he was not the only one. In the Angel Star Territory, the four Seraphs stood side by side.

The halo of light above his head kept flashing.

It seems to be conveying their complicated and panicful mood at this time.

"Eternal Imperial Arms, and not just ordinary Eternal Imperial Arms..."

"However, the most important thing is that among the known eternal imperial weapons, there is no eternal imperial weapon whose body is a bell......"

Having said this, the Seraph suddenly looked startled.

It was the first time he spread his palms.

In a moment, a book glowing with golden light appeared in his hands.

Watching quietly, his eyes narrowed to the tip of the needle.

This Seraph's face has turned white again and again.

"What's wrong?"

Suddenly suspicious, the expressions of the other Seraphs also changed slightly, and they quickly asked:

"I think I know this eternal imperial weapon..."

Speaking like this, this Seraph also said every word with a horrified expression:

"It has disappeared for countless epochs and has never appeared. It is the most praised and terrifying eternal imperial weapon......"

"It is said that these are the only few innate eternal imperial weapons from countless epochs...."


A bell rang, shaking the entire starry sky.

Titan Realm, Angel Star Realm...One after another, the top forces were alarmed.

Even the forces hidden behind the starry sky were alarmed.

And at this moment, a planet.

Immortal energy is lingering, and spiritual beasts are galloping.

In the clouds and mist, there is a fairy palace emerging...


A sudden sound came from an infinite distance, but it shook the world.

Just for a moment,

"Swish, swish, swish..."

Stream after stream of light was already shooting out.

And in the next moment, several figures were standing quietly in the void.

A figure has white hair, but it is carrying a long sword, like a sword fairy.

A figure looked like a young man, with a white face and no beard, very handsome, but holding a long gun.

What is worth mentioning is that there is a blood mark between his eyebrows, which looks like eyes and is very lively.

"This voice shouldn't appear..."

While sighing, the old man also showed a look of shock on his face.

It seems to be unbelievable, but also seems to be expected.

"What's wrong, elder, do you know the origin of this voice?"

Listening to the handsome young man's inquiry, the old man also narrowed his eyes slightly and explained:

"A bell can ring and shock the world. Who else can do it except the legendary imperial weapon?"

"However, this imperial weapon has long since disappeared in the long river of time. At the time, several adults in the eternal realm worked together to search for it, but they could not find it...."...

Narrated one after another, the secrets of the corner of the era were slowly revealed.

But just for a moment.

As if he thought of something, the old man also shook his head and sighed:

"Let's go, this is not something we should get involved in"


Slightly startled, the young man without a white beard was also stunned.

"Elder, you said this is an imperial weapon. It is more likely to be a complete imperial weapon....Why don't we fight for it?"

"Haha, it can't have an owner...Remember, this is the tyrant among the imperial soldiers, the only tyrant. Even if he exists in the eternal realm, he can only talk to his peers...."

Having said this, the old man added another sentence:

"This is not the time for our human race to be born in the Immortal Palace right now....When Heaven was first established, it led the top forces of the human race, including us, to suppress countless races....If I were waiting to be born...I'm afraid that before I take action, all races will be concerned about him......."....

And at this moment, compared with all the races, one by one was shocked...

In the deepest part of the starry sky, the giant tree that is rooted in the gorgeous starry sky and looks like an ox is also shaking slightly.

"I didn’t expect that even you would show up...."

In deep shock, Tongtian Jianmu also suppressed the shock in his heart.

If others don’t know, doesn’t he still know?

The innate emperor's weapon - the Donghuang Bell, shocked the past and the present. Even the existences in the eternal realm are longing for it.

However, this imperial weapon disappeared from the world after the death of its first and last owner.

There are countless legends about it throughout the ages.

But until dozens of epochs later, it never woke up, let alone came out of the world.

And now...

What does a bell ring mean?

Could it be said that that great person was reincarnated in this era?

No, not possible.

That great man died under the calculation of heaven.

Moreover, that way of heaven is not an ordinary way of heaven.

It is the only 'way of heaven' that has been taken over by living beings and replaced in countless epochs.

If those 'Heavens' are plotting against people, not to mention the death of their bodies and souls, even the marks imprinted on the heaven and earth will be erased....

However, it was also in that era that all races realized that God could take their place, and the 'War to Seize the Heavens' truly began.

It's just a pity that Shengtian's son eventually planted endless disasters, and the catastrophe of the era began from then on.

Together and down, like reincarnation...

Sad and deplorable.

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