And at this time, not to mention the fragmentary thoughts of the hive consciousness... a star field that is very far away from here.

The vast sea of ​​smoke, like a black wave, kept rolling towards the Zerg troops deep in the star field.

Immediately afterwards, this Zerg troop retreated like a tide under the astonished eyes of Emperor Crocodile, Thunder Dragon and others.

Its retreat was so fast that, let alone the Thunder Dragon and Emperor Crocodile, even the usually unfathomable Golden Monkey showed a hint of doubt.

"This is?"

Amid surprise and suspicion, several people also looked at each other.

Not to mention other things, this Zerg army is still extremely terrifying.

As far as they are concerned, at most they can protect themselves in front of the sea of ​​​​worms.

It is stronger than the fifth level, so what.

Facing this overwhelming sea of ​​​​insects, I am afraid that even if I exhaust my spiritual power, I will not be able to kill them all.

And this is also the first time that a terrifying race has truly silenced Emperor Crocodile and others in terms of numbers.

A worm race is like an ant.

But hundreds of millions of ants and even elephants were frightened.

However, at this moment, as if they had discovered something, Emperor Crocodile and the others suddenly narrowed their eyes... and saw that there were still some animals in the retreating sea of ​​insects. There is a team of a hundred people left.

This is a group of bipedal creatures similar to lizards.

It is also the famous large-scale Zerg of the Zerg tribe - the bipedal flying dragon!!

It is the top high-level unit with extremely terrifying combat power.

The venom it sprays Able to corrode everything, the extremely fast charge is no less than the brutal charge of the top mutant beasts.

Of course, they are bipedal flying dragons, but they do not have dragon blood.

However, their appearance is somewhat like flying dragons.

Compared with some sub-dragons, they The body shape is even more ferocious and rough.

"I am the commander of the Flying Dragon Clan. Following the order of my mother, I would like to apologize... I hope that in the future, we can cooperate sincerely to explore the stars.……"

The sharp voice echoed in the starry sky, but it contained a touch of indescribable sincerity.


Slightly startled, Crocodile, Thunder Dragon and others also looked at each other.

If they hadn't looked at the large army that had retreated, they couldn't believe that the menacing Zerg ended up like this.

And, what? collaboration?

"Could this mean that the master succeeded?"

"should be……"

While discussing in a low voice, several people couldn't help but look weird.

A Zerg that could dominate the surrounding star field was conquered like this. I have to say that the master's operation was a bit unclear to them.


Deep in the insect nest, Yu Ziyu quickly became familiar with this woman after a brief acquaintance.

Surprisingly good.

She is very satisfied with both her personality and combat prowess.

To some extent, he should be a good apprentice.

And think about it, Yu Ziyu really doesn't have an apprentice.

For a being of his level, it is indeed acceptable to accept a disciple.

One is for inheritance.

The second one is to prop up the facade.

After all, you can’t do everything yourself.

With an apprentice to share the burden, many things can become much easier.

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu also looked at Salad again, nodded with satisfaction, and said bluntly:

"Let's go, it's almost time to go back"

"Yes, Master."

With a response, the woman next to her slowly stood up.

And here, it is worth mentioning that although the Zerg Queen is in human form, her body structure is far beyond what humans know. In other words

, it is not possible to Seeing her weakness, she was treated as a delicate human woman, otherwise she would have died.

But at this moment, as if she thought of something, Yu Ziyu also turned around and glanced at the insect nest consciousness not far away, and reminded:

"Remember to separate an insect nest and send it to me when the time comes. Such a good interstellar fortress is still so primitive... Sigh."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu also felt regretful.

The Zerg Hive, a natural interstellar fortress, is made of black crystals. This is an extremely rare mineral that can nourish the soul and can also conduct spiritual power well.

Inject spiritual power into it. , you can easily control the entire insect nest and speed through the depths of the starry sky.

What is even more terrifying is that this mineral has become harder and harder under the long-term nourishment of the insect race. Everything that is not hard is eaten, and the rest is naturally hard.

In this way, The insect nest made of black crystal is also a natural interstellar fortress, which can withstand battles.

After polishing it a little, and tempering it with the iron-eating beast Lao Jiu, and then arranging some humans to arm themselves with technology, Yu Ziyu believes that soon, an extremely terrifying interstellar The fortress will be quietly born.

At that time, it is almost time for Yu Ziyu to truly walk towards the starry sky.

However, considering that the insect nest seems to be the lifeblood of the insect hive consciousness, Yu Ziyu did not go too far.

He only opened his mouth to ask for one, and he kept saying 'It's prepared for the Queen of the Zerg.'

Of course, the most important thing is that Yu Ziyu provided a lot of life essence to the Zerg Hive Mind.

After all, they are allies...

In terms of appearance, they can't be too ugly.

But to be honest, this Zerg Hive Mind is very Intelligent.

Not only did he respect him a lot, but he also gave him everything he needed. For such a good ally, it was too much to bully him too hard.

Therefore, Yu Ziyu still gave him the rewards he deserved.

"Okay, Star God."

Listening to Yu Ziyu's voice, the insect nest consciousness also suppressed the reluctance in his heart and responded.

At the same time, he also cast his gaze on this dark star, and there was helplessness and reluctance deep in his eyes.

Insect Hive!

Breeding Zerg. The cradle of the insect, dividing an insect nest is equivalent to dividing an army.

Moreover, with this guy Shala, control is not a problem.

In other words, this is handing over one-third of the power he has to the Queen of the Insects.

However, , people have to bow their heads under the eaves.

Now he has no choice.

But one thing, what the hive consciousness does not know is that most of his current transactions are unequal, but they are all thanks to the Queen of the Zerg, Sala.

On the surface, it seems Shala, who looks very cold and silent, is actually not simple. Of course, Yu Ziyu won't care about these.

Strength is everything.

Moreover, although this girl Shala is very clever, she is actually helpless.

After all, with the hive consciousness, she and the king insect, who are"individually go to extremes" in the life of the Zerg population, cannot have a future.

But now, it's good!!

After leaving the hive consciousness, They will all have a new beginning


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