This is a girl.

He looks about twenty-three or fourteen years old.

He is somewhat tall, with long black hair hanging on his shoulders.

Wearing a black armor, but this is not clothes, but looks like Zerg armor....

Simply put, this is a layer of scales derived from her body.

The eyes are scarlet and flashing red, but they are extremely cold. There is even no trace of impurity in the cold eyes....

The high bridge of the nose showed sharp lines, and the slightly pursed thin lips seemed to be a signal of ruthlessness. The beauty of the snow lotus matches the grace of the winter plum. The beauty is awe-inspiring, and there is pride in the corners of the eyes and eyebrows.

And her skin was shrouded in snowy light, with an indescribable mystery.

This is a manifestation of the substantive spiritual power.

It also proves from the side how terrifying this woman's mental power is.

However, after all, it is a fourth-level physical body that is difficult to integrate with such a powerful spiritual power, so that it has been unable to reach the extraordinary fifth level.

"Sarah, is that right?"

As he murmured, Yu Ziyu's eyes became more and more profound.

In a moment, more information appeared in Yu Ziyu's eyes.

【Race: Zerg.

Level: Extraordinary fourth level (the spirit has changed qualitatively)

Natural talent: telepathy - sensing the other person's emotions at close range and even perceiving the other person's inner thoughts, and even directly reading her memory.

Telekinesis - controlling people or objects from a distance, and also detecting them from a distance, thereby obtaining environmental information from multiple perspectives.

Special ability:

Bone Wings - greatly increases one's own speed, and can be used as one's own weapon for attack or protection.

Mental shock - shakes the spirit, bursts out with shocking power, crushing everything.

Spiritual resonance - Resonating with the spirit of others, directly destroying the spirit.

Interfering with reality - can move mountains and roll up rivers.

Mental barrier - always place a barrier around yourself to protect everything.

Super learning - terrifying mental power, giving her unimaginable learning ability......】

After taking a deep look, Yu Ziyu looked at the girl not far away and also admired her.

What a terrible guy.

The study of spirituality has reached an unpredictable level.

Part of it, even Yu Ziyu couldn't do it.

Of course, it's not impossible.

It's just that Yu Ziyu didn't study it deeply.

Moreover, mental strength is indeed not Yu Ziyu’s strong point, so there is no need to delve too deeply into it....

At this moment, she seemed to have heard Yu Ziyu’s call. The girl from afar also nodded slightly and paid her respects again:

"Disciple, this is the first time I met Master and I didn’t treat him well. Please forgive me."

"No problem..."

After waving his hand, Yu Ziyu waved his hand.

In a moment, a few drops of liquid with a hazy green luster fell in front of Sarah.

"This is a gift for you. When you truly become my disciple, I will prepare a real gift for you."

"Thank you, master."

The calm voice showed a rare hint of excitement.

Feeling a few drops of life essence, the rich and almost substantial breath of life, even Sarah was a little unbelievable.

However, she, who has strong mental power, has never liked it. Angry expression appeared on his face.

Between pursed lips, he had already suppressed the change in his face, and even reached out his hand to directly hold these few drops of life essence.


However, at this moment, an inappropriate sound came from the air.

Looking for the reputation, Yu Ziyu suddenly discovered that there was a blurry figure with countless spiritual powers intertwined, and there was a hint of longing deep in the eyes.

"Well, Star God, you see, as allies, don’t we..."

As he said that, the worm's nest consciousness seemed to have thought of something, and said directly:

"I still have a few Titans in my hands, they look pretty good, why don't you take them?..."

"You, this guy..."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu also waved his hand and once again threw out a few drops of life essence.

Essence of life, this kind of thing, he can have as much as he wants.

If you can rely on this to win people's hearts, that would be great.

Moreover, the hive consciousness is also aware of interests and knows how to exchange things.

However, at this moment, as if he thought of something, Yu Ziyu suddenly spoke and reminded:

"Canglan Star is my territory, don’t do anything too extreme"

"Canglan Star..."

He was slightly startled, and for a moment, as if he had come to his senses, the hive consciousness nodded again and again:

"OK, OK, OK...You won't do anything excessive."

After saying this, the Hive Consciousness nervously released its mental power to sense the large troops that had already been sent to Canglan Star.

But, it's okay.

The star is far away, and now, it has not reached Canglan Star yet.

And it is still there. On the way, they were intercepted and killed by some strong men and suffered some losses.

However, it didn't matter.

Compared with the vast army, the losses were nothing.

However, thinking of this, the hive consciousness felt a twinge of pain in its heart.

Originally, there were three such large armies.

But now, only this one is intact.

As for the other two large armies, they were almost maimed by the sacred tree in one encounter.

"I would rather fight against the Twelve Pillars of the Titans than fight this devil again...."

Feeling bitter in his heart, the Hive Mind also secretly made up his mind.

At this time, the Titans didn't know that the Hive Mind, which had lost face at Yu Ziyu's place, was already thinking about them.

But, yes.

Although the Titans are terrifying.

But if the ants kill the elephants, the Zerg can still compete with them.

But facing the sacred tree, it is really impossible to play.

The group battles that the Zerg are best at are really not worth mentioning in front of the thousands of branches of the sacred tree and the offensive methods that look like a galaxy.

If anything, the Zerg race is the race that is best at group fighting.

Then, the Divine Tree can be said to be the most adept at group battles among individual beings.

However, the key point is that this pervert, the Divine Tree, has actually reached the sixth level of Transcendence early.

Thinking of this, the heart of the hive consciousness couldn't stop twitching.

Oh my god, if this is known to the powerful people in other star regions, the sky will turn upside down.

This is simply a perversion, a huge perversion.

As far as the Hive Mind knows, the most terrifying first divine pillar among the Titan Protoss is still far away from the fifth level.

And the most terrifying thing in the Angel Star Territory - the four Seraphs with six wings on their backs are not so terrifying!!

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