In a sea of ​​fire, the figure continues to expand...

More and more exquisite, more enchanting...

But it gradually pulled out a slender human shape.

Yes, humanoid...

However, at this time, if you look carefully, you can vaguely see those stunning ruby-like eyes.

The pair of dragon eyes have not changed, but they are a little softer compared to the giant dragon.

A little less majestic, but a little more delicate.

However, this is not important.

The important thing is that the transformation of the Red Dragon Queen continues...

Inexplicable power flows through heaven and earth...

The red flames all over the sky were curled up, like a thin gauze, gradually covering the body.

And not long after, a jade hand suddenly stretched out from the depths of the flames.

As white as snow and as warm as jade.

At a glance, I really agreed with that sentence - my hands are like catkins and my skin is like gelatin.


With a soft call, this figure gradually pulled out from the sea of ​​​​fire.

For a moment, what caught Yu Ziyu's eyes was a woman about seventeen or eighteen years old.

This woman has a beautiful face, with an oval face, but a pair of ruby-like eyes.

The eyes were crystal clear, as if there were flames flowing, which was quite mysterious.

And above the golden eyes, the long eyelashes trembled slightly, and the fair and flawless skin revealed a faint pink color....

However, at this time, Yu Ziyu noticed the pointed ears on both sides of the woman's head.

Just like an elf

"Is this the transformed blood elf?..."

There was a suspicion in her heart, and Yu Ziyu was also a little surprised when she looked at the strange but familiar woman in front of her.

And at this moment, as if she was aware of what Yu Ziyu was thinking, this woman also opened her thin lips and said softly:

"Master, this body of yours is an elf, and I naturally take the form of an elf...."

"All right..."

Nodding slightly, Yu Ziyu also understood.

No wonder, transformed into an elf.

It turned out to be related to the race of his body.

Still, it's really good.

Slowly raising his eyes and taking another look, Yu Ziyu was also satisfied.

She is indeed the Queen of the Dragon Clan.

Although he is not old, his appearance is really worthy of the superior race.

The higher the race, the more perfect it is.

All high-level races have good looks.

Although the Dragon Girl is not as stunningly beautiful as the King of Mermaids and the Queen of Elf, her beauty crosses all races.

But in front of me, this girl has an excellent temperament.

He looks very dashing.

A head of fiery red hair hanging around her waist.

The golden dragon eyes are shining.

The tall and straight figure is even more perfect.

"Tsk tsk..."

With slight praise in his heart, Yu Ziyu also took the initiative to praise:

"Your transformed posture is not bad, isn't it?..."

"Hehe, that's..."

With a pursed smile, the dragon girl also pointed at the two petite-looking red horns that suddenly grew out of her forehead, and said bluntly:

"Now I'm not good at transforming, so I can't get rid of this dragon horn."

"It's already very good. You were able to do this for the first time when you transformed. There's no need to question your talent...."

Amidst the praise again, Yu Ziyu also turned sideways.

And this was just because the dragon girl was too close to him, and there was a faint fragrance that belonged only to women.

It smells good.

However, don’t smell too much.

But at this time, seeing Yu Ziyu leaning sideways, Long Nu seemed to realize something and also pursed her lips and smiled.

Immediately, he also took a step back and took the initiative to pay his respects:

"Dragon Girl Dai'er, I've seen your Majesty"


Hearing what Long Nu called herself, Yu Ziyu was slightly startled and asked with a smile:

"Is your name Dai'er?"

"Well, when I was conscious, someone called me Del. Since then, I have been called Del."

"All right."

Nodding, Yu Ziyu was also surprised.

I didn't expect that the dragon girl who looked very heroic would have such a gentle name.


With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu seemed to notice something, and suddenly raised his head and looked towards the horizon.

I saw a white storm falling from the sky, and silver lightning tearing through the sky....

One after another, the strong men did not hide their aura and came at extremely fast speeds.

"what happened? How could there be such a big commotion?"

Before the people arrived, Bai Hu's loud voice echoed through the void.

"This guy...It's always half a beat like this..."

Shaking her head helplessly, Yu Ziyu wondered about Bai Hu's brain circuit.

However, in the next moment.

Another voice suddenly sounded in the void

"The thunder dragon of the Dragon Clan is here to pay homage to its master....I have also seen the new true god of the Dragon Clan...."

A deep voice with a hint of respect.

But it was Xiao Shi, who had always been cold and arrogant, hanging high in the sky.

The Dragon Clan has always respected strength.

After realizing that the Red Dragon Queen had broken through to the fifth extraordinary level and was not an enemy, Xiao Shi took the initiative to say hello as a token of greeting.

However, at this time, he looked at Yu Ziyu not far away. This tall and heroic-looking woman also had eyes flashing.

I didn’t expect this guy to be able to obtain the Dragon Clan’s secret method—Transformation...

You know, this is an extremely advanced secret method.

However, this is not important.

What is really important is that, as a secret method unique to the Dragon Clan, it cannot be used by other races, but it also means that anyone from the Dragon Clan can learn it.

From this aspect, if one person learns it, it is equivalent to all the dragon clan of the same force learning it.

And this, no wonder, Xiao Shi, the giant thunder dragon, rushed over immediately after he noticed that a dragon had set foot on the True God.

Meeting the true God is the second priority, and the idea of ​​​​the 'Dragon Clan's Secret Technique' is probably the main thing.

After all, the current Thunder Dragon is the leader of the Dragon Clan!!

He is responsible for the rise and fall of the clan!...

"It is you..."

In response, the face of the dragon girl who looked at the Thunder Dragon Xiao Shi from a distance also changed.

At the beginning, she was beaten by Xiao Shi, the giant thunder dragon, and was unable to fight back.

Therefore, she, who has always held grudges, couldn't help but pick up her pink fists when she saw Xiao Shi again.

But, for a moment.

As if thinking of something, she curled her lips, but she took the initiative to pull Yu Ziyu to one side.

As a servant of her master, wherever her master's sword points, her fist will also be directed.

She dare not do anything without the master's order.

And at this moment, as if to remind her, Yu Ziyu's voice also sounded in Long Nu's ears.

"Xiao Shi is one of my top ten mythical beasts and should not be insulted lightly...."

After being reminded, Yu Ziyu raised his eyes again, looked at the sky, and introduced to everyone:

"Dragon Girl, Dai'er, is now my fighting partner. We can all be considered equals...."

"Yes, master..."

In the chorus of responses, the eyes of the strong men such as Jiuwei, Niu Demon and others couldn't stop flashing.

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