And at this time, not to mention the Fire Dragon Soul - Haposi's confusion...


Suddenly there was a dragon roar, extremely high-spirited and excited.

Visible to the naked eye, at the end of the sky are thick pillars of fire that set off vast shock waves. It was a violent shock.

Along with it, this seemingly infinite flame continues to shrink...

In just a few breaths, the outline of a giant dragon appeared in the sky.

And that is the Red Dragon Queen...

The red flames filling the sky are constantly returning to the body.

Immediately afterwards, an indescribable power surged within his body.

Powerful and terrifying.

There is an indescribable vastness


The giant dragon looked up to the sky and roared.

A pair of ruby ​​eyes, shining like stars.

Advanced, actually advanced.

While sharing some of the abilities of the 'master', she, the Red Dragon Queen, actually advanced, stepping into the fifth level of transcendence, the realm of the true god.

This is simply unbelievable.

However, suppressing the excitement in her heart, the Red Dragon Queen also took the initiative to sink into her body.

The body is growing rapidly...

The palm-sized dragon scales are growing slowly....

As the hardness increases, the defense power also increases.

However, compared to the changes in the body, the changes in the body are even greater....Spiritual power and spirit are constantly resonating under the guidance of an inexplicable force.

And this inexplicable power, the Red Dragon Queen recognized...

"is the master..."

With a voice full of excitement, the Red Dragon Queen truly called out the word 'Master' for the first time.

But before she could think more, a warm voice suddenly sounded in her heart

"Hold your breath...Concentrate..."


Listening to this voice, the Red Dragon Queen was also distracted. She didn't dare to think too much, and her consciousness sank into her body again....

And the moment her consciousness sank into her body, her mind was shocked.

Countless unfamiliar pictures appeared, and they were constantly flipped.

It's like memory, but more like inheritance.

And this is the inheritance of the Dragon Clan.

The Dragon Clan is a terrifying race.

The scarcity of clan members did not affect their strength.

Simply because they have buried their inheritance deeply in the blood of their descendants. If there is a breakthrough, one inheritance after another will be opened.

Therefore, to a certain extent, any dragon clan cannot be underestimated.

Because no one knows what kind of inheritance they have awakened.

I don't even know what kind of power they have found from ancient times.

And now, the Red Dragon Queen, a giant dragon who has just stepped into the fifth level and the realm of true gods, is starting to inherit the memory.......

"Tsk tsk...This guy is very lucky."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu, who was already standing above the head of the Red Dragon Queen, raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

He did not expect that the Red Dragon Queen would advance to the next level after signing a contract with him.

However, thinking about it, Yu Ziyu was also relieved.

Hong The Dragon Queen was already half a step up to the fifth level, and had a strong accumulation.

After signing a contract with Yu Ziyu, she shared part of Yu Ziyu's power. Not only the body, but also the soul was shared.

And this part was enough to make people just one step away from each other. her breakthrough

"Is this an unexpected gain?..."

Touching her nose, Yu Ziyu also smiled.

Originally, it was just a demigod-level mount.

Now, he has stepped into the true God in one step.

Tsk tsk...

Just thinking about it made Yu Ziyu a little proud.

You know, there are not many True God Realm combatants in the Misty Mountains today.

In all the top star regions, a true god-level being can become a general guarding one side. Even the top forces in the star regions do not dare to neglect.

But now, a true god has become his slave...


A dry cough suppressed the joy in her heart, and Yu Ziyu raised her arm and took a look.

For a moment, what caught his eye was a crimson flame on Yu Ziyu's slender arm.

Dragon Flame, a very advanced flame.

The spiritual power is immortal, the flame is endless, and it has a high temperature and blazing heat that far exceeds that of ordinary flames.

And this is the ability that the Red Dragon Queen gave him - to control the dragon's flames.

In addition, Yu Ziyu also felt that her physical strength had increased by about 50%.

Five percent, this is not a small number.

Although the physique of the elves is not as good as that of the dragons, it is much stronger than other races.

And now, on this basis, it has actually increased by 50%....

If the guess is correct, Yu Ziyu is now capable of fighting some physically powerful mutated beasts....

"Now, with my body, my combat power should have increased by 30 to 40%...."

While muttering, Yu Ziyu also had a clear understanding of his void elf body.

The combat power is increased by 30 to 40%, although it is not high.

But compared to the terrifying combat power of Yu Ziyu's body at the fifth level, Yu Ziyu smiled again....

At least in the field of fifth level, the void elf body is already invincible at the same level.

With space ability, now after signing a contract with the Red Dragon Queen, the offensive ability has been qualitatively improved.

Who can rival me at the same level?...

Not to mention, the red dragon queen at Yu Ziyu's feet is also part of his combat power.

However, at this moment, as if he had discovered something, Yu Ziyu was slightly startled.

Looking up, he saw that the body of the giant dragon under his feet was slowly shrinking....

Yes, shrink.

It's like using the magic power as you wish.

Compared with using the big and small Ruyi magical powers, the appearance of the Red Dragon Queen is changing.

"This is?"

Astonished, as if realizing something, Yu Ziyu's eyes also condensed.

In a moment, a line of text was printed in front of his eyes.

【The Secret Technique of the Dragon Clan - Transformation: As the oldest dragon clan, they can freely transform into any form through the secret technique. Some will turn into humans, some into dwarfs, and some into half-dragons....Each dragon has its own preferred form...】

Secret techniques are similar to magical powers, but they are not magical powers.

Just because the secret method is a family secret.

For example, the secret method of the Dragon Clan in front of us is an ability that only the Dragon Clan can learn and even use....

But now, his slave has awakened such a secret method-transformation...


Yu Ziyu was also stunned for a rare moment of confusion.

Transformation is a long-standing term.

I once thought about it, and then I was relieved.

Nowadays, I am more and more familiar with my own posture, and the word"transformation" is gradually forgotten.

And, more importantly, with his natal talent - absolute evolution, Yu Ziyu can also temporarily transform.

Just don't want to.

It's even more useless...

However, just when he forgot about the word"transformation"...His slave, the Red Dragon Queen, began to transform right under his nose.... ps:----------------Ask for customization-----------

Advanced races, especially races like the dragon race, must have the means to transform.

One is to facilitate communication among the same race.

The second one is to be able to get along with all races...

However, human beings are only one choice for transformation. Dwarfs, elves, half-dragons, etc. are all options....

In the game Warcraft, red dragons prefer sin'dorei, while blue dragons usually choose humanoids. As for bronze dragons, they seem to like dwarves....The aesthetics are different.

Here, Crimson has some reference...

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