And at this moment, deep in a valley


Taking a deep breath, the nine tails quietly emerged.

The other animals are waiting outside the valley.

Just because, when passing through this valley, Jiuwei's keen sense of smell detected a faint scent.

And this is Kyuubi.

If it were a mutated beast, you might not even notice it.

As a member of the Sky Fox lineage, Nine-Tails is very sensitive to certain auras.

"It’s a breakthrough, and it’s still heading toward the third level of transcendence...."

There was a murmur in the heart, and Kyuubi also grinned.

I didn't expect that there would be such an opportunity.

He unexpectedly encountered a mutated beast that was breaking through to the third level of extraordinary.

You know, the existence that has just broken through is the weakest.

It's just like the sacred tree, or the foundation is too deep, otherwise the mutated beast that has just broken through will have no fighting power and will be the most dangerous.

In other words, it is very dangerous for someone to notice a breakthrough.

I think back then, in order not to break through, the sacred tree used spiritual stones to block its aura....

Now, in this era, with evolution, there are more and more ways to block aura.

Some mutated beasts can even block the breath of breakthrough with their unique abilities.

And now, this mutated beast hidden deep in the valley is like this.

However, the wisp of breath that was accidentally leaked still made Kyuubi aware of it.....

The empty mountain is silent, the cold moon is like a hook, and the cold stars are reflected in the sky.

The valley in the night is originally desolate and cold, like a deserted and inhabited next door, but if you look carefully, you will find that the ground is covered with flowers and lush trees.

The whole air is filled with the fragrance of flowers....

It was not one kind of flower, but countless kinds of flowers. No, not ordinary flowers, but various spiritual flowers intertwined.

Narrowing his eyes slightly, Jiuwei could see that this valley seemed to be shrouded in a light shield, firmly locking in the scent of the spiritual flower.

No wonder it is difficult to detect these spiritual flowers at the entrance.

It turned out to be protected by a barrier-like ability.

It's just a pity.

Such a light mask can lock the breath, and it can also serve as a warning.

But it doesn't seem to have much effect on Kyuubi.

Just because the Nine Tails, who has the blood of the Sky Fox, has an ability that is not commonly used, but seems to be very good - breaking the boundary

【Breaking the Boundary - The extremely sacred blood gives the claws the power to tear through all the boundaries....】

Kyuubi never knew how to use this ability.

However, the moment it noticed the light shield, it felt something in its heart and raised its paws. moment,

"stab pull..."

Only a very crisp tearing sound was heard, and the light shield tore a hole silently.

And it was through this opening that Kyuubi entered the valley like a fairyland.

"Valley of Flowers..."

While murmuring, Jiuwei took a deep look at this valley and gave this valley a very good name.

Hundreds of flowers bloom, vying for beauty.

Although there are no spiritual flowers at the level of the 'Colorful Spirit Flower' or the 'Fox Tribe Treasure', most of these are extraordinary.

There are even several kinds of spiritual flowers that make Kyuubi a little excited.

However, at this moment, something felt in his heart, and Kyuubi's gaze suddenly went deep into the valley.

For a moment, under the surprised gazes of the nine tails, a butterfly was floating on a huge spiritual flower that looked like a lotus.

This is no ordinary butterfly. There are arc-shaped golden-green stripes on each front wing, glowing with golden light. There are several golden patches in the center of the hind wings, dotted with stars, like a starry sky.

There are crescent-shaped golden spots on the rear edge, and the tail shape of the hind wings is protruding and slender, with a small golden section at the end, but there is a golden light shining down, and then slowly disappears....

At first glance, she looks like a radiant"lady", her posture is graceful, her gorgeousness is even more noble

"golden-spotted swallowtail butterfly..."

With a murmur, Jiuwei narrowed his eyes slightly at the mutated butterfly.

Under the deliberate guidance of the sacred tree, Nine-Tails likes reading books very much, and is even more familiar with certain mutant beast maps compiled by humans.

The golden-spotted swallowtail butterfly is one of the species recorded in the atlas.

However, this kind of spirit butterfly seems a bit scary.

Because before the extraordinary era, the golden-spotted swallowtail butterfly was known as the"Queen of Butterflies" and ranked first among the eight most precious butterflies in the world. It is also known as the"Dream Butterfly" and the"World Animal Living Fossil".

With so many names, you can imagine how precious this butterfly is.

And now, this butterfly has not only transformed into a spiritual butterfly, but is also launching an attack on the third level of the extraordinary....

"My luck doesn't seem to be very good."

Muttered in her heart, Kyuubi didn't know whether to be happy or to smile bitterly.

Fortunately, it was naturally because she found a spiritual butterfly attacking the third level of the extraordinary.

And the bitter smile was because, at this time, if Kyuubi disturbed her A breakthrough is undoubtedly a life-and-death feud.

And this conflicts with the purpose of the Nine-Tails.

After all, under the command of the sacred tree, the Nine-Tails this time is to conquer more mutated beasts.

The more you cherish it, the more you cherish it. Okay.

And the golden-spotted swallowtail butterfly, which has a 'Dream Butterfly' and is known as the 'Queen of Butterflies', is naturally on the list of nine-tailed conquerors.


Taking a deep breath, Kyuubi had made his decision.

Slowly pull towards the back.

It wasn't until he retreated to the edge of the valley's light shield that Kyuubi slowly lay down, and then chose to watch quietly.

And not long after that


The golden-spotted swallowtail butterfly suspended above the flower suddenly spread its wings, and saw a strong wind like a storm blowing up, and the entire valley was turbulent.

"No wonder this guy’s breakthrough momentum won’t be too amazing."

"This guy actually made a breakthrough with Baihua's spiritual energy...."

Whispering in his heart, Jiuwei was also surprised by the methods of the golden-spotted swallowtail butterfly.

All flowers are spiritual flowers.

The spiritual energy he exhales is naturally not comparable to ordinary spiritual energy.

The other mutated beasts need to plunder the aura of a world to break through, and their momentum is astonishing.

But this spiritual butterfly used the spiritual energy of the flowers to control its momentum to a minimum.

This shows her methods!!...

Visible to the naked eye, wisps of colorful spiritual energy rise one after another.

In just a few breaths, there were already hundreds of strands of pure spiritual energy, turning into a storm and rushing towards the golden-spotted swallowtail butterfly....

The golden light on the body is even more dazzling, and the golden light spots scattered by the tail are even more intense....

Faintly, Jiuwei could no longer see the figure of the golden-spotted swallowtail butterfly.

Only a ball of light like a small sun could be seen, shining deep in the valley.

I don’t know how long it has been


A scream, full of joy of breakthrough.

Immediately afterwards, under the stunned gazes of Kyuubi, a golden butterfly that was several times larger and the size of a basketball appeared in the air.

Accompanying it is the radiant light that is like a dream.

Just suspended in the air, it blurs the vision and causes ripples in the void. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu

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