It was late at night, and the fighting in Half Moon City had stopped.

Facing Yu Ziyu, not to mention them, even the Federation did not dare to be too presumptuous.

In this way, the entire city chose to surrender in a deathly silence.

However, that is surrender.

It might as well be said that a strong human being put down his weapon.

At this time, Qingfen, who was well aware of the bad nature of human beings, also cleverly promoted some people at the bottom of the city, but they were worthy of training.

"Put them in jail. If one of them escapes, you will know the consequences."

In a cold voice, Qing Fan said this to the man named Li Lang.

"Know, know."

He nodded hurriedly, and the man named Li Lang also patted his chest and promised:

"Please rest assured, sir, as long as I am here, none of them will escape."

"That's good."

Nodding, Qingfan was also satisfied.

This guy named 'Li Lang' has a bit of a sly look on his face. Although his strength is at the first level of extraordinary, when faced with the rat tide, he couldn't even resist it, let alone resist it. He couldn't even run away.

And such a person, It's not bad for him to be used as a servant for the time being.

At least, he who is 'greedy for life and afraid of death' will still cherish his own life.

Of course, in the days to come, Qingfan will also work hard to cultivate his own 'human confidants'. The true meaning Go up and take over this city.

And this is also the task that Yu Ziyu entrusted to Qingfan.

In other words, he is already the new city lord of Banyue City.

But at this time, as if he thought of something, Qingfan suddenly raised his eyes and looked at There is a tall building not far away.

This is a skyscraper, one hundred meters high, and it is also the most magnificent building in Banyue City.

However, what is a little surprising now is that this tall building is actually wrapped with vine-like plants...

At a glance, the entire tall building seems to be given life.

At this moment, only Qing Fan, the 'son of the earth', could understand that there was already a root entangled under this tall building.

And that is the root of the master.

The master’s roots are spread throughout every corner of the misty mountain.

Now, as the fog spreads, its roots are also spreading.

And this root is just the first one to spread.....


Taking a deep breath, Qingfan walked slowly along a street towards a tall building covered with vines.

Where there is a master, all things will grow and exude vitality.

Now, although only a section of the owner's tree root has arrived, the rich vitality still makes all the plants around the high-rise building grow....

And these vines are just a kind of plant under the influence of the owner.

More plants have turned the area near the high-rise buildings into vibrant greenery.

At a glance, it feels like returning to the forest.

But, at this time, slowly walked into the tall building...

What strikes the eye is the combination of city and nature.

Looking up, I saw that vines were wrapping around the pillars, and even the tall buildings were a little more alive.


With a call, Qingfen already bowed down respectfully.

"Come up."

Listening to the sudden sound in his ears, Qingfan was also happy.

For a moment,

"Step, step, step..."

Following footsteps one after another, Qingfan has reached the top floor of this tall building.


Before knocking on the door, an office-like wooden door slowly opened.

However, the moment the door opened, what caught Qingfan's eyes was the back of a young man.

With shawl black hair, he looks about fifteen or sixteen.

And just such a back figure, standing quietly in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, overlooking the entire city, has an indescribable feeling.

Like loneliness, like missing


Listening to the call coming from behind, Yu Ziyu used the countless roots extending from a tree root under the tall building to weave the 'young man', and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

"How did things go?"

"Now, the entire city has been suppressed, and all humans who resisted have been either buried underground forever or imprisoned in the sky."

Speaking of this, Qingfen also said in a serious voice:

"Master, please rest assured, those guys who are thrown into the prison will never be able to escape."

"Throughout the city, the Rat Clan has tens of thousands of people taking root in the sewers, and outside Half Moon City, there are even thousands of wind wolves guarding it."

"It can be said that the entire Banyue City is like a copper wall and an iron wall...."....

Listening quietly to Qing Fan's words, Yu Ziyu nodded with satisfaction.

He still feels at ease when Qingfan does things.

Of course, Qingfan said a little less.

The entire Banyue City is filled with mist like a veil, and these mist are Yu Ziyu's eyes.

As long as Yu Ziyu wants to, he can grasp all the trends in the city.

And this is also the most terrifying thing after he was promoted to the fourth level of Transcendence.

It is like substantive spiritual power that can easily cover the entire city, and with the help of the medium of 'fog', Yu Ziyu's spiritual coverage can be extended several times.

However, in this way, Yu Ziyu will receive a lot of information at once, so much that Yu Ziyu will feel every bit of fatigue.

"Banyuecheng, I leave it to you, I’m at ease."

In response, Yu Ziyu also raised his eyes, looked down at the city, and continued.:

"In order to organize scientific researchers and psychic scientists in this city as soon as possible, I need to establish several research institutes."

Having said this, Yu Ziyu also raised his fingers.

In a moment, a few drops of very rich life essence appeared between Yu Ziyu's fingers.

"Give these to them and let them study and see if they can be mass-produced. Even if the effect is weak, it doesn't matter."


Qingfan was slightly startled, but he didn't hesitate.

Instead, he respectfully collected these drops of life essence.

At this moment, Yu Ziyu’s voice sounded in the air again:

"By the way, don’t forget to collect human research on this era and even spiritual power. I want to see it."

"OK, Master."

Nodding, a flash of light flashed in the depths of Qingfan's eyes.

The master really has great wisdom.

He uses various achievements of human beings to further make up for his own needs.

This is hard to imagine for other mutated beasts..

And now, the master has not only done this, but has also begun to cultivate humans.

And all of this...

If the guess is correct, the master should be starting to prepare for the fifth level of extraordinary.

Level 5, an unknown realm.

Even in theory, humans can only analyze that the fourth level is as terrifying as a natural disaster.

But he knows nothing about the fifth level.

But now, the master is doing this just like a path-finder, taking step after step just to open up a path for future cultivation.

After all, no one knows the road ahead, and someone must eventually open it.

And the master is such an existence.

While most humans and mutated beasts were still striving towards the third level of transcendence, the master had already peeked into the unknown realm. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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