"This is?"

As if he noticed something, a woman who came out like a flame came from a distance, and her face suddenly changed slightly.

Looking up, a city in the distance whose outline could be vaguely seen turned out to be like paper, slowly... Dissipated in the air.

Faintly, Ling'er could vaguely see a towering giant elephant, raising its long trunk high, looking up to the sky and neighing.

It seemed to be excited, but also seemed to be agitated.

"A giant elephant of the third level of extraordinary?"

With a sigh, Ling'er also quickened his pace.

However, at this moment, Ling'er was keenly aware that there were many powerful auras near this city.

One of them was very familiar.

"Is it you?"

After a slight pause in his footsteps, Ling'er's eyes were already looking in one direction.

For a moment, what caught his eyes was a figure riding a huge iron-eating beast, running towards him at great speed. The first knight of the Federation, and one of the few top knights in the Federation. strong

"You are here too."

While sighing, the first knight of the Federation also took a deep look at the remote town in the distance, and a trace of heartfelt horror flashed deep in his eyes.

Even here, he could vaguely feel the terrifying wind and waves, tearing apart like a knife. Split cheeks.

In the face of such power, not to mention a remote town, even they, the strongest men who stand at the top of mankind, seem extremely small.

But, he had to come.

This time, these sea monster crazes Unless the big boss is eliminated, the invasion of the sea tribe will not stop.

Until now, twenty-seven coastal cities have encountered the invasion of mutated sea beasts.

Among them, five cities have been reduced to ruins and buried forever under the sea..

More than a dozen cities were severely damaged. Until now, they are still fighting endless battles with endless sea beasts.

This shows how bad the federation's form is this time.

And this time, it's not just him, everyone in the federation The powerful ones with some reputation came quietly.

But, looking at the hundreds of meters of waves rolling up in the distance,...

Everyone paused.

In front of such power, they are as insignificant as ants.

Not to mention fighting against the most powerful mutated sea beasts, even those extraordinary second-level deep sea monsters were extremely difficult for them.

However, at this moment, as if he had discovered something, the first knight of the Federation suddenly said in shock:

"where did you go?"

"Stop them."

After saying this, Ling'er stepped lightly, and the purple waves of flames under her feet lifted her up and shot towards the city on the horizon.

"do not go..."

With a touch of anxiety, the first knight of the Federation glanced at the figure who paused slightly, and immediately added:

"If we rush there with our strength, we will die."

"It is better to conserve combat power and wait for the federal high-level officials to make the final decision."

Speaking of which, the Federation's firstThe scholar took a deep breath and said solemnly:

"The Federation is ready to use the psychic railgun...With a successful launch, this sea monster disaster will be completely resolved...."

"The spiritual rail gun?..."

With a murmur, Ling'er raised an eyebrow.

This is a pinnacle weapon that only exists in theory, combining spiritual power and technology.

It is said that the beam of light it shoots can destroy everything in its path. Even a third-level mutant beast, with its power, it is possible to kill it.

However, this pinnacle weapon has never appeared in the world, and even Ling'er has only heard about it.

But now, listening to the words of the Federation's first knight, it seems that the Federation has developed this pinnacle weapon.

Although this is most likely just a semi-finished product...

But for now, it seems that the Federation has no choice.

Even if there is only one ten thousandth chance, they will try.

Otherwise, the entire federation and even most of the continent will be destroyed by the sea monster craze.

"Tsk tsk..."

After slapping his mouth, Ling'er somewhat understood the federation's approach.

The last straw, you have to grab it even if you die! only...

As if thinking of something, Ling'er took a deep look at the direction of the misty mountain, and her eyes couldn't stop twinkling.

If her senses were correct, the master seemed to have woken up and was still coming here.

Thinking of this, Ling'er looked at the sea beast craze sweeping the city and showed a hint of sympathy.

Although I don’t know why the owner came, it is definitely not a good thing for these sea beasts.....

However, at this time, looking at the red figure still running towards the city, the first knight of the Federation couldn't help but roared:

"The top leaders of the federation have issued an order that extraordinary second-level experts are not allowed to approach the battlefield."

"That kind of extraordinary third-level monster is far beyond what we can fight against."

"Why are you so stubborn?"...

Listening to the anxious words in the roar of the first knight of the federation, Ling'er couldn't help laughing, and burst into laughter.

She didn't expect that the Federation's first knight, who had always been indifferent, would have such a gaffe.

It's just a pity.

She kind of wanted to see her master.

And, more importantly, she doesn't seem to be at the second level of Transcendence.

Thinking of this, Linger suddenly let out a breath.


With a long breath, in the eyes of the first knight of the Federation, a pair of wings transformed from purple flames suddenly extended from Ling'er's back.

For a moment, this pair of three-foot-long purple wings spread out fiercely, covering Ling'er's entire body.


Ling'er's entire figure rose into the sky, turned into a purple meteor, and disappeared in the eyes of the Federation's first knight in the blink of an eye.

Only the gradually disappearing purple light spots in the air seemed to be telling something silently.

Just when Ling'er's figure completely disappeared, a belated voice suddenly sounded in the heart of the first knight of the Federation.

"I didn’t say, I am the second level of extraordinary..."

The playful voice made the knight's face harden for a long time.

Even the iron-eating beast under him opened his mouth and stared dumbly at the direction where Ling'er disappeared.

"boss...Spiritual Wings...This seems to be something only the third level of Extraordinary can do."

In the stammering voice, the iron-eating beast also looked confused.

"No need for you to remind me."

The corner of his mouth twitched again and again, and the eyes of the first knight of the Federation were also a little dull.

Di Ji, Ling'er...

This most mysterious woman actually broke through to the third level of Transcendence quietly. this...

How can this be?

Until now, I still can't believe it.

However, looking at the city sky in the distance, the purple flames suddenly rolled up all over the sky, the first knight of the Federation finally realized...Ling'er seems to have really made a breakthrough.

Just because the terrifying momentum that does not belong to the giant elephant is enough to explain everything

"Burn the river and cook the sea..."

A scream resounded for thousands of miles around, shaking countless strong men hidden around the city.

Looking around, among the dumbfounded human warriors, a beautiful girl with gorgeous purple wings on her back was floating quietly in the sky.

Behind her, a sea of ​​purple fire was already brewing. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu

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