In a city not far from the capital city, the sea water has submerged most of the city.

Visible to the naked eye, the water level is as high as three to four meters, submerging countless streets.

And in these streets, one after another mutated creatures from the sea roared and shuttled.

However, compared to these low-level mutant fish monsters, what was truly terrifying was the huge waves rolling up hundreds of meters in the distance.

And deep in the huge waves,

"Hoo, ho, ho..."

Accompanied by roars one after another, behemoths emerged from the sea one after another.

Sea Beast is the most ferocious race among the seven races of the deep sea. However, due to the occurrence of reverse evolution, this race generally has low IQ and cannot even communicate spiritually.

Scarlet eyes, ferocious spikes...

It looks like a monster.

No, they are monsters, real monsters. Their existence is to destroy. If it weren't for their amazing fighting power, even the sages of the Sea Clan would not want them to keep them.

You can imagine how cruel these guys are.

At this moment, the sound of chains shaking suddenly came from the void.

Looking for the sound, countless humans were horrified to see a ferocious spider-like beast coming along the waves.

There are sharp thorns all over the body, like an angry hedgehog.

But it has eight ferocious giant claws...

And on its neck, there is a very thick iron chain....

"King of sea beasts..."

Amid the murmurs, a beautiful figure with black hair slowly appeared on top of a tall building.

She is the owl and the first woman to discover the invasion of sea beasts.

However, facing such a large-scale sea monster craze, not to mention her, not even the Demon City could resist it.

However, with the tacit approval of some senior officials in the Magic City, 'Xiao', that is, the young Lin Ziyi, took the initiative to lead the main force of the Sea Beast Frenzy into the wild to preserve the Magic City's chance of survival.

And relying on his spatial talent, Xiao also completed the task perfectly.

However, looking at this remote town that was already filled with living things, a hint of unbearability flashed through the depths of Xiao Xiao's eyes.


In the soft murmur, Xiao was full of guilt.

But she had no choice.

There are cities all around the Magic City. No matter where the 'King of Sea Beasts' is led, life will be painted.

And all she can do is sacrifice the"few" in exchange for the survival of the majority.

Although these few are innocent.

But compared to most of the total annihilation, this is worth it.

Thinking of this, Xiao Xiao also bit down, put his fingers together with the sword, and slashed out again


A black thread continued to spread along the space. When it flew near the 'King of Sea Beasts', it had turned into a black crack tens of meters long.

Space Slash is the most powerful attack method at the same level.

Even though Xiao Xiao only had the strength of the second level of extraordinary, such an offensive still attracted the attention of the 'King of Sea Beasts'


A roar erupted into the sky.

Sound waves visible to the naked eye spread layer by layer, and countless buildings among the sea beasts were shattered....

The extreme roar seemed to be able to break everything, even from a distance. It made my ears vibrate, giving me the illusion of being deaf.

However, at this moment, as if he noticed something, Xiaohu's expression changed drastically.

Looking up, I saw that the sky was dark.

Looking carefully, this turned out to be another ferocious beast.

Like a giant turtle.

However, compared to the turtle, it was covered with spikes and its eyes were as scarlet as blood.

The spikes all over the body seemed to be the symbol of the sea beast clan.

No, a more accurate statement is that cruelty and ugliness are the hallmarks of sea beasts


Taking a deep breath, looking at the ferocious turtle that was already rushing towards him, the figure of the owl slowly disappeared.

A moment later, when Xiao Xiao appeared again, he was already a thousand meters away.

However, at this moment


With a loud noise, the tall building that Xiao was standing on and the surrounding area were reduced to rubble, and a huge crater appeared like a crater left by a nuclear weapon....

At the same time, the terrifying shock wave also rolled up the surrounding buildings and struck in all directions.

The terrible aftermath made even Ling Xiao a little unsteady.

"Brutal, ugly, and after that, I feel the need to add another adjective - powerful and terrifying."

Muttering in a low voice, Xiao Xiao's face was heavy as he looked at the ferocious beasts that were raging throughout the city.

However, at this moment, as if he had discovered something, Xiao Hu's eyes suddenly focused.

He raised his eyes. Looking around, a small white jade-like elephant appeared not far away.

This little elephant was only the size of a calf and looked very cute.

But for some reason, it was surrounded by clouds and mist.

And , what even makes Xiao Xiao a little stunned is that this little elephant is actually suspended in the sky.....

But at this moment


Suddenly there was a long roar, and the size of this little elephant, which looked like white jade, actually swelled in the wind.

In just a few breaths, it was already tens of meters high.

In terms of size alone, he is not even the smaller one among the four extraordinary third-level sea beasts.


There was another roar, and the mutated beast that had turned into a giant elephant actually grew in size again.

However, what was even more frightening was that Xiao actually heard a warning from the roar.

Yes, warning.

It also means to drive away.

However, looking at the strange mutated beasts that suddenly appeared, the mutated sea beasts seemed to have discovered some kind of prey, and a gleam of heat flashed deep in the eyes. moment,

"Roar, roar..."

Riding the huge waves, these sea beasts are already rushing towards the giant elephant.


The sudden roar drowned out the hustle and bustle of the entire city.

Looking up, he saw that it was an extraordinary third-level sea beast that was violently pulled out by the giant elephant's proboscis.

However, this is only the beginning.

Suddenly, it was the actions of this sea beast that completely angered the giant elephant.

"Click, click..."

Electric arcs that flickered on and off flickered in the void, and terrifying spiritual power fluctuations continued to roll up.

This giant elephant came from nowhere and swallowed up the clouds and mist in the sky with its long trunk.


The clouds and mist in the sky across the city turned into vortexes, constantly flowing towards the trunk of the giant elephant.

At the same time, a vast fluctuation has slowly spread.

When Xiao Xiao reacted, his breathing felt tight.

Just because this giant elephant swallowed not only clouds and mist, but also a large amount of spiritual power hidden in the air.

And in this way, countless remaining humans and even mutated beasts saw a giant elephant with a faint spiritual light all over its body....

It is as pure white as jade, but with the embellishment of spiritual light, it looks even more holy.

But at the same time as it is holy, a suffocating power is already surging

"No way."

In the subconscious murmur, Xiao had already activated the 'Escape' subconsciously.

However, at the moment when Xiao's body disappeared into the void,


A huge storm has swept through the entire city. at that moment...

Everything in front of the giant elephant disappeared into smoke, and even the huge waves rolled up were mostly evaporated....

As for the so-called 'city'’...

Like paper, it turned into dust in an instant and swept away towards countless sea beasts. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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