At this time, his eyes narrowed slightly, and Yu Ziyu's eyes had fallen on the half of the Thunder Spirit Grass.

"Thunder grass..."

While murmuring, Yu Ziyu's eyes couldn't stop twinkling.

This is the accompanying spiritual grass of the thunder attribute spiritual stone mine.

Like blood red vines.

However, compared to the blood-red vines, it is a pity that the Thunder Spirit Grass has not yet developed spiritual intelligence.

However, even so, the talent of this Thunder Spirit Grass cannot be underestimated.

【The natural talent - Thunder Gathering: Able to focus on oneself, gather a large amount of thunder attribute spiritual energy, and turn the world into a thunder field....】

This is a very extraordinary talent.

It's just a pity that the Thunder Spirit Grass has not yet developed spiritual wisdom. Even if it has talent, it still can't use it.

"If God gives it to you and you don’t take it, then I would be disrespectful."

Smiling, Yu Ziyu's branch wrapped with the Thunder Spirit Grass tightened slightly.

For a moment,

‘There was a crisp sound, visible to the naked eye, the Thunder Spirit Grass rolled up by Yu Ziyu actually shattered.

Immediately afterwards, under Yu Ziyu's expectant eyes, half of the broken Thunder Spirit Grass turned into streaks of blue energy....

"Gulu, Gulu..."

With big mouthfuls of mouthfuls, Yu Ziyu's entire wicker was wrapped in blue lightning.

Looking up, this wicker branch is like a thunder chain descending from the depths of the night sky, reaching through the sky and the earth.

At the same time, Yu Ziyu also felt a very violent energy pouring into his body.

The power of thunder is the most violent.

Even more so than the power of fire.

But now, Yu Ziyu is already in a dark place deep in his mind. Thousands of thunders are entangled, and a complex and bright thunder mark has been condensed.

"Natal talent - thunder gathering..."

With a murmur, Yu Ziyu also smiled in her heart.

This is what he wants.

The first time he saw the Thunder Spirit Grass, he had already made up his mind about this natural talent.

Absorbing thunder attribute ores is not as smooth and pure as absorbing thunder from heaven and earth.

However, at the beginning, even Yu Ziyu could not adapt to the violent thunder of heaven and earth immediately.

For this reason, he had to use thunder-attribute spiritual stones to gradually adapt his body to the power of thunder.

Now, a month and a half later, Yu Ziyu felt that most of his body had been transformed into a 'thunder body', and it was almost time to seize this talent....

His eyes narrowed slightly, and Yu Ziyu did not hesitate when looking at the extra natal talent on the attribute panel.

"The system strengthens the natural talent - thunder gathering."

Accompanying Yu Ziyu's call, a cold electronic synthesized sound also sounded in Yu Ziyu's ears.

"Are you sure that it takes 3,000 evolutionary lives to upgrade the talent of Thunder Gathering to Lv2?"


Nodding, Yu Ziyu affirmed again..

"Strengthen directly to 1v4."

As soon as the words fell, Yu Ziyu's evolutionary points passed quickly like running water.

At the same time, an inexplicable force also surged from the depths of Yu Ziyu's body.

【Native Talent - Thunder Control (Lv4): As a branch of elemental power, the host can freely control these violent elements, defend or attack, and even shape their attacks according to their own wishes. ]

Taking a deep look at this 'Thunder Control' talent, Yu Ziyu was not surprised.

Compared with the initial gathering of thunder elements, now one can freely control the thunder elements. This is obviously a qualitative change.

However, compared to controlling the thunder, Yu Ziyu is more concerned about inducing the thunder.

Only by inducing thunder can he better help himself to practice.

Although we communicated with the thunder of heaven and earth before, in the end it was the thunder elements that attracted each other....

Yu Ziyu didn't really absorb much.

But now, it's different.

With this natural talent, he has the possibility of triggering the thunder of heaven and earth on a large scale.

However, if this is the case, the news of Yu Ziyu's cultivation will inevitably expand several times, or even dozens of times, and even spread to the entire foggy mountain.

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu also lowered his gaze and looked at the mutated beasts on the ground, one after another looking at him with blazing eyes.

Finally, Yu Ziyu’s eyes fell on the leader Jiuwei

"Kyuubi, lead them back"


Somewhat surprised, Kyuubi did not refuse.


A long roar shook the sky, causing many mutated beasts to tremble slightly.

Then, I seemed to understand something.

Countless mutated beasts receded in all directions like the tide. Even the white crane, which likes silence the most and is often alone, spread its white wings and left Lingtan.


Nodding slightly, Yu Ziyu was satisfied as he looked at the mutant beasts retreating in all directions.

At the beginning of his practice, he could still control it.

But if he reaches the end of his practice and his consciousness sinks deep into his body, Yu Ziyu cannot guarantee that he can control it.

After all, triggering the Nine Heavens Thunder is not a trivial matter.

Even if a thunderstorm like this falls together, it is enough to seriously injure a first-level mutant beast, and even kill it.

For this reason, Yu Ziyu has to guard against


Taking a deep breath, Yu Ziyu's spiritual power also surged

"Boom, boom, boom..."

A sudden roar shook the night sky.

However, at the next moment, under the horrified gazes of countless mutated beasts, the night sky that still had some starlight suddenly dimmed.

Looking up, the dark sky seemed to be pressing down, and there was an indescribable depression.

And above Yu Ziyu's head, there are countless dark clouds gathering

"Click, click, click..."

With the sound of thunder falling one after another, half of the foggy mountains were shaken.

This sound of thunder, which was far beyond the previous ones, made the ears of many mutated beasts numb.

But, this is still a beginning.

Because, at the very next moment,


There was another roar, and a zigzag-shaped electric light suddenly swooped down from the night sky, followed by more electric lights falling one after another.

These electric lights are rushing into the sky, running wildly...

In just a moment, Beiyu Canyon was transformed into a doomsday-like thunder purgatory.

Thunder rumbled and lightning flashed.

Under the horrified gazes of the mutated beasts, the mountain peaks were broken, and the towering trees instantly turned into charred black, and eventually scattered into ashes....

Only that one towering tree that had already covered the sky and the moon, and even its crown was submerged deep into the dark clouds, became even more dazzling under the lightning and thunder...._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu

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