In the blink of an eye, more than half a month has passed.

And on this night, deep in the misty mountains, in the Beiyu Canyon


A flash of lightning flashed.

It illuminated this pitch-black canyon, and also illuminated a majestic giant tree that had submerged into the sky.


Taking a deep breath, Yu Ziyu opened her eyes for the first time in this long retreat.

The thunder of the main body has dimmed. If it weren't for the blue color all over his body and the terrifying power surging deep inside, Yu Ziyu would have suspected that this was a dream.

"How long have I been practicing?"

The faint voice echoed in the night sky, but it made countless terrifying beings slowly open their eyes.

"A month and a half."

With a response, Nine Tails also appeared in front of Yu Ziyu's eyes appropriately.

The four giant tails behind him stirred the night sky.

In the dark night, Nine Tails' figure seemed to have an indescribable mystery.

Its aura It is also more terrifying.

Faintly, they are all stabilized in the realm of the third level of the extraordinary.


Nodding slightly, Yu Ziyu also understood clearly.

One and a half months is not long, nor is it short. If it is long, it is enough to stabilize the state of Jiuwei.

If it is short, for Yu Ziyu, it is just a 'nap' 's skill.

However, there is still a longer retreat waiting for him.

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu is also a little excited.

The harder it is to break through the fourth level of the extraordinary, the more worth looking forward to for him.

And now, he It’s almost time to devour the Thunder Spirit Grass.

Thinking like this, Yu Ziyu also drew his gaze to the center of the Lingtan.

What he saw was a small blue grass with flickering electric arcs.

The Thunder Spirit Grass was not high. About half a meter.

But it is the gathering of thunder elements.

At a glance, half of the Lingtan is due to the flash of lightning.

And not far from the Thunder Spirit Grass, a purple-black giant egg seems to be swallowing What are you talking about? You can vaguely see the black arc spreading wantonly.

"Tsk tsk, this little guy is about to be born."

He smiled in his heart, but Yu Ziyu made a stroke of the willow stick.

"stab pull..."

With a sound like the tearing of brocade, the entire Thunder Spirit Grass was split into two.

For him, half a thunder spirit grass is enough.

The other half of the plant was naturally reserved for the little Yalong.

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu also rolled up a willow stick and brought half of the Thunder Spirit Grass to Yalong Dan's side.

At this time, he seemed to have noticed what Yu Ziyu meant.


A very surprising dragon roar suddenly resounded through the night sky.

Although he is immature, he is quite majestic.

So much so that mutant beasts such as the Nine-Tails looked sideways.

Long Wei, this is no joke.

Even though they are young, the pressure of being born at the top of the food chain still makes many mutant beasts feel their hearts tightening.

But at this moment


A very strange sound suddenly came from a big tree not far away.

Looking for the sound, many mutated beasts were shocked to find a palm-sized green scorpion, looking in the direction of the sub-dragon egg with its teeth and claws, and the green-scaled green tail on its back that was far longer than its body. Stand high...

"This little guy actually dares to challenge Little Yalong?"

Yu Ziyu was also a little surprised in the voice that seemed to be a smile but not a smile.

Although this little scorpion is not weak in talent, in terms of blood, it is really not as good as Yalong.

However, now, this little scorpion dares to attack Yalong Staring angrily.

You can imagine how brave this little guy is.

"That is, you don’t even know who is taking care of this little scorpion."

With a touch of pride, a figure wearing green clothes slowly walked out of the darkness.

And on her shoulder, there was a colorful spiritual flower that seemed to capture the beauty of the world. The petals trembled slightly, just like Her voice was ordinary and she looked full of pride.

But, indeed.

To be able to cultivate this little scorpion to such an extent, Colorful Spirit Flower does have the capital to be proud of.


After smiling, Yu Ziyu did not argue.

After all, when it comes to spiritual polishing, the Colorful Spirit Flower ranks second in the entire Misty Mountain, and no one dares to rank first.

What is worth mentioning here is that among the many mutated beasts in the Misty Mountains, there are four existences that cannot be ignored.

One is Leng Feng, who is good at taking care of cubs, and he takes great care of them.

All the strength that the new generation has grown up with has a share of his contribution.

The most typical examples of this are Alang and Xiaoying, the leader of the rat tribe.

Next is Qingfan.

As the chief instructor of Misty Mountain, he has considerable experience in training mutant beasts.

Even the chimpanzee clan, the first clan in the Misty Mountains, was brought up by him single-handedly.

Today, he is still on the Ice Island, patiently cultivating the White Bear clan.

It is estimated that before long, another terrifying clan will appear in the misty mountains.

The third person is a bull demon.

He is good at gravity control, and he usually builds a gravity field when practicing.

In this area, the gravity will gradually increase from the outside to the inside, which is the best place to practice to polish the body.

Mutated beasts are all physically powerful and have sharp claws.

And with the Bull Demon, the physical strength of the mutated beasts in the Misty Mountains will be more or less one or two percent stronger than the mutated beasts of the same level in the outside world.

Moreover, there are spiritual liquids such as the water of the spiritual lake and the water of the spiritual pool to repair the body.

It can be said that as long as the mutated beasts have been practicing in the Bull Demon's gravity field for a long time and can repair their bodies in time with the help of spiritual liquid, the physical strength of these mutated beasts will definitely not be bad.

I heard that some little guys who like the excitement even made a private ranking to see who at the same level could go the farthest in the Bull Demon's gravity field.

And this is one of the few rankings for the new generation in the Misty Mountains.

And the last existence that cannot be ignored is naturally the colorful spirit flower.

She is good at mental manipulation and has unique skills in polishing the spirit.

In addition to the six knights who often ask for help from her, the other mutated beasts will also more or less trouble the colorful spirit flower......

"Leng Feng, Qing Fan, Bull Demon, Colorful Spirit Flower..."

While murmuring, Yu Ziyu's eyes couldn't stop twinkling.

With these four people, the mutated beasts in the Misty Mountains start much higher than the outside world.

Now, it's not obvious.

But in the future, when new generation powers like Little Yalong and Green Scorpion grow up, the gap will naturally be reflected.

Hard work does pay off!

But some guys are already standing at the end of someone else's life when they are born.

And this is the case for the little guy in the Misty Mountains.

What's more, these guys' natural capital is not weak.

In this way, we will become stronger step by step, step by step....

Not to mention other things, but Yu Ziyu could imagine the mutated beasts coming out of the Mist Mountain, all of which were like"the famous Mist Mountain, shocking the world".

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu was also a little relieved.

Years of training have finally paid off.

Now he no longer has to worry about the growth of the new generation.

With these four, all he has to do is wait, wait quietly...Until one new generation after another has completely grown up. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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