"declare war..."

A very strange and scary word.

However, it has unspeakable difficulties.

In order to integrate the power of the sea, it even wanted to guide the people of the seven races in advance. It did not hesitate at any cost, but it ended up with the end of its lifespan.

Moreover, the most helpless thing is that the sea beast clan among the seven clans of the deep sea actually made a mistake in its guidance, and the so-called reverse evolution occurred.

Yes, reverse evolution.

A very sad evolution.

Even though the leader of the sea beast clan has the most terrifying combat power, his IQ is pitifully low.

It can even be said that the entire sea beast clan has become a low-level creature with a cruel nature, low IQ, and makes a living by preying on other species.

Of course, the inferior is the inferior.

But the potential of the sea beast clan has been tapped.

The ferocious body shape and inherently brutal character give this group of people a terrifying fighting power.

Considering the terrifying combat power of this ethnic group, he, a sage from the sea tribe, chose to stay after careful consideration.

Now, he is keeping the leader of the sea beast clan close to him like a pet.

As for the other races, although their tribesmen are extremely rare, they have become a climate.

Moreover, most marine mutated creatures are afraid of the powerful.

The power of these seven clan leaders should be enough to drive them!

In other words, it's time to start a war

"Next time, when I open my eyes, the world will completely belong to the ocean."

Muttered in my heart, this sea tribe prophet, also a mutated blue whale known as the 'Sage', also slowly closed his eyes and chose the final sleep.

Too tired, too tired, so tired that it has I don't want to open my eyes...

At this time, looking at the terrifying figure that was slowly sinking into the depths of the ocean, like a continent, the six figures around the light pillar nodded slightly.

"Make final preparations."

As he said that, a figure holding a chain, already leading the leader of the sea beast clan, rushed towards a certain direction.


Amidst the rare respect, many figures also nodded slightly.

However, what no one knows is...

When the seven kings of the sea tribe return to the sea areas, a war that affects the entire world will also completely break out.......

At the same moment, somewhere in the Chinese Federation

"Are you sure you want to join the Dark Council?"

During another inquiry, a young man with long platinum hair and very pale skin raised an arc at the corners of his mouth.


Amidst the nodding again, a young man who was as cold as a knife nodded heavily.

However, at this time, if there were any strong men from the Federation here, they would definitely not be able to help but exclaim, just a young man. It turned out to be a famous wanted criminal in the Federation - Zang Feng.

In the past, one man and one sword slaughtered a whole family just for revenge.

However, massacre is a serious crime.

Not to mention such a large-scale massacre.

For this reason, the Federation had to send He was arrested and brought to justice.

However, something surprising happened. He was a little guy who had entered the first level, but he gradually grew up in the pursuit again and again.

Until now, he has achieved the second level of extraordinary.

And his legendary experience has been praised and even imitated by countless dark people, so much so that there are many more federal wanted criminals.

But now, such an amazing and talented guy has chosen to bow his head and actively join the darkness. parliament


Nodding, Vampire Kaili also grinned.

Immediately, he smiled and said:

"Only by accepting the experiment can you truly join the Dark Council."

"And when you truly join the Dark Council, I will definitely agree to the drop of life essence I promised you."

Listening to the voice of vampire Kaili, Zang Feng also let out a heavy breath.

For him, it doesn't matter what force he joins.

However, the essence of life is related to the life and death of one of his best friends.

For this reason, he has no choice.

Moreover, after being on the run for so long, he really wants to find a place to stay.

Now, this dark parliament that has arisen among the dark forces is a good choice. What others don't know is that he, who has been wandering in the darkness for a long time, Don’t you know yet?

The Dark Council is not a simple organization.

The extreme mystery gives this organization too many unknowns.

It is said that this organization even reaches the heavens and can influence the opinions of some big figures.

And this, The second most frightening thing is that this organization has hands and eyes that reach the sky, and it holds the essence of life that countless people desire. The essence of life is an indescribable divine object.

Not to mention he is only a strong person at the second level of the second level. Those who are extraordinary, even those at the second and third level, and even the terrifying existences known as the 'most powerful', are all eager.

From this, we can see how precious this essence of life is.

And now, we only need to join the darkness Parliament, if you accept the experiment, you will be able to obtain such magical items.、


Taking a deep breath, Zang Feng was also a little excited.

Even if he knew that the experiment was extremely dangerous, he would not hesitate.

Just because he had walked through a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

Now, it's just another walk.

Thinking of this, Zang Feng slowly raised his eyes and looked in a certain direction.

There, there were several figures in white mantles, waiting quietly.....

Not long after, looking at Zang Feng's back as he walked into the laboratory, a figure with a bulging front and back slowly walked out of the darkness.

But what's shocking is that this figure actually has cat-like ears and two purple cat tails behind it.

Nekomata is one of the few extraordinary second-level experts among the foreign races.

Also, among the foreign races, the person in charge of transformation

"Is this the first time we have transformed a second-level extraordinary human being?"

"Are you confident?"

Smiling, vampire Kaili also took a sip from the goblet with a hint of scarlet rippling in his hand.

"What do you think?"

With a playful smile, Nekomata also played with the two daggers in his hands.

For a moment, as if he thought of something, Nekomata reminded:

"This time, the blood and cells of this guy named Zang Feng are transformed by our alien race. No, it should be said that they are the highest level genes that the Dark Council can obtain. The possibility of success should be very high."

"It’s just that I don’t know if this guy can suppress the animalistic nature after the transformation."

"It would be a pity if he couldn't suppress it."

Listening to Nekomata's voice, vampire Kairi also smiled and said bluntly:

"To be able to grow to where he is today, if this guy can't be suppressed, then there aren't many people who can."

"This is true."

Nodding, Nekomata also agreed.

After all, Zang Feng's experience can be said to be a legend in the dark world. He was able to escape from the Federation many times, and even grew to the second level of extraordinary. If his will is not strong enough to resist the erosion of beastly nature, There are really not many people there_Fei Lu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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