King Kong, the royal family of chimpanzees, is a unique mutation, or evolution.

All of them are like mountains and strong.

Although it is not comparable to the atavistic behemoth, it is not far behind.

Moreover, they are all in human form, can use weapons proficiently, and have gone through Qingfan's hellish training.

When it comes to combat prowess, not to mention the Misty Mountains, even the entire continent, there are few ethnic groups that can compare with them.

But now, after taking a deep look at Twenty-One King Kong, Niu Mo also said with a solemn expression:

"There is a war in the East. Are you willing to go?"


The roar was like thunder, and these soldiers-like figures said in unison.


Nodding, Niu Mo also made his final explanation:

"This time, you have two tasks. One is to polish yourself. As a warrior, the battlefield is where you belong."

"Secondly, Xiaowu and the others rushed to the battlefield. If something unexpected happens, you must do your best to protect them."

Listening to the Bull Demon's voice, Twenty-One King Kong's face condensed and he said in a deep voice:

"I will obey."

The words fell,

"Swish, swish, swish..."

One after another, figures rushed towards the outside of the earth.

But at this time, looking at the swift and fierce movements of these figures, even the Bull Demon couldn't help but squint his eyes.

"These people of yours are really scary."

With a sigh, the Bull Demon also looked into the depths of darkness.

There, there was a larger figure, sitting quietly.

The leader of the chimpanzee family, and the absolute king among the kings - Black Gold.

This is a terrifying existence unknown to outsiders.

Even in the misty mountains, few people know about it.

And it is worth mentioning that this guy's power definitely 'lives up to his name'.

Just because his combat power is no less than that of the Bull Demon , if he uses some means, he can even resist the existence of the second-level and fourth-level extraordinary.

And this is the black gold, second only to Nine-Tails, Snake Princess, and Emperor Crocodile in the Mist Mountain, standing firmly on The existence of the pinnacle of the third level.

The reason why the Black Gold, or the chimpanzee clan is so powerful is because as the first clan in the Misty Mountains, their resources can almost be called massive.

And, more importantly, this clan has great influence on the world. Being powerful has an almost obsessive pursuit.

In addition to building cities underground where the sun never shines all year round...Everything they do is for cultivation.

Even building cities has become part of their cultivation.

Move boulders to exercise your body.

Run long distances to build up your stamina.

What he drank was the water from the Lingtan Pond, and what he ate was extraordinary flesh and blood.

As for the place to sleep, it is in the Lingshi Square made of earth-attributed Lingshi mines....

Their talents are not weak, their resources are huge, and they have such a persistent 'cultivation spirit'. If they are not strong, it is because they are evil.

And all of this relies on the leadership of their clan leader, Heijin.

Just because Hei Jin is a wild beast of cultivation

"Gulu, Gulu..."

Drinking the spiritual wine in large gulps, Heijin also grinned and praised generously:

"These little brats have been trained, and it’s time to go out and see the blood."

As he said that, Heijin slowly stood up.


The ground shook violently.

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying figure like a mountain came into view.

Standing more than thirty meters tall, he looked like an atavistic beast.

His once black hair was now so dark that it turned red.

There is a faint hint of deep dark red color.

And this is black gold.

According to Yu Ziyu, if I had known that Black Gold's hair would turn red, I should have named him 'Red Gold'

"The master has been practicing in seclusion for a long time, right?"

"It has been more than half a month."

In response, the Bull Demon also raised his head and looked up at this figure.

It has to be said that even though it was not the first time he saw it, the Bull Demon's eyes still couldn't help but narrowed.

The legendary 'violent beast', Nothing better than this.

At this moment, Heijin, who slowly turned around and walked towards the depths of darkness, suddenly seemed to have thought of something. He paused slightly and said:

"Lao Niu, when the master wakes up, let's go out for a walk."


Smiling, the Bull Demon also accepted the invitation.

He had already thought about it.

However, he was always troubled by trivial matters.

The Emperor Crocodile sat on the outside of the misty mountain, while he sat on the inside.

As for the eldest sister and the two guardians, they were guarding the master..When the master wakes up from seclusion and has nothing to do, it’s time to go out for a walk and do the final polishing.

After all, the eldest sister has made a breakthrough....He also has to try to find opportunities for breakthrough.

Thinking of this, the Bull Demon also touched the crescent-shaped horns on the top of his head thoughtfully.

For some reason, he had a feeling that if he wanted to break through, this horn might be crucial....

And just when the misty mountains began to show their fangs to the outside world, no one knew...

Somewhere in the deepest part of the sea


Along with the terrifying roar, a white beam of light rose from the deepest part of the ocean floor.

However, at this time, if you look in the direction where this white light pillar rises, you will definitely be able to find seven very strange figures, surrounding the white light pillar.

"I am a member of the sea beast clan, and I will definitely protect the glory of the sea clan...."

Amidst the deep sounds, a monster with a body covered with spikes and a body that reached a thousand meters in size opened its mouth full of fangs.

However, if you look carefully, its scarlet eyes are full of violence and cruelty.

If it weren't for a thigh-thick chain locking its neck, this guy wouldn't mind showing his ferocious nature to the surrounding people.

At this time, after frowning and taking a look at this ferocious monster, another very petite figure also spoke:

"I am a member of the mermaid clan, and I will surely praise the glory of the sea clan...."

In a very cold voice, this humanoid figure actually swung its pink tail.

Mermaid, also known as mermaid.

I just didn't expect that there would be such a race in the deep sea.

However, there's more to it than that.

At the moment when the mermaid's voice fell, several more voices sounded one after another.

"I am a twin race..."

"I am of the dragon clan..."...

One after another, it seemed like an oath, but there was an inexplicable surge of power.

Looking up, with these seven figures as the center, the light beam became brighter and brighter.

Faintly, there are invisible waves one after another, spreading in all directions along the sea water.


A sudden sigh shook the entire sea area.

Slowly raising their heads, these seven figures noticed that an indescribably huge figure had enveloped them.

He is too big, too a land...

There is even more unspeakable loneliness


In the long and lonely cry, all seven figures bowed down.

"Meet the wise man."

There was no response, just a longer and longer cry. It was not until a long time later that a very old voice sounded faintly in the depths of the sea.

"I don't have much time left..."

"Prepare to declare war. I hope that before I close my eyes, I can see the glory of the Sea Clan spreading to every corner of the sea and even every inch of soil on the mainland...."_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu

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