"Sacred Tree, I still want to trade with you."

With a touch of excitement, the Iron Fist Tyrant's voice echoed in the forest again and again.

But at this moment, as if he thought of something, the Iron Fist Tyrant turned around and rushed towards several large trucks behind him.

"stab pull..."

The black curtain was torn, and several large pieces of raw lightning-attributed spiritual stones were exposed. not only that.

Looking carefully, there is a piece of grass on the mine of thunder-attribute spirit stones in one of the trucks.

However, what is surprising is that this grass looks like it was made of thunder.

As far as the eye can see, there are flashes of blue electric arcs.

"Sacred Tree, this time, in addition to bringing you the raw ore of thunder-attribute spiritual stones, I also bring you a spiritual grass that accompanies the ore--Thunder Spirit Grass...."

After taking a deep look, Yu Ziyu, who was hidden deep in the misty mountains, was also a little surprised.

This guy is really generous.

You must know that lightning-attributed spiritual objects like this are very rare.

Moreover, it is extremely precious.

But this guy actually brought it too.

I have to say that this courage is indeed worthy of admiration.

However, at this time, Yu Ziyu was not suitable to speak.

What should be explained, Yu Ziyu has already given to Wucai Linghua.

Next, let’s watch her performance...

And at this time,

"Step, step, step..."

With a gentle step, Saroli, dressed in green clothes, walked out.

"According to regulations, there can only be one transaction between humans and the sacred tree."

Speaking like this, Saroli raised one hand, and the bamboo flute blocked the way to the altar.


Slightly startled, Iron Fist Tyrant Benson's excitement was as if it had been doused by a basin of cold water, and he was completely stunned.

"What? once?"

"Are you kidding me? How could it only be once."

As if he couldn't believe it, Iron Fist Tyrant Benson's voice was trembling.

Even if he looked carefully, his whole body was filled with flickering blue arcs.

Anger, unwillingness, and traces of despair...

The hope of breakthrough is right in front of us.

But now, it vanished into nothing in an instant.

How can ordinary people accept this kind of gap?

That is to say, the Iron Fist Tyrant still has some sense and realizes that this is a foggy mountain, not a place where he can be arrogant.

Otherwise, he would have the intention to kill people with his violent temper.

"Hoo, hoo……"

Panting heavily, he tried to calm his mind. When he raised his head again, Iron Fist Tyrant Benson's face had regained some calmness.

"High Priest, there must be a way, right?"

"There must be a way, right?"...

During the very sincere inquiry, the Iron Fist Tyrant looked at Saroli with a hint of pleading.

For him, breakthrough is everything.

That is to say, only by making a breakthrough can he truly stand on the top of mankind.


Smiling, Saroli looked at the Iron Fist Tyrant Benson, nodded slightly, and affirmed:

"Of course there is a way."

Speaking like this, Saroli also clicked on the khaki vortex behind her and said seriously:

"Logically speaking, humans can only trade with the sacred tree once."

"However, if a human being signs a contract with a sacred tree, there will naturally be no limit to the number of transactions."...

Hearing Saroli's voice, Iron Fist Tyrant Benson was also slightly startled.


"Yes, blood contract."

Nodding, Saroli also introduced seriously:

"The blood contract is an absolute contract that belongs exclusively to the sacred tree and is signed using 'blood' as the medium."

"Until now, the blood contract has three iron laws:"

"First, you must not be an enemy of the Misty Mountains"

"Second, if there is trouble in the foggy mountains, we must take action as soon as possible"...

Speaking of this, Saroli also looked at the stunned face of Iron Fist Tyrant Benson and said with a smile:

"Article 3: The Misty Mountains will not let the person who signed the contract do anything unfaithful, unfilial, and unjust. For example, if humans and the Misty Mountains go to war, the Misty Mountains will not forcefully order them to be enemies of humans."

"Now, you decide"

"If you want, sprinkle your blood into the whirlpool"....

Listening quietly, Iron Fist Tyrant Benson's eyes couldn't stop flashing.

If he mentioned one or two things, he would still hesitate.

Then when the third item comes out, he will no longer hesitate.

Just because this contract seems to be beneficial to him without any harm.

To some extent, this contract is more like an alliance

"Breakthroughs are everything."

With that said, Iron Fist Tyrant Benson took a step towards the altar and said in a solemn voice:

"I sign this contract."

After saying that, he turned his hand into a knife and actually cut a gash on his wrist.

"stab pull..."

Accompanied by the sound of the brocade being torn apart, a column of blood shot straight into the khaki vortex.

And at the moment when the blood column fell,

‘With a bang, the entire whirlpool shook violently, and then a blood-red light bloomed.

At this moment, looking at the Iron Fist Tyrant Benson, one can suddenly see that his entire figure is glowing with hazy blood, as if every blood vessel in his body is glowing.

"If the blood contract is violated, the blood will flow in reverse. Can you accept that?"

In the dark, a vague and vast voice sounded in the ears of Iron Fist Tyrant Benson.


A loud shout, but full of determination. Immediately afterwards, before Iron Fist Tyrant Benson could react, he felt his body shake.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

One after another, in the vibrations like thunder, countless blood around the body shrank.

At the same time, in the heart that is difficult to detect, there is a complex blood mark condensed

【Blood Contract (Lv4)——The terrible contract can only be signed after communicating the laws of the underworld. 】

This is the ability that Yu Ziyu took from the vampire.

Because of this contract, Yu Ziyu successfully controlled the saints of the Brahma Sect.

However, by chance, Yu Ziyu discovered that enslaving others through this contract was only the last use.

The real gameplay should be a fair contract signed on the basis of equality between both parties.

In this way, the burden on Yu Ziyu is also minimal.

Yu Ziyu could only sign two or three blood slaves like that.

But if both parties are equal, such a contract can be signed dozens of times.

And this is why Yu Ziyu added a third iron law to the iron law that would do him no harm at all.

Enslaving others through a blood contract is not what Yu Ziyu wants.

Now, what Yu Ziyu hopes to see is a strong human being taking the initiative to sign this blood contract with him.

The more powerful humans become, the more terrifying Yu Ziyu's influence will be in the entire human world.

In this way, Yu Ziyu has such loose restrictions on human conditions in the blood contract he formulated.

In fact, the bottom line of the three iron laws is simply 'not to be an enemy of the foggy mountains'.

However, this is enough.

If a strong human signed such a contract with Yu Ziyu.

In the entire human race, who else would be an enemy of the Misty Mountain? _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu

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