As it gets further and further away, it becomes darker and quieter.

However, not long after, a dazzling light came into view, as if there was a bright light in the dark.

Looking up, I saw a very open place not far away.

It is circular in shape and occupies about half the size of a football field.

And now, the human girl Saroli is standing in the center of the field

"The sacred tree has been brought to you."

Putting her hands together and saluting, the girl said respectfully.


Nodding, Yu Ziyu also secretly praised Wucai Linghua's acting skills.

This acting skills are indeed nothing to say.

People who don't know, really think she is the high priest of some ancient tribe?

And this is what Yu Ziyu hopes to see. Only mystery can inspire awe.

And Yu Ziyu also aims to establish a sense of awe among human beings.

And this is just the beginning.

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu’s countless tree roots buried deep in the earth also trembled violently.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Under the horrified and horrified gazes of every human being in Luo Kingdom, the open land actually began to tremble.

What's even more terrifying is that one after another black tree roots as thick as buckets are tearing apart the earth, revealing half of the body.

Yes, half a figure.

They are like giant pythons, entangling back and forth, constantly entangling.

By the time these humans reacted, the earth was already filled with countless huge root systems that were piercing back and forth and protruding from the ground.

However, looking at it at this time, these entangled tree roots actually intertwined into a very complicated mark.

It's like a five-pointed star, and in the center is a strange thing that seems to be an altar.

"This is?"

With a touch of surprise, Iron Fist Tyrant Benson also had a hint of doubt in his eyes.

But before he could speak, the girl standing quietly not far from the 'altar' had already opened her mouth and introduced:

"This is the altar where you humans trade with the sacred tree."

"When the things you humans sacrifice win the favor of the divine tree, the divine tree will naturally give back."

The words fell....Countless entangled tree roots began to slowly squirm again.

Not long after, it was exposed in an area full of roots, revealing enough road for a truck to drive through.

"Give back?"

With a murmur, Iron Fist Tyrant Rosen also took a deep breath.

Then, he walked towards the black truck behind him.....

When they arrived in front of the vehicle, the black curtain was pulled open, revealing a bright blue electric light.

Looking carefully, it turned out to be a spiritual stone four or five meters in size.

It's just that unlike the red color of the fire attribute spirit stone, this unprocessed spirit stone is blue.

Faintly, you can see strands of blue arcs flashing in the air.

"Thunder attribute spirit stone mine..."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu, who was hidden deep in the misty mountains, was also satisfied.

It was after noticing the extremely rich thunder attribute that Yu Ziyu opened the door of convenience.

However, it was precisely because of this that Yu Ziyu realized the horror of human beings at their source.

Thunder attribute, wind attribute, dark attribute...These extremely rare attributes are difficult to find in spiritual objects, let alone spiritual stone mines.

But humans can actually find it.

One can imagine how much control they have over this continent.

At this point, the mutated beasts working on their own are not as good as flattering.

Even if something is discovered, each mutated beast is eager to take it for himself, so how can it be known to others.

At this time, the Iron Fist Tyrant Benson Beast opened the black curtain and introduced:

"Sacred tree, this is a raw mine of thunder attribute spiritual stone that I prepared. I wonder if it can please your heart."

Raw ore, a spiritual stone mine that has not been passed by humans.

If humans discover spiritual stone mines, they will be processed and cut after mining, and finally turned into regular shapes to facilitate transportation and distribution, and even trade as currency.


Vast voices came from all directions, but it made Iron Fist Tyrant Benson look happy.



Taking a deep breath, Iron Fist Tyrant Rosen also grabbed the entire thunder-attributed spiritual stone ore with one hand, and slowly walked towards the altar.

Although it was his first time to come into contact with something like an altar, the well-informed Iron Fist Tyrant Benson still knew some of the procedures.

And now, he has to rely on this giant mine of lightning attribute spiritual stones and the divine tree trade

"Step, step, step..."

With heavy footsteps, Iron Fist Tyrant Benson was already walking along the road, no, to be more precise, like a ladder, one step at a time, arriving not far from the altar.

At this time, Iron Fist Tyrant Benson was shocked to discover that the altar was much larger than he had imagined.

It's a full fifty-six square meters.

What is even more surprising is that the earth in this altar is actually flowing.

Yes, flowing.

It flows continuously like the water of a river, rotating at a slow speed until it forms an earthy yellow vortex.

"Place your sacrificial spirit stone mines into the vortex and you will get what you want."

Besides, the girl Saroli, who stood quietly as if she was presiding over a sacrifice, said calmly.

"Yes, my lord."

With a rare honorific title, the Iron Fist Tyrant also suppressed the nervousness in his heart.

Then, with a slight throw, the entire mine of thunder-attribute spirit stones fell into the khaki whirlpool.

There was not the slightest wave, and some were just Slowly immersed in it, until this piece of thunder attribute spirit stone mine completely disappeared.

And when the thunder attribute spirit stone mine completely disappeared, the entire earthy yellow vortex was violently shaken.

Then, under the stunned gaze of the Iron Fist Tyrant Among them, a drop of very rich life essence actually rose from the center of the earthy yellow vortex.

"This drop of life essence is enough to remove toxins from your body."

During the introduction again, the girl Saroli also waved her right hand.


With the roar, this drop of life essence flew towards the iron fist tyrant Benson. no obstruction...

Iron fist tyrant Benson, who had already seen the wonders of the essence of life, even had a touch of excitement and even ecstasy on his face. moment,

‘With a bang, the life essence had come into contact with the body of Iron Fist Tyrant Benson.

Then, it melted in like water.

Before the Iron Fist Tyrant could react, he felt the spiritual energy in his body suddenly boiling.

What's even more terrifying is that his body is slowly strengthening at a speed that he can perceive.

Yes, slowly increasing.

Although it is slow, compared with the increasing polishing, it is difficult to make progress. This speed of enhancement can be said to be a miracle.

And, that's not even the point.

The point is, the Iron Fist Tyrant all felt the bottleneck loosen.

The bottleneck that prevented him from becoming the strongest human being was actually loosened at this moment.

Maybe, maybe, with a few more drops of this life essence, he could step into the fourth level of the second level of transcendence - the strongest human being - as he wished.

Thinking of this, the Iron Fist Tyrant couldn't help but show excitement on his face, and he even shouted:

"Sacred tree, I still want to trade with you"

"I want more..."...

At this time, what Benson, the iron-fisted tyrant, didn't know was that Yu Ziyu, who was hidden deep in the misty mountains and had transformed into a 'youngster's posture' with the help of countless roots, had the corners of his mouth raised strangely.

"All human hearts are made of greed...If you cannot control yourself, even the strong will become a slave..." ps:-------------Request full order-------------

Willow God holds up three thousand worlds, and countless strong people sing its praises day and night.

As the protagonist who admires Liu Shen, he should follow suit...And this is also a big foreshadowing for the future....(*^▽^*)..._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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