【Race: Snake people.

Equal level: Extraordinary second level.

Natal talent: Control of wind and sand - has terrible control over wind and sand, and can easily turn the earth into a desert and then control it.

Special ability: Snake - slithers like a snake, its terrifying speed is enough to dazzle and confuse people's perception.

Soft body - the body can be freely stretched or twisted to any angle, and can reduce a small number of physical attacks.

Sand Escape - can easily blend into the yellow sand in the sky and sneak at a very terrifying speed......

Jade Scale Snake Tail - The terrifying tail can be freely retracted and can even produce sonic booms. Its terrifying power can even blow up mountains.

Small magical power: petrification - all living beings are equal within the field of vision, at the expense of eye power, everything they look at will be petrified.

After taking a deep look at She Ji's attribute panel, Yu Ziyu was not surprised.

For an existence like this, its attribute panel is destined to be luxurious.

However, I have to admit that that little magical power also surprised Yu Ziyu in the first glance.

This, counts as his first encounter with supernatural powers, right?

After thinking about it, Yu Ziyu was somewhat certain.

Magical powers are different from abilities and talents. They involve more of the application of laws.

Its power and weirdness are by no means comparable to ordinary talents and abilities.

Of course, this does not mean that talents and abilities are inferior to supernatural powers.

For example, the most top natal talent of Colorful Spirit Flower - Setsuna, its power is still comparable to some powerful magical powers......

But at this moment, as if she noticed something, the eyelids of She Ji, who had been practicing for a long time with her eyes closed, suddenly trembled.

For a moment, she looked at Yu Ziyu's body with a puzzled look.

"As usual, I need to prepare a gift for you."

As he said that, Yu Ziyu's branches were already rushing towards She Ji.


‘There was a crisp sound, and several drops of very rich green liquid dripped from the broken part of the branch.

"Is this?"

Suspicious, She Ji has already opened her palm.

Even if she doesn't know what it is, She Ji is keenly aware of how terrifying the vitality contained in this green liquid is.

Maybe, just such a drop of green liquid It was enough to turn several kilometers around into an oasis. She subconsciously murmured in her heart, and She Ji felt her palms go cold.

At the same time, a very strong vitality had integrated into her body.


It was rare for her to neigh like a snake, but She Ji's voice was filled with a touch of indescribable joy.

As if it was a baptism, rich vitality has poured into the limbs and bones.

What's more important is that She Ji has keenly felt that her hidden injuries cannot be repaired.

Moreover, the state of the body is still improving at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"This is the essence of life, which can be regarded as the most precious treasure to me."

After explaining, Yu Ziyu did not stop moving.

Instead, the branches shook slightly.

In a moment, a very green leaf fell.

"This is the second gift to you, a symbol."

Listening to Yu Ziyu's voice, She Ji also reached out and took the willow leaf in the air.

It was just like the willow leaf she saw before. It was crystal clear, but the flower was not as complicated and gorgeous as before. But she looked at this in a daze.

A piece of willow leaf, She Ji couldn't help biting her thin lip.

The gift was fake.

The warning was true.

Of course, if she didn't have any betrayal, this piece of willow leaf was indeed a very good gift.

Anyway, it was Half a step to the fourth level, a spiritual tree carefully polished the spiritual leaf.

Just such a piece, if held in the mouth, is enough to surpass several drops of life essence.

And, what is even more terrifying is that this piece of willow leaf is as thin as a cicada's wing. It's as sharp as a knife.

If it is nourished with spiritual power, it might become a great killing weapon.


Taking a deep breath, She Ji, who was always smart, naturally understood what Yu Ziyu meant.

However, she didn't pay much attention.

She didn't know about such a sky-reaching demon tree, but she herself would never dare to betray it.

If you haven't experienced it, it's hard to understand how terrifying this demonic tree is.

Even the soul is shocked.

At that moment, it felt like my body didn't belong to me.

The vast spiritual power in his body became silent one after another, just like an ordinary person.

Such despair, such terror...

There are a few people who know better than She Ji.

Thinking of this, She Ji also tightened the willow leaves and a few drops of life essence in her hands, looked at Yu Ziyu's body that covered the sky and the sun in the distance, and said gratefully:

"Thank you to the sacred tree."

Speaking of this, she, who has never been good at words, rarely added:

"This subordinate must be a sacred tree, guarding the mountains and rivers."


Nodding slightly, Yu Ziyu is also satisfied.

It is enough to conquer such a being.

As for loyalty or other things, you cannot force it. However

, Yu Ziyu believes that as long as he does not fall from the clouds for a day, no matter whether she is a dragon or a snake, Have to crawl..... time flies.

In the blink of an eye, the night passed, and a red sun rose in the distance.

However, not long after that, Yu Ziyu, who had just woken up from practice, suddenly heard a high-pitched neighing sound.

Looking from a distance, Yu Ziyu spotted a peregrine falcon as big as a fist in the sky, shooting towards it at a terrifying speed.

However, I have to say that the speed of the Peregrine Falcon is too terrifying.

Especially, now it seems to have discovered the existence of Yu Ziyu, swooping down from the high sky.

Its speed is like a qualitative change

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Amidst the continuous roars, sonic booms continued, and a white air wave was pulled out from the sky.

"This is?"


Amidst reminders one after another, newcomers such as the six knights and Snake Lady all woke up from their slumber and looked towards the sky.

As latecomers, the Six Knights, Snake Lady and others would naturally not have much interaction with the earliest mutated beasts such as the Peregrine Falcon.

Even the six knights did not know the existence of the peregrine falcon.

However, now, looking at the black shadow tearing apart the sky from a distance, their pupils couldn't help but shrink.

Fast, too fast.

This kind of speed is simply not at this level.

Even Aaron and Zi Yan had some doubts about whether this was a third-level mutant bird.

And here, the one who has the most say is Snake Ji.

Taking a deep look at the peregrine falcon swooping down from the sky, She Ji bit her thin lips.

It was only now that she was horrified to discover that there were many strong men under this sacred tree.

Not to mention the red fox who was able to fight her before.

Not far from the sacred tree, there were six knights waiting.

As for some corners, She Ji even noticed several auras that were weaker than her, but not much weaker, quietly disappearing.

And now, at the top of the sky, another terrifying bird is coming.


Taking a deep breath and suppressing the shock in her heart, She Ji chose to wait quietly.

As for why, she didn't doubt that the peregrine falcon was the enemy.

Because, just as the peregrine falcon was getting closer, a very strange but familiar smell also came from afar.

As a member of the snake people, Snake Ji is the most sensitive to taste.

Naturally, you can tell that this is the smell of the sacred tree.

Thinking of this, She Ji also raised her jade arms and sniffed.

Sure enough, the same smell was permeating her whole body. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu

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