Half a day later, this is the hill where the medium-sized fire attribute spiritual stone vein is located.

Yu Ziyu has completely taken root, and countless tree roots are pouring into the depths of the desert like giant pythons, covering most of the medium-sized fire attribute spiritual stone mine. at the same time,

"Gulu, Gulu..."

Between rising and shrinking, countless tree roots began to exhale rich and almost substantial fire-attribute spiritual energy.

Visible to the naked eye, wisps of deep red are spreading along the roots of the tree....

At this moment, Yu Ziyu also successfully turned the green of the body into red....

Under the night, the red light continued to shine, not only illuminating half of the desert, but also lighting up half of the sky.

And on the hill, there was a giant tree that was shining with countless flame-like lights, and its branches were igniting flames one after another.

As if to ignite the night sky, each strand was swayed wantonly, half of the night was dyed red, and countless flames fell like light spots.

And this is one of Yu Ziyu's postures - the posture of inflammation.

In this posture, Yu Ziyu's resistance to the fire element will not only be greatly improved, but his power will also have the characteristics of fire.

Violent and explosive.

Not easy, hard to resist...

But now, on a huge rock, a black-haired girl sat quietly cross-legged, staring blankly at the giant tree not far away that blocked the sky and the sun.

It wasn't until she got closer that she realized that this demonic tree was not as terrifying as she had expected.

No, a more accurate statement is that this demon tree seems to be quite friendly to its companions and subordinates.

At least, the air, which was already very hot outside, seemed to be distorted, but here, many mutated beasts felt a faint coolness, as if caressed by a gentle breeze.

More importantly, there are some green light spots falling from time to time, which seems to make people feel tired and refreshing.

"After you follow me, I won't restrict you too much"

"It's just that when necessary, I need you to take action to protect my mountains and rivers."

The faint voice seemed to ring in her heart, but She Ji did not refuse.

Instead, she nodded slightly, nodded and said:


After she finished speaking, she remained silent and chose to sit cross-legged quietly, with a green-scaled snake tail tightly wrapped around the boulder. At first glance, she was really enchanting.

However, I have to admit that Snake Princess is indeed beautiful..

There is a touch of charm in the purity.

It is no wonder that there are some disgusting guys among humans who offer sky-high rewards. A beauty like this, even if it is not of the same race, is a huge temptation for some people Well.

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but sneer.

If you don't have enough strength, provoking this is really a way to die. Although

She Ji is weak in front of him, she is really strong.

In Yu Ziyu's words, with" The strength ranks among the top ten in the mainland. Although there is some water, it is still in the top thirty at least.

And such strength is already"terrible".

With full combat power, destroying several cities will definitely not be possible. It's difficult.

And a small country like that can be destroyed in a matter of seconds.

And this is Snake Princess, a terrifying existence with the head of a human and the body of a snake.

However, now this"Ten Fierce People in the Mainland" is already He became the protector of the Misty Mountain, and his status is no less than that of Bai Jiao.

If Bai Jiao is the right protector, then Snake Girl is the left protector of the Misty Mountain.

In terms of status, the protector is equal to the nine great beasts and the elemental generals.

However, they are each Perform their duties.

And this is also a small thought of Yu Ziyu.

A huge force cannot be dominated by one faction. Only when the major factions check each other can we truly share weal and woe and achieve eternal glory...... time flies.

In a blink of an eye, midnight has passed.

And in the middle of the night, Yu Ziyu polished her fire attribute spiritual power again.

Compared to the small fire-attributed spirit stone mine in the Laya Mountains, the aura of this medium-sized fire-attributed spirit stone mine is undoubtedly much purer.

Moreover, the aura is several times richer.

Even Kyuubi, who had always disliked the training environment, happily came to this spiritual stone mine and chose to crawl on the ruby-like spiritual stone.


With a roar of a fox, countless fire-attribute spiritual energy turned into thousands of strands and surged towards Kyuubi's body.

For just a moment, Kyuubi's figure was blurry.

From a distance, it looks like a newborn red sun, standing quietly above the Lingshi Mine.

However, at this time, Yu Ziyu was keenly aware that Jiuwei seemed to be starting a new transformation, and an inexplicable power was already surging in her body.

"This is the bloodline of Tianhu!"

Sighing in his heart, Yu Ziyu also had to admit the horror of bloodline inheritance.

Beings like Nine-Tails, as long as they reach a certain level, their bloodline will awaken and even start the inheritance, and their combat power will increase at a terrifying speed.

Now. , Nine-tails can suppress Snake Princess by relying on geography.

When she wakes up again, she may be able to suppress Snake Princess in the ice and snow.

And this is the terror of Nine-tails.

Among all beasts, Nine-tails' blood talent, Golden Ant's Strength talent is undoubtedly what Yu Ziyu is most optimistic about.

As for the Bull Demon and the three atavistic beasts, although their talents are not weak, they are still so far behind compared to these two guys who are hard to find. A little bit.

However, it's just a little bit.

The specifics depend on their future development.

Maybe the bull demon with a calm personality will be the first to reach a point where many mutated beasts look up to him, but I don't say necessarily.

And At this time, as if she thought of something, Yu Ziyu's eyes turned and turned to She Ji, who was still sitting cross-legged on the boulder not far away. She forgot to give this guy a gift.

As a new member of the Misty Mountain , the necessary gifts are still indispensable.

Of course, the gifts are second.

The most important thing is that the rain of vitality or the essence of life can make the mutated beast infected with his breath.

And this kind of breath is a sign.

As for , and the deeper purpose is to track.

No matter who dares to betray the Misty Mountain.

With the pull of this aura, Yu Ziyu can find it.

And then, what awaits them will be the real hell.

No , even scarier than hell....

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu's heart became slightly cold.

Hope, that day will not come....

But now, before giving this guy a gift, Yu Ziyu felt that it was necessary to understand him.

Thinking of this, his eyes were deeply focused. moment,

‘With a bang, a series of information poured into Yu Ziyu's mind one after another. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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