There are thousands of races in the starry sky.

Up to, angels, dragons, phoenixes.

Down to goblins and ratmen.

However, now, all races know the news.

And that means the snake clan is about to rise.

Just because their Snake Clan walked out of an Eternal Lord

"Have you heard about it? The legendary Orochi Lord has set foot in eternity"

"Do you dare to call the snake directly? Now he is called: Lord of Nightmares"

"My God, have our stars walked out of eternity?"

"Yes, this is the second eternity in our starry sky?"


With confused faces, countless people were confused.

And this was because Yu Ziyu had erased all traces of his existence in the starry sky before.

Many people in the starry sky no longer knew of his existence.

However, this Among them, there is still some knowledge of existence.

They come from the Nine Realms.

Now, because the Orochi has set foot in eternity, they are allowed to return to the starry sky and the world.

At the same time, the Snake Clan from all directions are also gathering.

The Snake Clan is a big clan.

One beyond imagination. From the nine-color sky-swallowing python, the nine-nether snake, and the sky python.

Down to the spirit snakes and the snake-people clan.

The strong men from all the major snake clans gathered in one place.

This place is the place where the greatest enlightenment can be achieved. The land.

Now, it has become the holy land of the Snake Clan.

It is called the"Land of Disaster""

"We are waiting to meet the Lord of all snakes"

"We will pay our respects to the Lord of all snakes."

As they all paid their respects, countless powerful snake clan men looked far away.

There, the nine thrones stood quietly.

One after another, figures sat high on the thrones.

These figures seemed to Ordinary.

But in fact, it was terrifying to the extreme.

Just by looking at it, they felt the chill spreading, and their bodies could not stop trembling.

The big snake inadvertently leaked a ray of energy, and everyone was oppressed and couldn't breathe.

However, Now, the big snake stared at the thousands of snakes and said nothing.

Instead, another one - the Lord of Disaster, spoke:

"The snake clan should be unified~."

The Lord of Disaster realized the benefits of power and friends because of his previous life.

Now, he is very persistent in power.

Therefore, he came to unify the Snake Clan.

Just because there is a huge power behind him that can support him at all times..

And the Snake Clan is obviously a good choice.

To be honest, the Snake Clan is not considered a weak clan.

It can even be considered a strong clan.

Especially, among the Snake Clan, there are also the Sky Python and the Nine-Colored Sky-Swallowing Python. Nine Nether Snakes, etc.

Although these snake clan branches are rare in number, their strength is extremely terrifying.

They can rival dragons and phoenixes.

If they are cultivated well...

Grinning, the beast of disaster also looked at the many strong snake clan men.

"Don't worry, I will lead you to the top."

As he said that, the beast of disaster stood up slowly,


There was a sudden roar, and a ball of blood suddenly appeared in the sky.

If you look closely, the blood appears golden yellow.

Extremely bright.

It's too scary to look at.

This is the original blood of the beast of disaster. extremely valuable

"The beast of disaster is really willing to give up."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but sigh.

This is the original blood. It is extremely precious.

Even Yu Ziyu is not willing to give it to others.

But now, the beast of disaster has been directly taken out to win over people's hearts.


"This guy is really hurt,"

Chaos Bell Zhenling also sighed.

She can understand the mind of the beast of disaster.

This can be regarded as learning from past mistakes.

However, this has nothing to do with her.

This is their own choice..At this time, the beast of disaster also looked at everyone. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Especially the leaders of the snake tribe

"This is my original blood. If you need it, you can take it."

"However, if you take it, it will be equivalent to joining my tribe."

Listening quietly, many strong men couldn't help but look at each other.

The blood of the origin.


No need to hesitate.

I didn’t dare to hesitate, many strong men took action immediately.

"Swish, swish, swish....."

In the continuous piercing of the sky, countless strong men got a ray of golden blood.

"When you refine this blood, you will become a member of my tribe."

The beast of disaster didn't say much.

He didn't understand these things.

Orochi taught him these.

Compared with power, Orochi, who has followed Yu Ziyu for tens of thousands of years, still knows more.

However, at this time, Orochi Also reminded:

"It is not easy for the Snake Clan to compete with the Dragon and Phoenix Clan."

"`The strength of these two clans does not lie in the present, but in their heritage. A steady stream of strong people come out."

"Even if it declines, it will only be temporary"

"Only strength is inevitable."

Listening to the words of the big snake, the beast of disaster was also silent.

This is true.

In his era, there were also dragon and phoenix clans.

Therefore, he also had a better understanding of the power of the dragon and phoenix clans.

The terrifying superpowers of these two clans. Hard to imagine.

However, there is no rush

"The rise of this snake clan is inevitable."

With a sigh, the beast of disaster also turned around.

He needed to settle.

Not just him, but the other seven all needed to settle.

Only Orochi did not need it.

Orochi, now the head snake. He is the commander.

He only needs to arrange , the beast of disaster will complete the rest.

As for the big snake, what he wants to do more now is to discuss the truth with Yu Ziyu, Soul Mother and others.

Especially Soul Mother

(Wang Dezhao) Because the soul mother carries the soul law.

The most bizarre and mysterious.

The big snake is now divided into nine parts.

It is also related to the soul.

Therefore, Orochi really wanted to talk to the Soul Mother and explore the mystery of the soul.

Mother will not refuse this.

She was even looking forward to it

"Joining Starry Sky World is really a good choice"

"There are so many surprises."

The soul mother licked the corner of her mouth, her eyes couldn't stop twinkling.

The Eternal Venerable was divided into nine parts.

It was her first time seeing him.

However, for the big snake, this should be the most perfect life form. There is no such thing. 1.

Because the Eternal Lord originally represents perfection and the ultimate.

It is the final destination of every life.

Thinking about the big snake, it was originally an eight-headed snake.

Now it has set foot in eternity and its body is divided into nine. It is not surprising.

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