And Yu Ziyu, the transcendent, is a being who is rarely said to have mastered the power of taboos.

Yu Ziyu's forbidden power comes from the forbidden magical power - Genesis.

This is a terrifying magical power that surpasses the supreme magical power.

You can't do anything, and you can't do anything.

Using this forbidden magical power as a carrier, the Book of Genesis was compiled, and the paper it possesses is the forbidden paper.

Yu Ziyu burned the Black Witch King at the cost of burning taboo paper.

Naturally, the forbidden power was used.

The black villain in the transcendent's body is also a taboo power.

However, that is different from the taboo power that Yu Ziyu has mastered.

Yu Ziyu's forbidden power tends to be omnipotent and able to realize all possibilities.

Just pay enough.

The black villain in the body of the transcendent is tending to the absolute truth.

It's like a high-level thought.

If this black villain steps out, the transcendent will lose everything.

Become a puppet of the avenue.

However, the Transcendents are looking forward to this result.

Because, his current dream is to have a battle with the Primordial Dao Ancestor.

No matter life or death.

Even if he sacrifices everything, he just bites off a piece of meat of the 31 Great Dao Ancestor.

That's worth it too.

This is the consciousness of the transcendent

"However, there is a price to pay for using the forbidden power."

With a sigh, Chaos Bell Zhenling also looked at the sacred tree with black runes wrapped in chaos.

She knew that Yu Ziyu was in inexplicable pain.

Even though he was as powerful as him, his body was twitching.

Looking carefully, his green tree crown was as green as ever. , the color is fading.

It’s like withering


The soul mother raised her brows, and also noticed the changes in Yu Ziyu's body.


This was the first time she saw this man, and she groaned one after another.

It seemed to be a scream.

However, he endured it and kept suppressing it.

"Is this taboo power so terrifying?"

Yu Ziyu took a breath and broke out in cold sweat.

The pain from his soul to his body enveloped him.

There was an inexplicable power that was constantly corroding his origin.

However, fortunately, he could bear it.

But, short Time, he estimates, will take root in Chaos.

At this time, if you pay attention to Chaos, you will definitely be able to see that large areas of Chaos have turned into darkness.

It is like a quagmire, but it gives people an extremely ominous feeling.

This It is the taboo power discharged from the deepest part of Yu Ziyu's body.

It is filth.

Even if it is touched even half a step forever, it will be painful.

And, what is even more terrifying is that this quagmire will be imprinted here forever.

It is difficult to eliminate.

As As if polluted

"From now on, this place must be established as a forbidden area, and outsiders must not be allowed to come."

Yu Ziyu made up his mind.

Except for eternity, few people can bear this kind of filth.

Whoever comes, who dies.

It would be better to seal it off early.

However, at this time, Yu Ziyu also thought of a fun thing.

"This can be regarded as the traces I left in the chaos, right?"

"There should have been many Eternal Lords before, leaving traces in the chaos."

"Most of these traces have become forbidden areas"

"Just like me."

Muttering in her heart, Yu Ziyu also has some understanding of some forbidden places in the chaos.

Most of them are man-made.

Only a few parts are natural. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

However, , most natural forbidden areas will have important treasures.

This is certain.

And shortly after that, after suppressing the backlash of the taboo power for a while, Yu Ziyu also slowly opened his eyes.

On the huge tree, A bloody eye seems to see through the past and present

"We are waiting to meet the Lord of Time and Space"

"We are waiting to meet the Lord of Time and Space."

The chorus of greetings resounded throughout the chaos.

Looking for the sound, there were several very familiar figures.

The big snake, the soul mother, the true spirit of the chaos bell...

"Master, your body..."

Orochi spoke first and asked worriedly


Yu Ziyu said frankly.

Immediately, he looked at the current big snake.

It was divided into nine.

Each one is different.

However, these nine bodies have two main consciousnesses.

One is the big snake, and the other is the legendary disaster. Beast.

Seemingly noticing Yu Ziyu’s appraising gaze, beside the big snake, a very elegant-looking figure wearing a white robe also said respectfully:

"Lord of time and space, stay safe."

"You guys, what's going on now?"

Yu Ziyu asked curiously

"Nine bodies, the serpent controls the five bodies, controls the five powers, I control the four bodies"

"However, we are in a period of ten thousand years. Next time, I will control the five realms and he will control the four realms."

"As for the relationship between the two of us, you can understand it as brothers"

"I can't watch him die, and he can't watch me die."

The beast of disaster has nothing to hide.

He knows that the big snake will tell the Lord of Time and Space all this.

And this is normal.

Just because the big snake is too 590 loyal to the Lord of Time and Space.

This loyalty, before the disaster, The beast cannot feel it yet.

But now, after having a closer relationship with Orochi, the beast of disaster has clearly felt the position of the Lord of Time and Space in Orochi's heart.

Like father and mother.

Without the Lord of Time and Space, there would be There is no Orochi.

This is the deepest sentence in Orochi's heart...


The beast of disaster can only come by relying on the big snake.

Show your loyalty to the Lord of Time and Space

"That’s how it turned out to be."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu also understood the meaning of the beast of disaster.

From this point of view, the relationship between these two guys is indeed close.

Are they dependent on each other for life and death?

However, this should not affect their combat power.

On the contrary, they may be better than The ordinary Eternal Venerable is even weirder and more impermanent.

At the level of the Eternal Venerable, the methods are also weird. The more extraordinary the ability, the more terrifying its combat power.

And the Orochi, obviously, has this preliminary condition.

The remaining It's up to him to polish it himself.

"The serpent stepping into eternity is something worthy of congratulations"

"It is also a major event in the starry sky."

Yu Ziyu told the crowd, unable to hide his joy in his words.

"I declare that the whole world celebrates...All races enjoy together...."

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