Over the years, Yu Ziyu has trained many geniuses.

Especially, the ten sacred beasts he conquered first.

Although, their talents are not outstanding when looking at the stars and the world.

But under Yu Ziyu's repeated training, their talents have been gradually improved.

Even if he couldn't reach the full limit, Yu Ziyu still gave him magic skills and various blessings.

This allowed them to break through again and again.

But the real top experts are not trained.

To be more precise, it cannot be achieved by giving resources.

However, even so, there are still several legends coming out.

For example, purple sickle, for example, golden ant.

For example, a big snake.

These guys are each more terrifying than the last.

Especially big snakes.

Now, I am afraid that eternity is not far away."Nine Zero Three"

As for the Golden Ant and Purple Sickle, one of them is the embodiment of power, and the other is the ultimate speed.

Also the leader in half-step eternity.

Looking at the era, they are all considered to be top experts.

However, apart from them, there are no legends under Yu Ziyu.

However, now, Emperor Crocodile, to be honest, has great potential.

He took the path of physical sanctification.

Like the transcendent

"According to legend, it is extremely difficult to become a saint in the physical body, several times more difficult than ordinary enlightenment."

"But the problem is that if you follow me, it will be much easier to attain enlightenment in the physical body."

"Because I can provide unlimited resources, and I can even nourish them with spiritual liquid."

Yu Ziyu knows his advantages.

His spiritual liquid is infinitely mysterious.

Just one drop can create a strong man in the Mahayana stage....That is to say, the limit of ordinary people, the fourth level of extraordinary can also continuously nourish and nourish the body.

Therefore, each of his subordinates is physically stronger than the last.

But among them, the body of Emperor Crocodile is particularly terrifying.

Emperor Crocodile, although silent.

But smarter than anyone else.

He knew very well what path was most suitable for him to follow Yu Ziyu.

Although, the progress of cultivation has been slow.

But the best is to take it one step at a time.

It is worth mentioning that at the beginning, the Emperor Crocodile could compete with the Purple Scythe and the Golden Ant.

However, later on, as he embarked on the path of body refining, he slowly fell out of the first echelon.

However, these are not problems.

The current Emperor Crocodile has grown up.

When he steps into the half-step of eternity, Yu Ziyu believes that he will be the next super-class half-step of eternity.

And now, looking at the many little guys flying towards the chaos in all directions, even towards the starry sky and heaven and earth, Yu Ziyu also smiled.

They are home now.

This is good.

Just like Yu Ziyu said.

At the beginning, they were taken out of the starry sky.

Now, bring them back safely.

But, at this time,

"Swish, swish, swish..."

Suddenly, dozens of lightnings broke through the sky, piercing the chaos.

Their speed is extremely fast, incredibly fast.

Even in the ninth level of the ordinary Tianmen, it is difficult to capture half a step of eternity.

This is the Speed ​​Bird.

Represents the extreme speed of the starry sky.

Today, they, along with the Phoenix and the Golden Roc, are listed as the three sacred birds in the starry sky.

However, there is one thing worth mentioning....

That is the Speed ​​Bird, created by Yu Ziyu.

It is a divine bird that belongs exclusively to Yu Ziyu.

The entire family of speedbirds nested in Yu Ziyu's tree crown.

To this day, there are hundreds of thousands of nests of speedbirds on Yu Ziyu’s tree canopy.

Of course, because Yu Ziyu's strength is too terrifying.

Therefore, the speed birds of the fourth and lower levels of the extraordinary can only be in the nine realms.

Only beings above the fourth level of extraordinary are qualified to build a nest on the canopy of Yu Ziyu's tree.

If all the speed birds build their nests in the canopy of Yu Ziyu tree, then there will probably be billions of more nests in the canopy of Yu Ziyu tree.

"Why are you here?"

Looking at the speed birds flying back one after another, Yu Ziyu smiled.

"Master, you are back, we must come back."

Grinning, the headed speed bird also landed directly on Yu Ziyu's tree crown.

This was the first speed bird to follow Yu Ziyu. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It was one of the nine speed birds at the beginning. The seventh among them.

Now, he has the strength of the seventh level of Tianmen.......

Previously, he followed Yu Ziyu's order to stay in the starry sky.

Information can be passed on when necessary.

Now, Yu Ziyu is back.

He also came excitedly with his clansmen.

"How is Starry Sky doing lately?"

Yu Ziyu was curious.

He had just returned to the starry sky and earth, and had not yet had time to observe the changes in the starry sky and earth.

"The starry sky and the earth, under the guidance of the Temple of Destiny, ushered in the golden age very early"

"Not only geniuses emerged in large numbers, but also monsters emerged one after another."

Speaking of this, Lao Qi also continued:

"And it is worth mentioning that the Temple of Destiny now divides the starry sky into three realms..."

"They are the mortal world, the fairy world, and the divine world."

"In the mortal world, the strongest is the extraordinary fourth level...All beings who have surpassed the fourth level of transcendence will ascend into the fairy world."

Listening quietly, Yu Ziyu also raised his eyebrows.

Isn't this the idea of ​​the three realms he first proposed?

Now it seems that the goddess of destiny has not only implemented it, but also further improved it.

"In that case, the fairy world is not just one big world."


Listening to Yu Ziyu's question, Lao Qi nodded and said bluntly,"

The fairy world is a number of big worlds, including the dragon world, the phoenix world, and the...

"Any big world with extremely rich spiritual energy can be regarded as a fairy world"

"Many immortal worlds have 3.2 teleportation arrays that can communicate with each other."

Hearing this, Yu Ziyu also smiled.

Not bad.

Really good.

Just as he imagined.

No, even better than he imagined.

This starry sky and earth are more orderly than before.

Even the probability of a strong man being born has increased a lot.

The reason is very simple.

There is water and land, and there are people. In the past, many geniuses lived in the middle world, unaware of the vastness of the world, and their talents were buried.

But now, all geniuses, Most of them hope to ascend to various fairy realms.

There, they can see the vastness of the world and the real strong people.


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