Another invasion of wizard civilization begins.

But this time, the Dark Witch King and many eternities were silently peeping from behind.

As for Yu Ziyu, he disappeared deeper into the world.

He wasn't going to take action.

He even plans to return to the stars

"Are you ready to leave?"

Looking at Yu Ziyu rushing towards the starry sky and heaven and earth, the transcendent eyes were astonished.


Nodding slightly, Yu Ziyu also said bluntly:

"I will not participate in this war"

"If I participate, I may attract more powerful people from the wizarding civilization...."

"Moreover, more importantly, it is difficult for the two of us to defeat the Dark Witch King....So it's better not to expose it."

Listening quietly, the Transcendent is also silent.


Although, Yu Ziyu's strength has greatly increased.

He is even assisted by the Chaos Bell.

But the strength of the Black Witch King is too unfathomable.

He may have some trump cards.

Moreover, To be honest.

Based on what the original beast said before.

Yu Ziyu guessed that the Black Witch King is likely to have several pieces of civilization heritage.

With these blessings, it is strange that Yu Ziyu and the Transcendent can take him down.


"The Black Witch King gave it."

Grinning, the Transcendent didn't mind either. He was even more delighted.

He originally thought that with Yu Ziyu's temperament, he would join forces with him to take down the Black Witch King.

This is not what he wants.

What he wants is to fight alone. Fight alone.

But now it seems that Yu Ziyu has no plan in this regard.

At this time, if Yu Ziyu knew the thoughts of the transcendent, he would definitely laugh it off.

His character is indeed like this.

But the premise is that he can kill with one blow Kill.

And now, it seems that he and the Transcendent obviously do not have the ability to kill the Black Witch King.

Before the Black Witch King is completely understood, Yu Ziyu cannot take the initiative to expose himself.

After all, Yu Ziyu does not want to be civilized by the wizard. The heritage of civilization - the absolute balance changed one by one.

Soon after,

Yu Ziyu returned to the vicinity of the starry sky and the earth

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Accompanied by a terrifying roar, a sacred tree that covered the sky and the sun continued to extend its figure in the starry sky and the earth.

The branches are like golden divine chains, intertwined on the chaos.

Countless tree roots, like a real dragon...During the neighing, it whizzed away in all directions.

However, it's not terrible.

What's really scary is that this sacred tree is actually surrounded by a nebula.

Those are the nine realms of heaven.

Every planet is a big world, hosting countless living beings.

And outside the nebula, there is an illusory river surrounding it.

That's a long river of time...

However, compared to before, there were more green vines all over Yu Ziyu.

This is the power of the Lord of Thorns - Poison Ivy

"The poisonous vine is a vine that can kill eternity and is extremely terrifying."

"However, it is a pity that there is only this one..."

While murmuring in her heart, Yu Ziyu also looked at the green vine wrapping around her body.

This is poison ivy, the main vine.

It is the fundamental power of the Lord of Thorns.

However, under Yu Ziyu's plunder, this vine became part of Yu Ziyu's body.

Not only that, the Lord of Thorns was also controlled by Yu Ziyu because of this vine. the reason is simple.

The poison she was so proud of had lost most of its effect on Yu Ziyu

"Poison ivy should actually be called by another name: Ten Thousand Poison Ivy."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu also gave this vine a better name.

It is the embodiment of the law of poison.

It can carry all the poisons in the world.

It can also digest and absorb them.

So terrifying The vine is a treasure no matter where it is placed.

And this is also the treasure that can best restrain the Lord of Thorns.

Therefore, Yu Ziyu cherishes this vine very much.

He even uses his own strength to continuously cultivate it.

Now It seems that it has grown very well under Yu Ziyu's nurture.

Not only has it become thicker, but the color of the whole body is also brighter.

The only thing, it is a pity that Yu Ziyu did not develop it much. (Read Baoshuang novels , just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Now, I just know how to use it like a whip and whip it out hard.

If you are lucky and hit the enemy, the terrible poison will invade the enemy's body immediately.

As for such poison, even the Eternal Venerable cannot resist it.

"I need to study this poison ivy carefully...."

"It’s best to guide the toxins in its body into my thousands of branches..."

"In this case, the lethality of my thousands of branches will be greatly increased."

Grinning, Yu Ziyu was also looking forward to it.

However, at this moment,

"Boom, boom, boom..."

With one roar after another, nine whirlpools opened around Yu Ziyu.

This is the Nine Realms Passage

"Swish, swish, swish..."

"Swish, swish, swish..."

Continuously breaking through the sky, countless figures emerged from the depths of the Nine Realms.

This is Yu Ziyu's subordinate.

There were white tigers, emperor crocodiles, and many more that Yu Ziyu couldn't even name.

These are all latecomers.

However, they are extremely talented.

Even more so from behind.

For example, the Tiger Clan has a Tiger Emperor, whose strength is almost as strong as that of the White Tiger.

This made Bai Hu nervous for a while.

Although, he is very pleased with the growth of his younger generation.

But it would be a bit too much to catch up with his ancestor.

Therefore, Bai Hu also repeatedly asked Yu Ziyu to give him some advice.

It's just a pity that at Bai Hu's stage, it's extremely difficult to improve again.

Unless he has an unparalleled romance, or he has an astonishing understanding...

But obviously, White Tiger has neither of these.

Therefore, it is only a matter of time before he is overtaken by future generations.

But Emperor Crocodile, this guy, takes it one step at a time.

Today, it has reached the peak of the eighth level of Tianmen.

It is only half a step away from the ninth level of Tianmen.

Different from other little guys.

Emperor Crocodile is in physical cultivation.

Although his practice is extremely slow, his victory lies in his strong combat power.

At the same level, it is difficult for anyone to compete with him.

Therefore, Yu Ziyu is very optimistic about him

"Another legendary warrior after Golden Ant and Purple Scythe"

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