The Dark Witch King was handed over to the Beyonder.

Then, Great Sage, see if you can deal with the Wizard King when the time comes.

As for himself, he travels in all directions.

It must not be difficult to hold down a dozen or twenty Eternal Venerables by oneself.

Of course, this is Yu Ziyu’s unilateral idea.

If a transcendent person or a great sage knew about it, I am afraid they would not agree.

It's easy to say that the Transcendent is warlike.

It is also his wish to be able to fight with strong men.

But the great sage is very cunning.

Yu Ziyu estimated that he was not willing to confront the Wizard King head-on.

The King of Wizards is different from other top eternities.

This one has a great reputation.

It can definitely be regarded as the top eternity among the top eternities.

Its strength is terrifying, beyond imagination.

Just thinking about"630", it is understandable that even the extremely arrogant Dark Witch King is convinced by him.

And, more importantly,

"The wizarding civilization has a civilized heritage, which must be considered."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu also thought of some information collected by the primitive beasts.

In the wizard civilization, there is a famous civilization.

It is called: Absolute Balance.

You can know something about this civilization just by looking at its name.

It is a scale.

A scale that symbolizes absolute fairness.

Holding this scale, any being can perfectly change one for one.

For example, the transcendent is extremely good at fighting.

Ordinary top eternity cannot do anything to him.

But at this time, even one A top eternity who is not good at holding an absolute balance can also exchange it with a transcendent. The so-called supreme combat power seems extremely ridiculous in front of this absolute balance.

Including, the law of time and space that Yu Ziyu carries.

His law of time and space can no longer be used. So what if it's weird?

As long as a being like the Black Witch King is willing to give up himself, he will have the opportunity to trade with him.

In this way, you can also imagine how terrifying this absolute balance is.

When Yu Ziyu first heard about it, he was extremely afraid.

He Such extremely mysterious beings with extremely extraordinary methods are most afraid of such unreasonable civilization.

With this in mind, Yu Ziyu also looked at the Chaos Bell Zhenling, and then mentioned to her the absolute balance of wizard civilization

"Gee, didn’t you expect that wizard civilization has such a weird cultural heritage?"

"However, if you think about it, it is indeed in line with the pursuit of wizard civilization."

"They are an extremely weird civilization, pursuing truth and perfection."

Chaos Zhong smiled, and then looked at Yu Ziyu with a playful expression.

"Why, are you worried about this?"

"Of course, if the wizarding civilization goes crazy and trades with me, wouldn't it be a blood loss?"

Yu Ziyu said frankly

"First of all, if he wants to exchange one for one, he definitely needs to find traces of you."

"Secondly, I guess it still has great limitations."

"Therefore, you don’t need to be afraid. After all, you are not exposed to others."

Listening to the voice of the Chaos Bell Zhenling, Yu Ziyu also nodded.

"That's true."

If you want to change, you should also change to the Transcendent.

He is the real active one. With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu is not worried about the Transcendent.

He is a little different from the ordinary top eternity.

This guy has a black villain in his body.

That is him The half step that is about to be taken is the power to touch the taboo.

If you want to trade with him, the price you have to pay is definitely more than one top eternity.

Moreover, the wizard civilization only has two top eternities on the surface.

Think about it, too He wouldn't be so crazy.

He simply chatted with the Chaos Bell Zhenling for a while.

Yu Ziyu also rushed to the Divine Blood World.

Today, the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth are still cleaning the battlefield.

As far as the eye can see, countless blood and debris are scattered all over Chaos.

Even in Chaos The storm that was set off was filled with the strong smell of blood.

"It was really tragic."

Yu Ziyu, who arrived at the Divine Blood World through the portal, couldn't help but sigh.

This is the war of civilizations.

It is terrifying to the extreme.

In such a battlefield, the masters are like ants.

They may be wiped out at any moment.

Can you truly The only ones active on the civilized battlefield are some high-level masters, and even half-step eternities.

However, the civilized battlefield is tragic.

In recent years, many strong people have emerged.......(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Even Yu Ziyu, who had just set foot in the world of divine blood, felt a little unfamiliar with the aura of a strong man.

But, at this time,


The aura soaring to the sky erupted from the end of chaos.

A figure shot out like a black comet

"You're back."

The voice of the Transcendent was filled with excitement.

Especially a pair of eyes, staring at Yu Ziyu. The current Yu Ziyu, with the body of a dragon and the body of a dragon, carries six wings on his back.

Countless wicker chains and intertwined vines surround him. Shrouded.

At first glance, extraordinary to the extreme.

However, the transcendent sees something deeper

"You have become much stronger."

The Transcendent's eyes were slightly focused, and there was a look of suspicion on his face.

In just a few thousand years, he has become so much stronger. Is this guy cheating?

Even if he carries time on his back.

Thousands of years of infinite extension, into Tens of thousands of years, even hundreds of thousands of years.

But his strength is still very unexpected.

Seemingly aware of the Transcendent's suspicion, Yu Ziyu also said frankly:

"I found an eternal level spiritual plant."

Hearing this, the Beyonder raised his eyebrows.

He realized

"Did you refine him and devour him?"

"That's right."

Grinning, Yu Ziyu also continued:

"I swallowed up most of her power, 0.0, and now I keep it in the Nine Realms..."

"Good guy."

The Transcendent understands what Yu Ziyu means.

Such a genius treasure is indeed worth raising.

It is of great benefit to their Eternal Lord.

Refining part of the essence from time to time is enough for them to practice for hundreds of thousands of years.

"I didn't expect that you would actually refine and devour it, I thought you would subdue it."

The Transcendent knows Yu Ziyu relatively well.

Therefore, he knows that Yu Ziyu likes to make people surrender or form an alliance with him.

"That also depends on the person."

Yu Ziyu smiled.

In ordinary eternity, it is really possible for him to form an alliance.

But as the eternity of the spiritual plant's enlightenment, its temptation to him is not that great.


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