Lost civilization.

This is beyond imagination.

If it is really a civilization after collective ascension failed, then the terror of high-dimensional demons must be extremely terrifying.

It’s no wonder that civilizations as powerful as wizards are extremely afraid of this civilization.

Even frightened.

At the slightest sign of trouble, the entire civilization begins to tense up.

"Let’s take a look first. If the high-dimensional demon is really a lost civilization, then a civilization as powerful as the wizards will also be in big trouble."

"However, I think you might like it."

Listening to Chaos Zhong Zhenling's words, Yu Ziyu raised his eyebrows:


"Because what you like most is fishing in troubled waters."

Chaos Zhong Zhenling had a rare smile on her face.

She and Yu Ziyu have known each other for many years.

Naturally, they know Yu Ziyu's character.

This guy is not afraid of chaos, but he is afraid that it is not chaotic enough.

Let alone a lost civilization.

Even if he comes again. He did not panic about several lost civilizations. He was even extremely happy.

However, at this time, as if he thought of something, Yu Ziyu also asked:

"How does the lost civilization compare to the ancient times?"

"Hard to say."

Chaos Zhong Zhenling thought for a while and said bluntly

"To be precise, the prehistoric civilization can also be regarded as a kind of lost civilization, because the Pangu of the prehistoric civilization was the detachment of one person."

"Although he failed, he also touched the taboo..."

"Similarly, high-dimensional demons have also touched taboos."

"I suspect that high-dimensional demons do not want to be in a high-dimensional world, but are trapped in a high-dimensional world...."

Listening to Chaos Zhong Zhenling's analysis, Yu Ziyu raised his eyebrows.

Is there any such thing?

However, it really makes sense when you think about it.

If it is a high-dimensional demon that takes the initiative in the high-dimensional world, why should it come to Chaos to look for food again and again?

"Let’s put aside the conjecture about high-dimensional demons for now. The most important thing to do now is how to deal with the wizard civilization."

As the words fell, Yu Ziyu and Chaos Bell Zhenling walked towards the starry sky and earth together.

During the period, Chaos Bell Zhenling also told Yu Ziyu some of the situations in the war between the Divine Blood World and the Wizarding Civilization in recent years.

"how to say? The losses were not as heavy as usual. The divine blood clan and the mutant civilization lost 20 to 30% of their combat power...."

Hearing this, Yu Ziyu also stopped in his tracks.

The combat power was lost by 20% to 30%.

This loss is no ordinary horror.

You must know that this is a powerful clan and a civilization that dominates the world.

Such a terrifying force has suffered such huge losses

"Of course, the Wizard Civilization Legion is also uncomfortable."

"Especially in the last battle, the Fallen Angel Legion and the Asura clan all participated in the battle."

"This caused the wizard civilization army to suffer extremely heavy losses."

"This was also the reason why they retreated in the first place."

Chaos Bell Zhenling reported to Yu Ziyu.

During this period, he also praised the Fallen Angel Legion and the Asura clan very much.

This legion and this race live up to their reputation.

"I can understand how powerful the Fallen Angel Legion is."

"The Asura clan?...Very good too."

Yu Ziyu smiled, with an inexplicable look on his face.

In terms of civilization strength alone, his starry sky and world may be far inferior to other civilizations.

Whether it is the foundation or other things, their starry sky is lacking.

But Yu Ziyu, for himself The Fallen Angel Legion is extremely confident

"The Fallen Angel Legion, I dare not say that it is the first legion of Chaos, but it is definitely ranked in the top five, or even the top three."

These words were said by Yu Ziyu.

Nowadays, the biggest problem of the Fallen Angel Legion is the elite route.

This makes Yu Ziyu feel heartbroken every time the Fallen Angel Legion loses one person.

Therefore, Yu Ziyu specially prepared for the Fallen Angel Legion. A lot of back tricks.

For example,"Resurrection!"

This technique seems scary, but in fact the principle is very simple.

It's just because the fallen angel legion and countless fallen angels are reincarnated by the remnants of their souls. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) You only need to keep one The remaining souls can be resurrected.

Therefore, unless the members of the Fallen Angel Legion are completely destroyed physically and mentally, they can be resurrected at a certain cost.

It just takes time to recover.

Moreover, it is worth mentioning that today’s fallen angels Angels are evolving in one direction.

From ten thousand to one.

If the Fallen Angel Legion can really achieve this, then they even have the strength to challenge the Eternal Lord.

From whole to zero.

From From zero to whole.

This is the ultimate evolution of the legion.

Either it takes infinite numbers.

Or it takes the ultimate individual....

And the fallen angels are now the ultimate individuals.

"Come on."

Silently cheering for the Fallen Angel Legion in my heart, Yu Ziyu also followed the Chaos Bell Zhenling to the chaos.

Here, there was an inexplicable aura lingering.

It was depressing and mysterious.

It made it difficult to breathe.

Yu Ziyu picked it up with his fingertips, and there was a wisp of it. Another wisp of black mist lingered.

Looking carefully, the black mist turned into white skeletons one after another, roaring into the air.

"This is the power of the Dark Witch King. The power of despair..."

Yu Ziyu looked at it carefully

"This is a negative force that affects people's hearts. For the Transcendent, it is easy to say that it is just a piece of wood. This is why the Black Witch King has a headache for the Transcendent."

"But if the rest of eternity bumps into the Dark Witch King, they may fall, get lost, or even..."

The Chaos Bell True Spirit hesitated to speak.

But all the fear of the Dark Witch King was hidden in his words.

"I can only say that it is worthy of being a top eternity, it is indeed terrifying."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu also said bluntly:

"To be honest, I don't want to fight against the Dark Witch King. This guy might be able to defeat me."

Yu Ziyu thinks that his methods are extremely weird.

But there is no good way to deal with this kind of negative force.

This is a power rooted in the human heart.

It is estimated that Yu Ziyu will need to use the Chaos Clock to withstand the erosion of this negative force.

But it can withstand the erosion of this negative force. Go back and bear it.

He has no good way, but this one.

Therefore, Yu Ziyu does not want to contact the Black Witch King

"Leave this one to the transcendent."

While speaking softly, Yu Ziyu has already made arrangements.

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