For the Dark Witch King, the Wizard King still has three respects.

Of course, this is purely based on strength.

As far as the two of them are concerned, they still have a lot of grievances.

The King of Wizards, before he attained enlightenment, was his biggest enemy.

In other words, the Dark Witch King at that time covered the sky with only one hand in the wizarding civilization.

One person dominates civilization.

Just a pity.

Under the leadership of the Dark Witch King, the wizard civilization has not become truly powerful.

It was not until this generation of wizard kings came out that wizard civilization reached an unprecedented peak.

The only place the Dark Witch King is suitable for is behind the scenes.

It is only suitable for auxiliary.

Not suitable for leadership.

This is the King of Wizards, the most pertinent evaluation of the Dark Wizard King.

Not long after, a black figure walked out of the wizarding civilization.

That's the Dark Witch King.

He transformed into an old man wearing a black robe.

Looks extremely ordinary.

However, if you look carefully, you can see that he is walking in chaos without any obstruction.

Thousands of chaotic storms seemed to sense something, and they all stayed away from him.

Don't want to get close.

More than that, an indescribable feeling permeated the chaos.

Despair, terror.

Can't explain, unclear.

But it makes thousands of living beings tremble.

And that was clearly the overflow of the Witch King's power.

He is the enemy of thousands of creatures.

It is the study of death, the end of despair.

However, if you pay attention at this time, you will definitely discover a terrifying fact.

And that, surprisingly, was the direction the Black Witch King was headed, which turned out to be the Divine Blood Civilization. this...

All we can say is that everything is already doomed?

In the future that Yu Ziyu saw, the Black Witch King finally descended into the starry sky.

Moreover, Yu Ziyu is not here yet.

Now, Yu Ziyu is not here either.

Just different from the future.

This time, Yu Ziyu left behind the Chaos Clock.

The Beyonder is left behind.

Even if it is the Dark Witch King, it is extremely difficult to break through them.

Yu Ziyu firmly believes in this.

The strength of the Dark Witch King is certainly terrifying.

But those who transcend cannot be underestimated.

However, unlike most top eternities, the transcendent takes the path of physical enlightenment.

A single punch, shattering everything.

It's very direct and straightforward.

For most of eternity, there are unimaginable horrors.

But in the eyes of experts at the same level, it is a bit too simple.

It may become a breakthrough for the transcendent himself.

In other words, the Transcendent may be suppressed by the Dark Witch King.

This is not due to lack of strength.

But there is a gap between the two methods.

At this time, Yu Ziyu didn't know the movements of the Black Witch King.

He is building a teleportation array in the world of the undead.

With his efforts, the outline of a huge teleportation array was continuously outlined.

Countless precious space crystals and cave black stones continue to fall.

The strong power of space continues to gather.

Visible to the naked eye, there are ripples all around.

Together with the space, it began to become unstable.

But this is just the beginning.

What really matters is that the coordinates are engraved

"I not only need to engrave the coordinates of the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth, but also the coordinates of the hunter civilization."

"Only in this way can the three major civilizations communicate with each other."

Yu Ziyu murmured, his eyes flickering uncontrollably.

But he also had his own considerations.

If the coordinates of the two major civilizations were engraved in the teleportation array of the Immortal World, it would go against his original plan.

He had previously I want to use the alliance to expand the strength of the starry sky civilization.

It looks like an alliance, but in fact it is the starry sky that dominates.

Then, in the constant alliance, it will slowly eat away at the other civilizations. Whether it is assimilation or annexation

(ajei). In the end, it is the starry sky that grows.. But now, Yu Ziyu feels that it is necessary to suppress this idea. The Great Sage is very smart. Many things can be understood at a glance. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) Therefore, under the alliance, there is hidden evil intention, Not good. If this guy sees it, it will affect the follow-up

"If I take the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth as the center, and the coordinate centers of many civilizations are the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth, then the Divine Blood will dominate"

"But if I leave the coordinates of other civilizations in the teleportation arrays of many civilizations, it will be hard to say."

In the previous life, there was a noun called: coastal.

Especially after the Blue Star Route was opened, the development of coastal cities was extremely terrifying.

In the same way, if the centers of many teleportation arrays are the divine blood world.

Then in the future, the gods The development of the Blood World must be beyond imagination.

But now, after thinking about it, Yu Ziyu still plans to leave the coordinates of the hunter civilization in the teleportation array.

Now, at a time when major civilizations are in crisis, he is not allowed to think too much In the long run.

If it cannot withstand the attack of the wizard civilization, everything will be in vain.

Therefore, after thinking about it again and again, Yu Ziyu gave up the original plan

"The three major civilizations must establish coordinates"

"As for who can become the center of the alliance, it depends on fate."

Thinking like this, Yu Ziyu also began to set up coordinates.

However, it is worth mentioning that Yu Ziyu has a clear understanding of coordinates, which is different from most eternities.

He uses the starry sky, heaven and earth as the reference system.

Simply put, the starry sky, heaven and earth are the midpoint, Then it radiates in all directions.

For example, the world of the undead is located in the southeast of the starry sky and earth.

The hunter civilization is in the southwest of the starry sky and earth.

This is the coordinate that belongs to Yu Ziyu uniquely.

Only people in the starry sky and earth can distinguish it.

As for other civilizations, Even if you get such coordinates, you still need to find the location of the starry sky and the earth before you can use it.

It's better to get the coordinates as soon as possible.

As the words fell, Yu Ziyu also calmed down.

Time passed slowly, and a thousand years passed in the blink of an eye.

During this period, Yu Ziyu finally completed the preliminary establishment of the Chaos Teleportation Array in the World of the Undead.

"Is it done?"

Not far away, the great sage asked softly.

"It has been initially completed, and we still need to see the details."

Yu Ziyu said bluntly.

However, the next moment, as if he thought of something, Yu Ziyu also added:

"The teleportation array is currently unstable and cannot withstand the transmission of the Eternal Lord."

Listening to Yu Ziyu's words, the great sage also understood.

The Eternal Master is different from other lives.

This kind of life is extremely huge.

Its hugeness is not a huge size.

It is a huge quality.

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