Simply helping the hunter civilization, Void Walker also found a quiet corner.

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"Was the hunter civilization defeated?"

In a daze, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but be astonished.

He didn't expect that the hunter civilization would be defeated so quickly.

According to what he saw when he left, the hunter civilization should be able to sustain it for a long time.

"Could it be that the wizarding civilization sensed something and was speeding up the war?"

Yu Ziyu is suspicious.

Yu Ziyu now has a deeper understanding of the strength of the wizard civilization.

It is very strong.

Really strong.

It definitely has the strength to start a full war with several civilizations.

But if you want to win several civilizations in one go, It is unrealistic for a civilization to win.

Even if it wins, it will definitely be a tragic victory.

Therefore, the wizard civilization mostly advances slowly.

It hopes to win the war at the minimum cost.

But now, the wizard civilization seems to be a little anxious..

They are speeding up the advancement of the war.

And such a choice is destined to pay more price.

Even they cannot afford it.

But why?

Yu Ziyu is puzzled.

At this time, what Yu Ziyu does not know is , in the deepest part of wizard civilization, several figures have gathered

"Is the news confirmed?"


Nodding, a figure wearing a gorgeous wizard robe with handsome features and a complex expression appeared on his face.


Finally, traces of the high-dimensional demon were discovered.

Not sure though.

But this news caused violent shock among the higher-ups of wizard civilization.

It even affects the front lines of many civilized battlefields.

And the reason is also very simple.

If traces of high-dimensional demons are really discovered, then the wizarding civilization will be fully prepared for war.

On all battlefields, we must either advance with all our strength or withdraw our troops.

There is no third option.

Everything they do now is for revenge.

Everything the higher dimensional demons did to them.

They will definitely repay it a hundred times or a thousand times.

Compared with high-dimensional demons, any other civilization is not worthy of being one.

If you can win the Divine Blood Civilization, then win it.

It doesn’t matter if you can’t take it.

Hunter civilization can speed up the advancement appropriately.

See if you can eat it in one bite.

Even the undead civilization, they plan to capture it as soon as possible.

After dealing with these civilizations one by one, their wizard civilization will gather all its forces.

Prepare to enter the dimension where high-dimensional demons live.

Start the dimensional expedition.

Yes, Dimensional Crusade.

Just because the high-dimensional demons are not in the same dimension as them.

Only by opening the dimension can we enter this dimension.

And this is the ultimate plan of the wizard civilization.

It's called: Dimensional Expedition.

Same as Chaos Hunting Expedition.

However, the Chaos Hunting Expedition has lasted for too long and they have accumulated enough strength.

But Dimensional Expedition is different.

In other dimensions, there must be more than just high-dimensional demons.

There may be other lives and even civilizations.

According to the research of some powerful people in the wizarding civilization, they want to start a war with high-dimensional demons.

Just fight all the way through. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Until you reach the end of the dimension.

And that is the dimension where high-dimensional demons live. but...

"For now, we are not prepared enough."

The Black Witch King said coldly.

Although he also wants to hunt high-dimensional demons, he is very aware of the strength of his civilization. He can fight, but the chance of winning is not high.

He still needs to make some preparations.

"This is true."

The Wizard King also admitted this.

However, the next moment, he changed the subject and said:

"It's just that we have been waiting for this day for too long. Countless wizards are waiting for this day."

"We are united, so...I don't want to disappoint them."

The King of Wizards has considered the feelings of most wizards.

If they knew that high-dimensional demons appeared, they would be excited.

And that is what the King of Wizards wants to see.

What is worth mentioning here is that wizard civilization has no regard for high-dimensional demons. The hatred of dimensional demons is imprinted deep in the blood.

The more powerful the wizard, the deeper the hatred towards high-dimensional demons.

As for the reason, it is very simple.

The wizard king who encounters high-dimensional demons is It is a half-step transcendent existence.

It is terrifying to the extreme.

However, although he is powerful, the high-dimensional demon is even more terrifying.

He and the wizard civilization were forced into a desperate situation.

In the end, in order to save the wizard civilization, the wizard king At the cost of his own death, he kept the fire of wizard civilization.

However, before dying, he also did one more thing.

That was to engrave the hatred of wizard civilization for high-dimensional demons deep in his blood.

Everything flowing in his body The creatures with the blood of wizards are all familiar with high-dimensional demons. Their hatred is overwhelming.

The scenes in the past seem to have happened yesterday.

High-dimensional demons regard wizards as ants and ravage, exploit and devour them to their heart's content....

Therefore, high-dimensional demons are a taboo in wizard civilization.

And this is why, after so many epochs, the wizarding civilization still has a deep memory of high-dimensional demons.

The current situation of high-dimensional demons is not certain, but several major civilized battlefields should accelerate their progress as soon as possible.

The King of Wizards ordered again.

He had hinted at it before.

Therefore, on the battlefield of hunter civilization, the wizard army accelerated its advance. (Li Dezhao) Now, he took the initiative to bring it up again.

And this means that some things are already certain.

Speed ​​up the advancement of the civilized battlefield and win as much as possible.

If there are obstacles, the wizard civilization can provide appropriate reinforcements.

However, one thing we must pay attention to is that we must not fall into the quagmire.

If we get stuck in the quagmire, it may affect the plan of the dimensional expedition.

"`Yes, the King of Wizards." responded in unison, and everyone understood.

Even the Black Witch King stood up

"Then I’ll set off and capture other civilizations as soon as possible."

The eyes of the Black Witch King flashed

"Sorry for bothering you."

The wizard king said politely.

Although he is the absolute king of wizard civilization, he is a junior in front of the black wizard king.

Moreover, the black wizard king's strength also deserves three points of courtesy from him.

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