Poison is the most terrifying force in the world.

However, most poisons are useless for eternity.

Just because, all the Eternal Venerables have cultivated the eternal body.

Immortal in heaven and earth.

The most terrifying.

But this should not include the poison of the Lord of Thorns.

She cultivated the poison path.

Even the rules can be eroded.

Yu Ziyu came into contact with her several times, and the branches turned purple.

The roots of the tree also turned purple.

An indescribable force eroded Yu Ziyu.

At that time, Yu Ziyu had already realized that the Lord of Thorns was not easy to mess with.

It's a rose with thorns.

It looks fragrant.

In fact, it hurts.

At this time, his eyes narrowed slightly, and

Yu Ziyu also looked at the figure in front of him.

【Race: Poisonous Thorn. (A kind of thorn that only exists in legends. It can absorb all kinds of poisons and continue to grow. It is born with the law of poison and is the first-class poison in chaos.)

Level: Eternal Realm.

Talent: Ten Thousand Poisons - able to absorb all kinds of poisons...

Poison Devouring - Ability to swallow toxins and continue to grow...

Ability: Ever-changing Poison - Toxins that can constantly change are the most troublesome.

Soul-Eating Poison - a poison that can infect the soul

Looking at it blankly, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but lose consciousness.

It's really a deadly poison.

Covered in poison.


Especially when he saw that the toxin could infect the law, Yu Ziyu even had a headache.

"Even with my laws of time and space, I'm afraid I won't be able to withstand such poison."

The poisonous path is weird.

It is definitely not something that ordinary strong people can imagine.

Although Yu Ziyu is scary, if he is not careful, he will be stabbed.

But, it's okay.

He is cautious.

He can understand everything in advance.

Although he and the Lord of Thorns, They have only fought once.

But Yu Ziyu has looked at the Lord of Thorns from beginning to end. He has also continuously analyzed its power.

Moreover, Yu Ziyu carries time and space on his back and can suppress it from a long distance.

"If it were an eternity who was good at melee combat, he might have suffered from this one."

With a smile in her heart, Yu Ziyu was thinking.

Thinking about how to rob this person of everything.

As a rose with thorns, it is difficult to rob her of everything.

Even Yu Ziyu was not sure because of the so-called plunder. It is nothing more than a thorny rose.

, plundering the source and energy.

But these are full of deadly toxins.

Simply put, if Yu Ziyu plunders, he will inevitably be contaminated with toxins.

Moreover, Yu Ziyu is the one who takes the initiative to contaminate.


"Unless, the Lord of Thorns, takes the initiative to give it to me."

With this in mind, Yu Ziyu also looked at the Lord of Thorns not far away.

However, this woman seemed to have an insight into Yu Ziyu's thoughts.

"What, are you thinking about how to devour me?"

The Lord of Thorns chuckled.

She seemed to have been used to it for a long time.

From her birth to now, there are countless people who have had her thoughts.

This one will not be an exception.


Nodding, Yu Ziyu also said frankly:

"It’s not long since I set foot in eternity, and I need to accumulate knowledge as soon as possible. Only in this way can I have the slightest chance of winning in the next battle."

"Do you even have the slightest chance of winning?"

The Lord of Thorns looked stunned.

She also noticed the key


Yu Ziyu chuckled and immediately added:

"Do you think the reason why Sage and I suddenly attacked you is because we need to prepare before the war and accumulate all the information we can accumulate?"

"I see."

The Lord of Thorns nodded and understood everything.

However, this has nothing to do with her.

For her, Yu Ziyu and the Great Sage are intruders. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

She He wouldn't give it a good look.

However, at this time, Yu Ziyu took the initiative and said:

"Make a condition, no matter what the condition is, I can agree to it"

"But you need to give me a helping hand."

Listening to Yu Ziyu's voice, the Lord of Thorns' eyes flashed


"Do you think it's possible?"

Yu Ziyu's lips curled up slightly:

"Nothing is impossible. If you are not willing, not only you, but also the King of Beasts and even the entire Evergreen Civilization will be buried here."

"But if you choose to cooperate with us, everything will be saved, and you may even go one step further."

Listening quietly, the Lord of Thorns was silent.

What Yu Ziyu said did make sense.

But it is impossible for her to agree now. She would never agree.

Either out of resentment or displeasure.

Now she The Lord of Thorns was extremely resistant to Yu Ziyu.

At this time, Yu Ziyu waved his right hand and opened a passage.

After a moment, a beautiful figure wearing colorful clothes slowly walked out

"Step, step..."

Step after step, colorful divine flowers came.

She looked at Yu Ziyu and then at the Lord of Thorns, obviously understanding everything.

"You guy, it's not nice to treat a girl like this."

"Moreover, the Lord of Thorns is considered to be of the same race as us, both are spirits of vegetation."

Listening to the description of the colorful divine flower, the Lord of Thorns raised his eyebrows.

Only then did he notice the existence of the colorful divine flower.

This turned out to be a divine flower.

A divine tree, a divine flower.

It's a bit interesting.


As if thinking of something, the Lord of Thorns smiled sarcastically:

"I don’t dare to be a member of the same race"

"My husband, I went too far in some places, please forgive me."

Colorful Divine Flower said extremely politely.

"He has also been a little anxious recently. In the past, he would never treat his people like this. With his efforts, the plants and trees in our world all have their own future, and many races have risen."

The colorful divine flower introduced everything about Yu Ziyu to the Lord of Thorns.

Although the Lord of Thorns kept listening, he still looked at Yu Ziyu.

Yu Ziyu knew that this was difficult to do.

It was better to wait.

His thoughts were here. , he also left here and rushed to the direction of the Great Sage.

But at this time, the Great Sage was different from Yu Ziyu.

Where he was, the screams of the King of Beasts kept ringing.

It was extremely sad. The screams make people suspect that this place is a hell on earth.

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