With the power of the Chaos Bell, Yu Ziyu quickly suppressed the Lord of Thorns.

As for the battlefield on the other side, the Great Sage also really exerted his strength after seeing Yu Ziyu's strength.

Relying on several terrifying abilities to seal the King of Beasts

"This is?"

Looking at the box not far away, which turned into a small square, Yu Ziyu looked stunned.

"This is the eight-fold gate seal...Ability to temporarily seal eternity..."

The great sage explained.

Immediately, he looked at the endless evergreen sky and earth.

Without the Lord of Thorns, the entire Evergreen world has changed.

The vegetation has turned yellow and the thorns have withered.

Even countless animals and plants emitted bursts of mourning.

They seemed to sense something, and they all looked desperate.

However, now, neither Yu Ziyu nor the Great Sage has taken action against this world.

Although this is only a small world, it is full of vitality and can be regarded as a treasure.

By all accounts, Yu Ziyu and the Great Sage are here to stay

"How about settling here for now?"

The great sage said

"no problem."

Nodding, Yu Ziyu also agreed.

At this time, he turned to the right


Along with the terrifying roar, a nine-color vortex appeared in the world of 727.

Immediately afterwards,

"Swish, swish, swish..."

"Swish, swish, swish..."

One after another, the sky was broken, and white tigers, emperor crocodiles, and countless creatures emerged from the depths of the Nine Realms.

"I'm waiting to meet the master"

"I'm waiting to meet the master..."

They paid their respects in unison, and many figures were prostrate.


Nodding slightly, Yu Ziyu also said bluntly:

"This is a small world. If you need anything, feel free to plunder it."

Hearing this, Bai Hu took the lead in letting out an excited roar.

"Hahaha, as expected of the master, he has won another world."

As soon as he finished speaking, he was already shouting at the sons of the Tiger Clan, and rushed towards the Evergreen Heaven and Earth.

As for the other races, the Fox Clan and the Rat Clan were not idle either. They came out one after another.

Seeing this scene, everyone The corners of the sage's mouth curled up slightly:

"Do you take good care of your subordinates?"


Nodding, Yu Ziyu explained:

"They have always followed me and are the few existences I care about."

"That's it."

With a sigh, the great sage showed a hint of complexity on his face.

Once upon a time, there was such a group of people under him.

He gave them names.

He gave them grace.

Even more. However, time is not forgiving.

He has not set foot in eternity. After all, they decayed and passed away with the passage of time.

He was left alone, watching quietly.

Therefore, the great sage now likes to walk alone.

Just because he does not want to lose.

He does not want to experience the loss. Pain.

Don’t want to...


With a sigh in his heart, the great sage also turned around.

For him, a living eternity is also very good.

It can be used for research or refining.

So, at this time, he has to go to work.

On the other side, Bai Hu and others were arranged, and Yu Ziyu chose a remote corner in the Evergreen World.

This is an isolated island.

His body manifested and took root here.

In just a moment, the entire island was full of life.

There was endless greenery. Exploded.

Not only that,

"Boom, boom, boom..."

As the earth trembled, Yu Ziyu's tree roots continued to penetrate deep into the depths of the earth.

Yu Ziyu still needs to pay attention to his own world.

Worried that his plunder will affect the foundation of heaven and earth.

But this small world is not his world.

Don't worry too much.

All he has to do is plunder to his heart's content, that's all

"It’s been a long time since I had a full meal."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu controlled the roots of the tree and absorbed everything in this world.

The vitality, the origin.


And this is the essence of Yu Ziyu.

Turn everything in the world into nutrients, even the heaven and earth are Yu Ziyu's nutrients.

And not long after, deep in the island, the shadow of a huge bronze bell stood quietly.

Under the bronze bell, there is a beautiful figure lying.

Her face was pale and her expression was cold.

This is the Lord of Thorns.

She raised her eyes and stared at the figure not far away.

That is a young man.

Like a scholar.

Extremely handsome.

This is Yu Ziyu, and this time, there is no mist covering his face.

In front of the Eternal Lord, such cover-up is undoubtedly funny

"Are you also the spirit of vegetation?"

The Lord of Thorns sensed the key.

She felt Yu Ziyu's majestic vitality and the vast spiritual power that far exceeded the ordinary Eternal Master.

Although their grass and tree spiritual cultivation is difficult and there are even so-called human tribulations, one thing is It is generally recognized.

That is the enlightenment of Cao Mu.

It must be full of foundation.

It is definitely not comparable to ordinary eternity.

To be honest, Cao Mu set foot on eternity, started as the old eternity, and even caught up with the superior eternity.

This is the spirit of their grass and trees. Horrible.

But the thing is...

This guy seems to have achieved enlightenment not long ago, but he is still comparable to the average top eternity. this...

Hum hum..

Smiling, Yu Ziyu also asked:

"Don’t you hate us? We are intruders"

"It's just about the weak and the strong."

The Lord of Thorns seems to understand clearly, and his pale face is full of calmness.

"I see."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu also said bluntly:

"I see that your essence is still there. It seems that the King of Beasts has no idea of ​​​​you?"

"He also needs to have that strength."

The Lord of Thorns smiled and continued:

"What I practice is poison. My whole body is full of poison. If I touch it even slightly, I will be seriously injured...."

"As long as I don't want to, who can make my decision?"

Hearing the words of the Lord of Thorns, Yu Ziyu was slightly startled.

Good guy, it turns out that this woman still has this skill.

No wonder, she didn't dare to have any idea.

In the face of life and death, everything should be cautious.

However, in this case, Yu Ziyu also felt a little bit in trouble.

He was also thinking about this Lord of Thorns.

He originally wanted to rely on the roots and even the branches to rob her of everything.

But now it seems that it is not possible.

If this is plundering, the poison will flow along the branches. , the tree roots came into Yu Ziyu’s body, and the feeling was probably hard to bear.

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