Before leaving, Yu Ziyu needed to make a lot of arrangements.

These are all critical.

It even determines the direction of future civilized wars.

Time flies by like a fleeting breath, and in the blink of an eye it's been a thousand years.

And on this day, Yu Ziyu left.

He bid farewell to the hunter civilization and marched towards the unknown chaos.

But at this moment, Yu Ziyu was also checking the information from the primitive beast.

The message conveyed by the primitive beast to Yu Ziyu not only contained various introductions to the undead civilization.

There are many other civilizations.

Some of these civilizations have long since collapsed.

Some, however, have surrendered to the wizard civilization and become part of it.

For example, Lost Empire.

This is an imperial civilization.

Its inhabitants are all Thorin protozoa.

They are mysterious and huge.

It can swallow everything, and it can evolve in a short time.

Somewhat similar to hunter civilization.

But it is much scarier than Hunter Civilization 18.

Simply because their technology is also highly developed.

Its fleet can carry out indiscriminate orbital bombardment against any civilization.

But such a terrifying civilization was ultimately defeated by the wizard. disappeared into the long river of history

"The wizarding civilization is really suffocating."

While sighing in his heart, Yu Ziyu also noticed a civilization on the technological side.

It's called"Smart Agreement"!

This civilization is extremely technologically advanced.

What dominates the civilization is no longer living beings.

It is the so-called artificial intelligence.

They follow a certain The unknown agreement continues to develop.

This agreement is extremely mysterious.

It is the root of this civilization.

It is said that if someone masters their agreement, they can become the master of this civilization.

But unfortunately, the wizard civilization has fought countless fierce battles with this civilization Years ago, I never learned about this civilization’s agreement.

What’s more, what’s even more frightening is that even a civilization as powerful as the wizards crumbled at the hands of this civilization. They were defeated one after another.

In the end, it was the smart protocol civilization that decided whether the wizard civilization posed a threat. After that, the war stopped.

Of course, that was a long time ago.

At that time, wizard civilization had not yet fully developed.

As for now...

The wizarding civilization has completely grown up.

It has become a top civilization.

They are confident that they will completely defeat the smart protocol civilization.

But unfortunately, they could never find this civilization again.

This civilization, like the wizard civilization, is a wandering civilization.

The so-called wandering civilization is floating around in chaos with no fixed coordinates.

"I didn't expect that there is such a civilization."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu was also surprised.

It seems that the growth of wizard civilization has not been smooth sailing.

On the contrary, they have also been extremely bumpy. They have encountered large and small civilizations, and there have been countless battles.

During this period, there were There were victories and defeats.

However, in the end, they finally completed their transformation and grew into the huge giants they are now.

They were actually able to fight against the four major civilizations with the strength of one civilization.

"What surprised me most was that the ultimate enemy of wizard civilization turned out to be high-dimensional demons."

Amid the sudden murmur, Yu Ziyu's pupils shrank again and again.

According to the information from the primitive beast, the high-dimensional demon is an unimaginably terrifying civilization.

Because of this civilization, the wizard civilization began to wander.

Because of this civilization, the wizard civilization The civilization began its expedition.

They are the ultimate enemies of wizard civilization. They are also the civilization that wizard civilization fears and hates most.

Once, they once pushed wizard civilization into despair. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network! )

If it weren’t for the first wizard king of the wizard civilization, who did not hesitate to sacrifice everything, even most of the creatures of the wizard civilization, their wizard civilization would have disappeared in the long history.

And now, after the wizard civilization has grown up, it has been looking for this civilization..

And it is worth mentioning that the wizard civilization is now constantly declaring war on other civilizations, also in order to strengthen itself.

Then it will increase the confidence to fight a decisive battle with this civilization.

"This high-dimensional demon is indeed terrifying."

Yu Ziyu's eyes narrowed slightly, and he also discovered how outrageous this civilization was.

Although this civilization has a small number of people, they are all top-notch experts.

And what's even more terrifying is that they are in a high-dimensional space.

Dimension, There are low and high dimensions.

Most life is in three-dimensional space.

A small number of lives are in two-dimensional space.

In addition, there are creatures living in four-dimensional or even five-dimensional space.

And four-dimensional space involves time.

From some kind of To a certain extent, Yu Ziyu is also a four-dimensional creature.

Even more terrifying.

But these high-dimensional demons were born in higher dimensions. They are immortal and immortal.

Even if they appear occasionally, they come in the form of projections.

Therefore, we start a war of civilization with them. It is impossible to win the war.

Even their true bodies cannot be found, so there is no way to kill them.

And these high-dimensional demons look at all civilizations of chaos from a bird's-eye perspective.

For them, all civilizations , it’s just food.

When you are hungry, you will project yourself into Chaos.

Then you will hunt down all civilizations.

From this, you can imagine how terrifying this civilization is.

How 823 and so on are suffocating.

It is no wonder that the wizard civilization failed miserably.

He even regards him as his eternal enemy.

"The only way to defeat the high-dimensional demon is to open the entrance to the dimension and go to the high-dimensional world"

"But the laws, power, and everything else in the high-dimensional world are different from those in the low-dimensional world, and it is impossible for ordinary life to adapt"

"Even if the Eternal Lord can adapt, it will be difficult to defeat them in the high-dimensional world where high-dimensional demons live."


While muttering, Yu Ziyu also understood the horror of this civilization.

Fortunately, what they encountered was a wizard civilization, not a high-dimensional demon.

The wizarding civilization is at least in the same dimension as them.

There are ways to overcome.

But to be honest, even Yu Ziyu felt overwhelmed listening to this high-dimensional demon.

This kind of civilization is definitely not something they can match now.

Of course, this does not mean that high-dimensional demons are much stronger than wizard civilization.

As it stands now, the wizarding civilization is confident enough to fight high-dimensional demons.

This shows that the power of high-dimensional demons also has limits.

But the problem is that high-dimensional demons are a little trickier.

If we cannot solve the mystery of the dimension and open the door to the dimension, it is difficult to see the possibility of victory..

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