During this period of time, Yu Ziyu has been holding dragon clan ceremonies.

He ordered countless geniuses from the Dragon Clan to gather together.

Just to choose a good body for the White Dragon Emperor and the Red Dragon Emperor.

It looks good so far.

Both the White Dragon Emperor and the Red Dragon Emperor have several satisfactory bodies.

But this is not enough.

This is their only chance.

Must pursue perfection.

The more perfect the body, the better.

Moreover, they also discovered that the dragon bloodline in this world was extremely pure.

Better than they imagined. so

"If only I could find a perfect body...Maybe we will have a chance to return to the top, or even go one step further."

The Crimson Emperor's eyes flickered, looking greedily at the geniuses of the Dragon Clan one after another.

Not only him, even the White Dragon Emperor, who had a"980" and aloof character, also had eyes flickering.

He also took a fancy to a body.

But, right here. At this moment, he seemed to have discovered something, and he suddenly said softly:

"Who is that?"

Looking for the White Dragon Emperor, Yu Ziyu also saw a figure in the purple dragon body.

He was dressed in pure white. His face was extremely handsome.

Not only that, there was a circle of Buddha's light behind him.

He looked extremely sacred.

"This is the Third Prince of Jade Dragon - Xiao Bailong, who was once one of the Five Journey to the West. He turned into a white horse and carried Tang Sanzang"

"Then his merits and virtues will be perfected and he will become the Eight-part Heavenly Dragon Guangli Bodhisattva of Buddhism!"

Besides, Yu Ziyu introduced.

He knows all these talented people. They have already introduced themselves in front of him.

"He has golden scales all over his body, silver whiskers under his chin, auspicious aura all over his body, and auspicious clouds in his four claws!! Not bad."

The White Dragon Emperor praised

"Then do you need to occupy his body?"

Yu Ziyu smiled and said bluntly.

Little White Dragon has the blessing of merit and virtue, and his bloodline has been baptized many times.

It is extremely pure.

It is indeed very suitable.

"He is good."

The White Dragon Emperor said calmly.

"okay, I get it."

The corner of his mouth curled up slightly. Yu Ziyu's purple dragon body also understood that the White Dragon Emperor was interested in this body.

However, after all, the little white dragon is in the Golden Immortal realm.

It is really not easy to capture it.

Especially since he has Buddhist merit body protection

"It looks like it takes some effort."

Yu Ziyu's purple dragon body sighed.

Then, he looked at the Red Dragon Emperor beside him.

"how do you say?"

"I also can."

The Red Dragon Emperor doesn't seem to care much about his body.

After thinking about it, Yu Ziyu can understand.

The Red Dragon Emperor follows the path of body refining. He has various ways to develop his body.

Give him a slightly suitable body, and That's enough.


"In that case, I will start making arrangements."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu's purple dragon body also began his arrangements.

Time passed slowly, and a hundred years passed in the blink of an eye.

During this period, the Dragon Clan had seven great geniuses rising up.

They were all absorbed by the Void Purple Dragon. In order to register the disciples.

Among them, they include the Third Prince of Yulong and the Red Flame Dragon Lord. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Not only that, Yu Ziyu’s purple dragon body also bestowed these seven geniuses with precious treasures.

However, only the strong men in the starry sky can understand what kind of treasure Yu Ziyu has bestowed.

The rest of the treasures are easy to say.

But among them, two of them are actually the imperial weapons that make Eternity's heart beat.

One is naturally the White Dragon Emperor. A.

The other is the Claw of the Crimson Dragon.

With the blessing of these two imperial weapons, the seemingly ordinary Third Prince Jade Dragon and the Crimson Flame Dragon Lord have skyrocketed in combat power.

Not to mention fighting beyond the level.

Even more so. They once challenged Daluo Jinxian.

That was a figure several levels beyond them.

But now...

They couldn't believe it.

I can't believe that there is such a treasure in the world.

However, what they didn't notice was that when they activated these two treasures, the blood essence and even the power of the soul were constantly flowing away.

There were even some scales growing on his body.

These scales are dragon scales.

But it doesn't belong to them.

They asked about Yu Ziyu’s purple dragon body.

Yu Ziyu’s Purple Dragon Body explains:

"This is bloodline atavism, which means that the ancient bloodline sleeping in your body has awakened.........."

Regarding this, the Third Prince Jade Dragon and the Red Flame Dragon Lord were dubious.

But this is what Yu Ziyu's Purple Dragon Body said personally.

Even if they don't believe it, they don't dare to question it.

This is the Purple Dragon Emperor.

A legendary existence.

He dares to call Banzhen Yuanzi, and even exists on the same level as the ancestor of their dragon clan - Ancestral Dragon.

And just like this, the White Dragon Emperor and the Red Dragon Emperor also began to erode their bodies.

Wait until the Third Prince Jade Dragon and Red Flame Dragon Lord react.

It's too late.

Therefore, all Yu Ziyu's purple dragon body needs to do now is wait.

Wait silently.

Until the White Dragon Emperor and the Red Dragon Emperor return to the world.

At this moment, the Hunter Civilization and Yu Ziyu also initially successfully built the Chaos Teleportation Array.

The huge teleportation array is like a huge galaxy.

During the continuous rotation, there are various colors of light flowing.

What is even more terrifying is that the infinite power of space gathers

"If this chaotic teleportation array is activated, a huge portal will rise."

Yu Ziyu said bluntly

"At that time, we can legend each other's legions and support each other."

Blade Eternal said in a condensed voice.


Nodding, Yu Ziyu changed the subject:

"However, the teleportation array is only 1.4 seconds old and cannot be activated yet. I need to return to the starry sky civilization to complete the final docking."

"If it is completed, our two major civilizations will be able to communicate with each other...."

Listening quietly, Blade Eternal also understood.

Everything has to wait for Yu Ziyu to return to Starry Sky Civilization.

However, at this moment, Blade Eternal also raised his eyebrows as if he thought of something.

"So, you plan to leave?"


Yu Ziyu grinned and continued:

"I have left a clone of Void Walker here. You can discuss anything with him."

"By the way, the wizarding civilization has a lot of contact with my clone, the Void Walker...."

"If necessary, you can kill my clone, and then civilize the wizards and believe that the Void Walker is absolutely neutral."...

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