The ancestral dragon and the supreme being of the dragon clan.

In itself, it is the god and demon of chaos.

Later, it spread its branches and leaves, and became the famous Dragon Clan today.

It is said that all the dragon clans in Chaos come from the ancient times.

This is the hometown and source of thousands of dragon clans.

And now, the head of this legendary existence is in front of Yu Ziyu's Void Purple Dragon.

Obviously their cultivation levels are almost the same.

But for some reason, Yu Ziyu's purple dragon body felt a slight chill.

A trembling feeling coming from the depths of the blood, one can't help but be shocked.

Fear, timidity.

Or something else.

I don’t know about Yu Ziyu’s purple dragon body in the void.

But he knew something.

That was the head in front of him, which was extremely important to him.

It is very likely related to his enlightenment.

As for why he was able to attain enlightenment?

The body of the purple dragon in the void doesn't understand either.

Just an inexplicable feeling.

It was as if a voice from somewhere was telling him.

Tell him:"Promise, prove..."

"It's the remaining will of the ancestral dragon."

The body of the purple dragon in the void sensed the key.

863 The original ancestral dragon was aware of the catastrophe of the dragon clan.

It was willing to fall and complete the way of heaven, which was a blessing to the dragon clan.

But it must have some obsessions remaining.

And this obsession is in The head in front of him affected Yu Ziyu even more

"It's really scary."

With a sigh, the Void Purple Dragon's eyes narrowed slightly.

He was thinking about how to make good use of this head.

At this time, the Dragon King of the East China Sea Dragon Palace suddenly stepped forward and said:

"Sir, the only thing left under our ancestral dragon crown is this head."

"Leave everything to you"

"I just ask you to leave some face for Zu Longmian."

The Dragon King of the East China Sea is very smart and speaks tactfully.

He understands that the head of the ancestral dragon is of great use to the body of the purple dragon in the void.

But after all, it is the remains of the ancestral dragon.

It must be respected.


Nodding, the Void Purple Dragon also said bluntly:

"I don't plan to refine the skull, so I'll keep it for now."

As he said that, Yu Ziyu's purple dragon body turned around.

He went to the treasure house of the East China Sea Dragon Palace.

(bgbc) can only say that it is indeed a treasure house of the Dragon Clan.

There are really countless treasures.

All kinds of spiritual treasures are dazzling to see. but...

"Are the real treasures gone?"

Yu Ziyu's purple dragon body sighed.

"Sir, over the years, many powerful people have come to the Dragon Palace to borrow"

The Dragon King of the East China Sea is extremely bitter

"Since it is a borrowed treasure, it is natural to return it."

With a cold snort, Yu Ziyu's purple dragon body looked at the Dragon King not far away.

Seeing this, the Dragon King's body trembled.

An inexplicable pressure surged in, making his body tremble.

There was no hesitation, and he didn't even dare. Hesitating.

The Dragon King immediately took out the list he had prepared.

On the list, there were countless immortals and minor gods.

For example, when did the Bull Demon King borrow the water-avoiding beads.

When did the Monkey King borrow the Dinghai Divine Needle.

There is also the Barefoot Immortal and the Third Prince Nezha...

Almost all famous people from ancient times have been here


With a cold snort, Yu Ziyu's purple dragon body also smiled.

Is this the prehistoric dragon clan?

If the group of dragon kings in the starry sky and the Dragon Emperor knew about this, I am afraid that they would have the intention to kill the gods and Buddhas all over the sky.

However, It's okay for them to know.

After all, those guys in Xingkong are not strong enough to kill them.

What's really scary is that there was an era.

It was called the Dragon Era.

In that era, giant dragons, true dragons, and tyrants Dragon, Tianlong...Various dragon clans are springing up like bamboo shoots after a rain.

There are countless powerful ones.

There are three Eternal Lords alone. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The number of high-level masters under his command is beyond imagination.

And that era was the most brilliant era for the Dragon Clan.

It is also the most terrifying era for the Dragon Clan.

If the Dragon Clan of this era were to know that the origin of the Dragon Clan, the Prehistoric Dragon Clan, had declined to this point, even if it was...

With a smile in her heart, Yu Ziyu's purple dragon body also planned to leave.

He wants to conquer the dragon clan from all over the world.

Naturally, he needs to go out and shock the crowd.

By the way, collect various treasures.

Many spiritual treasures from the ancient times were of great use to him, but at this moment, as if he thought of something, Yu Ziyu's purple dragon body suddenly waved his right hand.


With a terrifying roar, a piece of extremely white armor suddenly appeared in front of Yu Ziyu's purple dragon body.

This is the imperial weapon of the Dragon Clan.

Very famous.

The full name is:"White Dragon Emperor Armor""!

It is said that deep inside this piece of armor sleeps an extremely ancient soul.

And how terrifying is this imperial weapon?

Wearing this armor is not only indestructible.

It is able to repeatedly cut down everything on the enemy.

Physical defense, strength, and speed.

In addition to this, it absorbs the enemy's reduced power, speed, and defense.

Simply put, when wearing this armor, the enemy will become weaker as the battle progresses.

Looking back at yourself, it will be even more terrifying.

And this is the White Dragon Emperor Armor.

In addition to this piece of armor, not far from Yu Ziyu's purple dragon body, there is another red dragon claw.

This is the claw of the red dragon.

If we say, the White Dragon Emperor Armor has repeatedly weakened the enemy.

Then the Red Dragon's Claw is to strengthen itself again and again and constantly break the limits.

He is also able to control the immortal dragon flames and burn himself.

And there is another extremely scary thing about these two imperial weapons.

"If the sleeping remnant souls of these two imperial weapons are awakened,...Then the legendary Red Dragon Emperor and White Dragon Emperor will wake up."

The Red Dragon Emperor and the White Dragon Emperor.

They come from the most splendid Dragon Era.

Both are existences no less than the ancestral dragons.

Both are half-step eternity.

They are the strongest under eternity.

If they hadn't been fighting each other. , affected all living beings, making the legendary dragon clan eternally angry, and sealed them into the imperial soldiers. I am afraid that even Yu Ziyu did not know the legend of these two people.

However, over a long period of time, their souls have been weakened again and again.

Until now, they are just The remnant souls could not survive several revivals.

Therefore, Yu Ziyu did not wake them up.

Instead, he continued to nourish them through the roots of the tree.

But now, it is time to wake them up.

"Occupy the bodies of two descendants of the dragon clan, come here with a new attitude, and become the protector of my dragon clan."

Yu Ziyu's purple dragon body murmured.

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