Consciousness came for a moment and then disappeared in an instant.

But Yu Ziyu has already obtained everything he wants.

"The civilization of the undead."

In a daze, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but lose consciousness.

However, the next moment he seemed to have thought of something, and Yu Ziyu also frowned.

"Primordial beast, what to do?"

At the last moment, the eternal wizard from the wizard civilization suddenly arrived and interrupted the ceremony.

This incident alarmed the eternal wizard. It's hard to say when you think about it.

I felt helpless. Yu Ziyu was also a little worried about the primitive beast.

"Do not worry."

The five-colored divine flower comforted her:

"Since the primitive beast does this, there is a certain degree of certainty"

"Don't forget, he is a combination of a golden ant and a purple sickle. These two little guys are both delicate and extremely smart."

Listening quietly, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but be silent.

This is true.

Purple Sickle and Golden Ant are both smart.

I think the primitive beast is not bad.

He should have a way to deal with it.

Moreover, Yu Ziyu thought of the expression of the primitive beast at that time.

Come to think of it. , he must have expected it.

At this time, the primitive beast of chaos near the wizard civilization was kneeling on one knee to apologize.

"Please forgive me, Your Majesty!"

"You are doing this knowingly."

The majestic voice resounded through the sky, and the extremely hot summer also had complicated eyes.

She knew this little guy.

He has been very famous recently. He is also extremely thirsty for power.

But he has actually embarked on this path.

But, to be honest, It’s not a big problem.

Just summon the foreign gods.

For a while, their wizard civilization liked to summon the foreign gods, and then trace the source and kill the gods.

Only recently due to some circumstances, they banned the summoning of the foreign gods.

And there is one thing, this guy The summoned alien god is not simple.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and raised his eyes to look at the vast chaos.

The fleeting aura was majestic and terrifying.

Mysterious and mysterious.

It made people shudder.

To You know, she is an existence in the middle of eternity. She also controls the ultimate blazing, and is best at attacking.

But even she feels palpitations.

One can imagine what kind of existence this person is.

"Another unpredictable alien god."

While sighing in his heart, Extremely Hot Xia looked at the primitive beast not far away.

He knelt on one knee with a sincere expression.

"Go to the trial court and plead guilty."

Extremely Hot Xia ordered

"Yes, my lord."

In response, the primitive beast also smiled in his heart.

The trial court is the trial institution of wizard civilization.

Going here means that you are safe.

The only thing he is really worried about is that he will be taken to see the Black Witch King by Extremely Hot Summer. And the King of Wizards.

These two are unfathomable and the most terrifying. They may not be able to tell anything.

So, he is particularly afraid.

As for the others, he is really fearless.

And, there is one more thing.

That is his current lover. The family's power is huge, so they should protect him

"Lover, this is really a headache."

The primitive beast was a little bit sad.

He still has a headache about his so-called lover.

He originally just used this one.

But he didn't expect...Love grows over time.

Moreover, the primitive beast also took great care of her and eliminated many dissidents for her, allowing her to rise smoothly all the way to the top.

But now, what should we do?

To be honest, the original beast didn't know.

In this regard, both Purple Sickle and Golden Ant are completely blank.

"It's a pity that the owner is not here, otherwise you can ask something."

Muttering in his heart, the primitive beast rushed to the trial.

At the same time, Yu Ziyu was also sorting out the information given by the primitive beast.

He gave a lot of information.

It seems that he has put in considerable efforts over the years.. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"civilization of the undead...A very terrible civilization"

"There are five undead kings...They rule the entire undead civilization"

"It's so terrifying that even the wizarding civilization is in a bitter battle."

While muttering, Yu Ziyu also knew that this might be a top-level civilization.

Even the wizard civilization was in a hard fight.

Of course, this was also the reason why the wizard civilization was deliberately hidden.

The wizard civilization was very scary.

It was low-key and mysterious.

It is even more hidden.

That is, only if Yu Ziyu can trace the origins can he investigate the reality of this civilization clearly.

As for other civilizations, it is not easy to see the tip of the iceberg.

"And this distance..."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu also knew that he would have to travel a long distance again.

The civilization of the undead is extremely remote.

Specifically, how far is it?

If chaos is centered on starry sky civilization, then the entire chaos can be divided into southeast, northwest and northwest.

Hunter civilization, in southern Chaos.

The undead civilization is in the northern chaos.

The distance between the two is even further than when Yu Ziyu traveled back and forth between the starry sky civilization and the hunter civilization.

Fortunately, I know the coordinates of chaos.

With coordinates, no matter how far away it is, it doesn't matter. so,

".Deal with everything about the hunter civilization as soon as possible, and then rush to the undead civilization."

Thinking about this, Yu Ziyu also made up his mind.

At the same time, the world of prehistoric times.

The entire Dragon Clan also underwent earth-shaking changes due to the arrival of the Void Purple Dragon.

Its status was getting higher day by day.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The continuous roar resounded throughout the world

"Yin, Yin..."

"Yin, Yin..."

With dragon roars one after another, the East China Sea exploded violently, and a white true dragon (Zhao's) rose into the sky.

"My God, the seventh prince of the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea has set foot in the Golden Immortal."

"Is this dragon clan so crazy lately? Are there people going through tribulation every day?"

"Not only that, even Heaven and the Dragon Clan don’t care anymore"

"real or fake?"

"A few days ago, Heaven came to announce the decree, and then that person almost didn’t come back alive."

"Oh my God, is the Dragon Clan rebelling?"

"No, the Dragon Clan’s backer is back."

After a series of discussions, countless people were shocked by the changes in the Dragon Clan.

At this time, deep in the Dragon Palace, Yu Ziyu's Void Purple Dragon sat on the dragon chair.

He thought he came to Honghuang just to suppress the situation.

But he didn't expect it. , came to the prehistoric era, and also had his good fortune

"This is the skull left by Zulong."

In a daze, Yu Ziyu's purple dragon body looked not far away.

There, there was a golden head, as huge as a hill.

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