Lord of mechanical gears.

Yu Ziyu is very curious about this person

"Is this one very strong?"

Yu Ziyu asked

"Not generally powerful."

Blade Eternity sighed.

Then, he told the horror of this one.

This master of mechanical gears can materialize countless gears.

These gears are of different colors, but each has its own power.

For example, a black gear can Corrodes everything.

No matter how much life is, if it touches this black gear, its mind will be affected.

As for the white gear, it can turn inanimate objects into life and give meaning to existence.

The eternal blade is scary.

But he once almost escaped He became the puppet of the Lord of Mechanical Gears.

At that time, he was surrounded by the gears of the Lord of Mechanical Gears.

As the countless gears rotated, they seemed to be embedded in the depths of his soul.

Blade Eternal has no doubt that if he takes a step slower, At this moment, he has become the puppet of the Lord of Mechanical Gears.

"Not only that, its gears are indestructible and can both attack and defend."

"He is the most difficult Eternal Lord I have ever seen."

Speaking of this, Daofeng Yongheng took a deep look at Yu Ziyu and sighed:

"You are the weirdest eternity I have ever seen..303."

"That's it."

While muttering, Yu Ziyu also narrowed his eyes slightly.

I have also seen the eternal power of the blade.

It is very good.

That sharp blade can cut off everything.

But I never thought that I would almost fall into the hands of this master of mechanical gears. In his hand.

However, Yu Ziyu was not worried.

He knew his own strength very well.

In a head-to-head encounter, he was still weak.

But how could he, who was burdened with the laws of time and space, face a head-on confrontation?

This time, in order to show his sincerity, he did it many times Take action

"Facts have proved that I am not inferior to others even when faced head-on."

Yu Ziyu was very happy about this.

He tested his own strength once again.

Before, he had not gone to the outside world to see. He did not know his own strength.

Although he had collided with the mutant civilization many times.

But the mutant civilization , how should I put it?

As the first external civilization he encountered, his mood when he encountered it was different.

At that time, he could only focus on calculating the mutant civilization.

How could he have the mind to verify (bbde) his own strength.

But now , he came to the hunting civilization.

What he wanted was an alliance.

But he had time to verify his own strength.

Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, most of the day had passed.

After Yu Ziyu learned about the master of mechanical gears, he realized a terrifying eternity..

This person has an extremely strange appearance. He looks like a clown. But he has a strange handkerchief.

According to Blade Eternal, this person's handkerchief can turn any living thing into a toy when opened.

"It should be more of a curse, very weird."

Yu Ziyu murmured, also remembering this eternity in his heart.

However, Yu Ziyu really didn't care about these weird eternities.

In front of his eyes, all weirdness disappeared. No more weird existence. , Yu Ziyu can also point directly to the source.

Peep into its essence.

And these weird methods and magical powers will lose their mystery and their power will be greatly reduced. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

So , grinning, Yu Ziyu also said frankly:

"To be honest, the wizard civilization that is at war with you is very easy for our starry sky civilization to deal with."

"It's just a unilateral attack on you."

Hearing this, the queen also looked helpless.

"And this is the gap. Even if we know they are targeting us, we are powerless"


Nodding, Blade Eternal also said frankly.

Now, the reverse species has also arrived. The attitude of our hunter civilization is very clear.

"we don't mind alliances"

"But how to form alliances? In other words, how should you join forces with us to deal with the wizarding civilization?"

Listening quietly, Yu Ziyu also heard what they meant.

"You know, Chaos is extremely vast. If I hadn’t taken the initiative to find it, I believe I wouldn’t have known about the existence of your hunter civilization in countless years."

"The wizard civilization started wars with multiple civilizations because of this."

"They know very well that the chance of contact between these civilizations is zero, which means that the possibility of joining forces is very low."

"And, more importantly, even if two civilizations want to join forces, it is almost impossible"

"The journey is long, and even if we travel forever, it will take an extremely long time."

Hearing this, the Queen and Blade Eternal nodded:


"Therefore, we are not sure how you can ally with us."

The blade is eternal, the eyes are shining.

There seems to be expectation

"So, here I am."

Grinning, Yu Ziyu's eyes flashed


There was a sudden roar, and there were transparent diamond shapes shining deep in his eyes.

This is the embodiment of space power.

To be more precise, it is the heart of space.

And the moment the Heart of Space appeared, the world with Yu Ziyu as the center suddenly rippled.

The ripples spread extremely quickly.

It even affected most of the world.

Even Blade Eternal and the Queen couldn't help but be shocked.

"This is?"

"Space is space fluctuation..."

The continuous words, the eternal blade, and the queen's eyes looking at Yu Ziyu were all complicated.

They had already guessed about the laws that Yu Ziyu carried. but now...

"That's right, I'm carrying the laws of space"

"He is an extremely rare space lord."

Said, Yu Ziyu also said bluntly

,"So, I can build a chaos teleportation array between the two civilizations to tighten the distance between them.

"Let the boundless chaos turn into a chaotic village and a chaotic city..."

"In this way, we can support each other and cooperate with each other,"

"Then snipe the wizard civilization together."

Listening quietly, the Queen and Blade Eternal couldn't help but fell silent.

Their eyes flickered. They were extremely shocked.

Not only them, but also the eyes of the reverse species looking at Yu Ziyu were different.

Establish the legendary formation.

Tighten it up. The distance between two major civilizations.

If this is true, then everything Yu Ziyu said can become a reality.

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